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89th Academy Awards Thread- Page 9

89th Academy Awards Thread

Fergalicious Profile Photo
#20089th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/27/17 at 7:59pm

Karma for what. What exactly did Faye Dunaway do to you. Did she crap on your Corn Flakes. Gimme a friggin break...

javero Profile Photo
#20189th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/27/17 at 8:01pm

I tried watching Moonlight earlier today but fell asleep 10 min in.  I'll give it another shot tomorrow.

For those of you who are fans of Moonlight, I encourage you to checkout Pariah by director Dee Rees.  It's a hidden gem in the LGBTQ space.

Pariah (2001)

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#20289th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/27/17 at 8:09pm

She's notorious for being a nasty psycho bitch diva.  I worked at one of the theatres for her tour of Master Class and we were forwarned of her first night debacles in each city prior to ours.  Sure enough, the first night she delayed the curtain an hour and a half and people were demanding refunds in droves.  Luckily, we expected it, so we had box office staff at the ready.  Her terrible performance didn't help matters.  I left at intermission.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#20389th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/27/17 at 8:27pm

Funny how last night's result is the biggest shock since 2005, when "Crash" won over "Brokeback Mountain" - which arguably lost for being too gay. 

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#20489th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/27/17 at 8:47pm

I have been around Faye Dunaway several times over the years and in each setting couldn't have been nicer.  The real ass in this,in my opinion, is Beatty.  He purposely threw her under the bus, letting her take the fall for announcing the wrong name.  He could have prevented most of this by simply stating "there is something wrong with the envelope".  That is what Aisha Tyler (The Talk) did at the Daytime Emmys, when she discovered they were given the wrong envelope.

Updated On: 2/27/17 at 08:47 PM

#20589th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/27/17 at 8:47pm

double post

Updated On: 2/27/17 at 08:47 PM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#20689th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/27/17 at 10:44pm

i agree Jess

Jessica Chastain ?@jes_chastain

I'm also very sad for the MOONLIGHT crew. I wish that they had the full experience of winning best pic without the awkwardness of it all.

Agree with this too Hurowitz- grace under fire.

12:33 AM - 27 Feb 2017

Randi Mayem Singer ?@rmayemsinger

If there's one thing that's truly American, it's our peaceful transfer of power from one #BestPicture winner to another. #Oscars

12:30 AM - 27 Feb 2017

But this is it- same as Jess's comment.

The unbelievable chaos of this mishap overshadowed Moonlight director Barry Jenkins’ crowning moment.

If you missed it, things got awkward Sunday night when La La Land was accidently named as the winner of Best Picture by Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway. Turns out, the winner was actually Moonlight, and the world only realized once the moviemakers were painfully far into their acceptance speeches.


altho the academy stopped using the phrase "and the winner goes to.." 

that's what it is winners and losers. BUT certainly in the entertainment  award field only the winners and their responses are seen. ( look how quick the cutaway is in those lil screen) nobody got to see the despair of the unchosen the inadequate the losers. But here we did  we saw them go from the highest of elation to shock and disappointment and had the grace to remove themselves even when the Moonlight producer lady wanted to make nice. And for showing us the fall  in all its warts, the Network( u mean to tell me the booth was unaware of what was happening and did NOT go to commercial?) & PwC  have much to answer for. Moonlights joy has a flip side and we sadly. got to see it.


javero Profile Photo
#20789th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/27/17 at 11:46pm

It just occurred to me that Brad Pitt's production company, Plan B entertainment, is credited with co-producing three Best Picture awardees, e.g. , The Departed, 12 Years a Slave, and Moonlight.  Pretty impressive track record considering that the company was founded only 15 years ago.  Seems they have a Dick Cheney biopic in development.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Fergalicious Profile Photo
#20889th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 12:17am

What a bunch of fright drama queens...Moonlight win Best Picture...a mistake happened...**** goes on...these people want to continue dragging on this b.s. that at the end of the day amounts to absolutely nothing. 

This world has got their priorities fvcked up if they are stressing out over this sh!t...

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#20989th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 12:23am

It's pop culture. The world has always had our priorities f'd up

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
Updated On: 2/28/17 at 12:23 AM

hork Profile Photo
#21089th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 12:51am

ArtMan said: "I have been around Faye Dunaway several times over the years and in each setting couldn't have been nicer.  The real ass in this,in my opinion, is Beatty.  He purposely threw her under the bus, letting her take the fall for announcing the wrong name.  He could have prevented most of this by simply stating "there is something wrong with the envelope".  That is what Aisha Tyler (The Talk) did at the Daytime Emmys, when she discovered they were given the wrong envelope.


He was clearly just showing it to her because he was confused and didn't know what to do. He couldn't have known she'd just blurt out the title.

The only one at fault here is the PWC accountant who gave him the wrong envelope and then for some reason didn't jump in immediately when the wrong name was called.

But it's a good thing it was for Best Picture. If it had been an individual achievement award it would have been way more awkward and heartbreaking.


#21189th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 7:55am

Then he should have said to her " I'm confused and don't know what to do".  Didn't know she would blurt out the title?  They were there for that announce the winner.  He hands over the envelope to her without saying a word.  You are really reaching here..

Petralicious Profile Photo
#21289th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 8:18am

I think the flub was the best thing that could have happened.  People are still talking about it instead of what the story would have been about.  The boycotts by the Trump Supoorters and those suffering from Poliitcal Speech Fatique that led to near record low ratings. This is what the Academy should really be worrying about. 

After the flub, Oscars ratings flirt with record low ratings

Preliminary national ratings, adjusted for time zones across the country, revealed 32.9 million viewers tuned in Sunday night to the nearly four-hour ceremony on ABC, hosted for the first time by the network's late-night host Jimmy Kimmel. That's just a shade above the record-low turnout of 32 million logged in 2008, in the middle of a writers' strike that crippled Hollywood. Last year's telecast claimed 34.4, when Chris Rock hosted and Spotlight won best picture, but the show more typically draws closer to 40 million, according to Nielsen.

When They Go Low, I Go High

Fergalicious Profile Photo
#21389th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 9:59am

Oh great! So The Academy telecast and Donald Frump have something in common:

Their ratings are low.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#21489th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 11:03am

As usual, it comes down to a horny guy

The bean counter who handed Oscars presenter Warren Beatty the wrong winner’s envelope Sunday night was busy tweeting snapshots of actors backstage just before he set in motion the biggest blunder in the awards show’s history.

Brian Cullinan, a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, which handles the Oscars voting, giddily posted a photo of “La La Land’’ star Emma Stone just three minutes before giving Beatty what was supposed to be the envelope containing the name of the Best Picture.


89th Academy Awards Thread

When They Go Low, I Go High

Fergalicious Profile Photo
#21589th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 11:23am

I see that he takes after our revered President. Instead of focusing on the job at hand he's busy posting and tweeting up a SH*T storm.

Ain't America grand? 

I tell ya...


hork Profile Photo
#21689th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 11:44am

ArtMan said: "Then he should have said to her " I'm confused and don't know what to do".  Didn't know she would blurt out the title?  They were there for that announce the winner.  He hands over the envelope to her without saying a word.  You are really reaching here..

The envelope that said "Emma Stone" on it? I mean, yeah, maybe it crossed his mind that she might not see that name, who knows? But she was grabbing for it, and he's old and he was on the spot with millions of people watching, and he's not a man who likes to talk to begin with, so simply giving it to her seems the natural thing for him to do. To say he's an ass who threw her under the bus is a bit extreme.


#21789th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 12:53pm

Fergalicious said: "Karma for what. What exactly did Faye Dunaway do to you. Did she crap on your Corn Flakes. Gimme a friggin break..."


I'd like to crap on your Corn Flakes, you stinking troll.

I wish you would give all of us a break. I imagine the board would be fine without your rambling posts and political pot stirring under your fake name. 

Fergalicious Profile Photo
#21889th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 1:25pm

10086sunset said: "Fergalicious said: "Karma for what. What exactly did Faye Dunaway do to you. Did she crap on your Corn Flakes. Gimme a friggin break..."


I'd like to crap on your Corn Flakes, you stinking troll.

I wish you would give all of us a break. I imagine the board would be fine without your rambling posts and political pot stirring under your fake name. 


Girl watch me as I give 0 count them....ZERO FUX. 

Bye Felicia. 

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#21989th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 1:39pm

Fergalicious, why are you so amped all the time? Relax a little.

#22089th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 1:44pm

watch me as I give 0 count them....ZERO FUX. 

Bye Felicia.


Go home, Carlos. You are drunks 

Mother to Petra and Anezka. Am evil like Petra

Theater_Nerd Profile Photo
#22189th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 2:14pm

Sorry posted on the wrong thread.

You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable
Updated On: 2/28/17 at 02:14 PM

Fergalicious Profile Photo
#22289th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 2:19pm

Magdalicious said: "watch me as I give 0 count them....ZERO FUX. 

Bye Felicia.


Go home, Carlos. You are drunks 


Who THE FUQ is Carlos?!?!?

You got the wrong queen, bItch. I am not to be played wit. You got the wrong one hunny. You don't want to come for me insinuating all kinds of crazy SH*T and expect to get away with it. Keep your little guessing games to yourself and relegate it to private messages because I truly give ZERO FUX.

Chew on that. 


CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#22389th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 2:34pm

You guys are attributing another troll to yours truly? There is absolutely no imagination in this place! You guys are ridiculous. 


SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#22489th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 2/28/17 at 2:44pm

The ten proceeding posts were all by trolls.  Trolls trolling trolls.

How are you, Carlos?
