Littleshopofcarrie said: "Don't think I've ever seen Joy get as angry at another panelist as she did at Meghan today."
And yet they're apparently friends outside of the show....
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
Meghan deserved Joy to yell at her. Usually I am used to Meaghan raising her voice and "getting real" with people and not sugar-coating things. That in itself is of a certain value. I like when she is level-headed; screamy Republicans are revolting. (So are most screamy Democrats, imho.) But she flat-out interrupted Joy's turn to talk, and screamed, "Can we talk about the President [Bush dying], please? I don't want to talk about Trump & I don't care about your 'one issue voter' [comment Joy was making]." Who cares if you don't care, kid? You all just honored Joy last week for being a 20-year senior member of the damn TV show you're privileged to be on. Disrespectful.
Was there a show today?
This is nothing new. Sunny was a bit awkward in the beginning. Nicole Wallace said after she got fired there was a "social coach" to help with the new hosts.
also on yesterday's show, Meghan was unbearable. Telling the audience to stop clapping, numerous eye rolls, talking over everyone, throwing her tantrum. Anytime politics are brought up she needs to be muted.
I'm assuming the show is on Christmas hiatus until January 7?
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
My goodness-- what plague does Whoopi have?? She's been out sick with some nondescript illness for nearly a week. Hope she's back soon!
They said on today's show she has the flu. I hate when Whoopi is out and today was a perfect example of why. I typically avoid the Friday shows but Ana Navarro makes it watchable. As for today, Meghan interrupted Joy briefly, then when Meghan went to make her point Joy says "if you're going to have a hissy fit about it...." Meghan was quiet for the reminder of the show as was Abby to some degree. It turned into the Joy and Sunny show. Whoopi have let her speak. Say what you want about Meghan, but she's always being attacked by Joy. Whoopi controls the show when it gets out of hand. Hopefully Whoopi is back soon.
ACL2006 said: "As for today, Meghan interrupted Joy briefly, then when Meghan went to make her point Joy says "if you're going to have a hissy fit about it...." Meghan was quiet for the reminder of the show as was Abby to some degree."
I think Joy's point was that she was still setting up the news for the audience before they start weighing in on it, and Megan interrupted her before she even explained what happened. Joy wasn't even making jokes or anything about it yet, just doing Whoopi's job of laying the foundation...
Hopefully if Whoopi is out the rest of the week they bring in some guest co-hosts. Just don't care for Joy as moderator and the show flows better when Whoopi is there and doesn't put up with anybody interupting. It's clear Joy and Meghan don't get along, but without Whoopi it becomes a two sided table as Sunny takes Joy's side and Abby takes Meghan's side. Today's show was uncomfortable to keep watching.
For those that missed it. I'm surprised they put this up on their YouTube page.
This show is unwatchable with Meghan shrieking like a banshee the whole time.
What a boring show today. They barely talked politics. No Whoopi again and any other "hot topics", no one was really engaged or interested in talking. Felt they were just trying to milk time. I wonder after yesterday's tirade, the producers will scale back the political debating? Whoopi, feel better and come back soon!
I think all these hissy-fits and tirades are just for show...and ratings. When the show wraps, Joy and Megan go to a bar and have drinks together.
Whoopi's going on missing her third week. Hope she's ok. I wonder if their ratings are dropping with her out? I've only been watching clips of the show lately.
Swing Joined: 9/16/13
Again, let me say...I LOATHE Anna Navarro. Thought I do get a kick out of her trying to be funny and the audience not responding.
Whoopi's going on missing a month from the show. Just strange for her to be out this long. We shall see if she's back on Monday.
ucjrdude902 said: "I'm going to assume you've never had pneumonia?"
I have actually. twice that I can remember over the last ten years. The longest I had it was about 2 weeks.