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89th Academy Awards Thread- Page 12

89th Academy Awards Thread

hork Profile Photo
#27589th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 11:58am

Jane2 said:  Warren looked flabbergasted. He then said he wanted to explain what happened.That's when he held up the card, which explained why he said la la Land. The card said Emma Stone la la Land. Perhaps this was edited out which would have shown that someone gave him the wrong card, who knows? But I saw it.

Edited out ... from Frankie's DVR? And all YouTube videos? If you did see the envelope, it was not on the actual Oscar telecast, because it was never shown.

Also, I don't see why you need to call him a "newbie." That's exactly the kind of elitist, "old guard" mentality that puts people off these boards. You used to be one of my favorite posters, but I'm losing respect for you.

Warren held up the correct card, the one that said "Moonlight."

Jane2 Profile Photo
#27689th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 12:32pm

hork, I used to respect you and agree with your points of view also. But now, with this kerfuffle, and you deciding to tell me I didn't see what I saw, well, I feel the same as you do about me.

I hope this is the last time I have to say this - I know what I saw. I will never say that I didn't. That will never change, and I wonder why it's so important to you and others to tell me I didn't see what I saw. Why do you care? Forget about it!

As for the newbie, did you check his prior posts? And  yes, I'll call him newbie because he came here days ago and immediately starts trouble.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#27789th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 12:41pm

"Warren held up the correct card, the one that said "Moonlight."

hork, that doesn't make sense, does it? Warren was explaining what happened. He was explaining  why he said la la Land!!!!! If he  held up a card that said Moonlight, how would that explain what happened? fail..


HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#27889th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 12:56pm

Jane2 said: ""Warren held up the correct card, the one that said "Moonlight."

hork, that doesn't make sense, does it? Warren was explaining what happened. He was explaining  why he said la la Land!!!!! If he  held up a card that said Moonlight, how would that explain what happened? fail..



If you watched the video that hork so kindly posted, you would understand better. Stop being stubborn, you're acting like a child.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#27989th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 1:09pm

"you're acting like a child."


I thought I'd posted the last of this, but I guess not.

the real end for me - I was watching the show. Warren looked at the card, confused  at what it said (because it said Emma Stone-la la Land, and NOT Moonlight). He handed it to Faye, saying "you take care of this" or something to that effect, Warren said in an interview. Faye announced what she saw, la la Land. Then all hell broke loose. As I mentioned, Warren said on the air, "I want to explain what happened." If you didn't see this, you're the one who is wrong, btw. So in order to show what happened, he held up the card that he saw, and the one I saw.

If this is childish, I don't want to be an adult. Why don't you tell the others to quit this, Henry. Tell them to get out of my sandbox and go home.

I won't be checking this thread again, so post to your own enjoyment.


FrankieSay Profile Photo
#28089th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 1:32pm



This is why sports announcers often use the phrase, "Let's check the tape and see what happened on that move."  Jane2, clearly you have dug your heels in deeply on this, because it matters to you even though you keep asking others what it matters to them.


Check the tape.  Go back and see the entire sequence.  Just a couple of corrections comparing what the tape shows happened with what you remember:


He handed it to Faye, saying "you take care of this" or something to that effect,

He didn't say a word to Faye.  He stared at the card, looked confused, she said, laughing,  "You're impossible," because she probably assumed he was milking it for dramatic tension, he showed her the card without saying anything to the effect of "you take care of it" (because he said nothing, he just looked at her) and she said aloud the only name of a film on the card which was "La La Land."



As I mentioned, Warren said on the air, "I want to explain what happened." If you didn't see this, you're the one who is wrong, btw.


Yes! He did say and do this!  It's on the tape.  That happened.


So in order to show what happened, he held up the card that he saw, and the one I saw.


Two out of three ain't bad, Jane2.


In order to show what happened, he held up the card but not the one he saw when he opened the envelope, but rather the winning one, to confirm which movie was the winning one.  He EXPLAINED he had been given the card that Emma Stone one Best Actress for La La Land, but what he held up was the "Moonlight" card and he explained that the real winner was "Moonlight."  He was trying to quell any notion that the Oscar DID belong to La La Land and not Moonlight, that the mess up was the first move, not the correction.

So, you will swear that you saw what you saw, but you didn't.  Find a clip of the broadcast and you will see that you misremembered, that you are thinking of an alternate fact, that you aren't correct in an accuracy way, that you will not be convinced that a falsehood is false.


But in the end what matters to me as a film-goer is that the masterpiece movie was awarded Best Picture.


Oh, segne deine Herzen
Updated On: 3/3/17 at 01:32 PM

hork Profile Photo
#28189th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 2:53pm

Jane2 said: ""Warren held up the correct card, the one that said "Moonlight."

hork, that doesn't make sense, does it? Warren was explaining what happened. He was explaining  why he said la la Land!!!!! If he  held up a card that said Moonlight, how would that explain what happened? fail..


Oh, Jesus Christ. I JUST POSTED A LINK SHOWING HIM HOLDING UP THE MOONLIGHT CARD!! I'm not arguing this stupid argument anymore. You've lost your mind.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#28289th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 2:56pm

89th Academy Awards Thread


Fergalicious Profile Photo
#28389th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 3:37pm

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


89th Academy Awards Thread


FrankieSay Profile Photo
#28489th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 3:37pm

This is at the beginning of the presentation. This is before anything was read. That was the ENVELOPE he had with BEST ACTRESS EMMA STONE LA LA LAND inside.

When the La La Land were giving their acceptance speeches, there was a lot of running around and Warren came back, with the correct envelope and card, to reiterate what the producer of La La Land said, which was that Moonlight was the Best Picture Winner and he held that up as validation.


Also, you didn't even "see" the envelope that you can see in the magnified screen grab you have posted, which does nothing to support the fact that a) what you said happened didn't; b) you refuse to acknowledge the facts, c) or saying a simple "Whoops I was wrong but I can see where I was mistaken."


Because it's your sandbox?

Oh, segne deine Herzen

ljay889 Profile Photo
#28589th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 4:33pm

This thread has gotten bat**** crazy. Let's discuss these great movies!!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#28689th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 4:52pm

"Oh, Jesus Christ. I JUST POSTED A LINK SHOWING HIM HOLDING UP THE MOONLIGHT CARD!! I'm not arguing this stupid argument anymore. You've lost your mind."

Yes he held that card up later on. You just don't get it.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#28789th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 4:55pm

89th Academy Awards Thread

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#28889th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 5:02pm

"He didn't say a word to Faye. "

YES HE DID. Did you read any of the articles about the show on line? I did, and Warren himself narrated what he said to Faye. SO YOU ARE INCORRECT. 

Why would you want to join this theater site, and within days, go to the off topic board and start trouble? Not only with me, I read another of your angry posts. It doesn't seem like you want to make a good impression at the start. I think you're one of those  people who are angry at the world, at himself, and is looking for a fight wherever you can get it. There  are others like you around, so enjoy yourself.



BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#28989th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 5:46pm

89th Academy Awards Thread

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#29089th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 5:48pm

The new Peugeot spokesperson!



"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#29189th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 7:45pm

^ Can you believe it's ten years this month since "Life In Cartoon Motion" came out?


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#29289th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 7:45pm

Oops, double post.


While I'm here, has anybody seen a picture of the actual Best Actress card?  I'm curious to see the font size of "La La Land" relative to "Emma Stone".


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 3/3/17 at 07:45 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#29389th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 10:46pm

Having seen it Jay, the font for Emma was larger than la la Land. I'd estimate about 25%.


FrankieSay Profile Photo
#29489th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 11:13pm

I would like to apologize sincerely to Jane2.  Though she is completely wrong about what was shown on the Oscar broadcast, I am sorry that she rightly claimed that I came here to start trouble.  I don't actually feel that was my motivation, but perhaps that sterling memory of hers recalls that I did not react out of kindness and love when a poster (what's the opposite of "newbie"? "Oldbie?"89th Academy Awards Thread who is an oldbie made fun of my screen name, said my avatar was douchey and called me a douche.  I realize now that my response to that person was not supportive of him or as filled with the sunshine and rainbows that are really all a person sees on these boards. By reacting defensively, I was clearly starting trouble.


Much love.  One world.


I apologize.

Oh, segne deine Herzen

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#29589th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/4/17 at 5:44pm

Thanks,  Jane. Funny how Faye didn't immediately spot the mistake too. Maybe she should've worn her spectacles.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

SweetLips Profile Photo
#29689th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/4/17 at 6:21pm

It was all a total cluster fuxk up there and such an important award should never have been given to 2 aging veterans of the screen who now rarely/never work professionally.

Chooks running around with their heads cut off, all fighting over a gold statue.

And the prize goes to---Help yourself !

sabrelady Profile Photo
#29789th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/4/17 at 8:06pm

Funny how Faye didn't immediately spot the mistake too

People see what they expect to see.

  Example : 25 yrs ago  just b4 change of shift( 730 pm) a nurse went to hang an antibiotic on her patient. She went to the med fridge and took out a 250 cc  bag  and hung it  on the iv. 8pm and the new shift is rounding on the patients and when we check that iv bag not only is it NOT an iv antibiotic for pt X, it's a very strong  chemo for pt Y. We ( (I )stopped the bag disconnected the drug line flushed  it w saline and paged the doctor stat as well as the supervisor. I packaged the set for the am when it was dealt w by the Director of nursing & that nurse. Even when shown the item she tried to persist that she had not hung that chemo bag.  The "see what u expect to see explanation" was also given.( I followed up cos I said to the DON if this was NOT being dealt with strictly I would have to report it to the licensing agency in my distict)

 The bag was the right size had no colour and tho she had "looked" at the label, obviously she didn't read it too carefully .  

Same thing here.

( PS the patient was ok) 

luvcaroline Profile Photo
#29889th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/4/17 at 8:08pm

I would now just like to say how incredibly happy I was that Moonlight won. I had not been that moved by a film in years. I can't wait to see what Barry Jenkins does next. 

#29989th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/4/17 at 9:27pm

luvcaroline said: "I would now just like to say how incredibly happy I was that Moonlight won. I had not been that moved by a film in years. I can't wait to see what Barry Jenkins does next. "

Thankyou for a sensible post and I couldn't agree more.
