Broadway Legend Joined: 6/30/05
Once, someone told me that I was only the second-worst singer in the world.
That's pretty much the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my voice.
An older lady told me I reminded her a lot of Perry Como. It made me insanely happy.
But, you comparing me to fresh pancakes made me happy also.
The closest thing I've ever received to a compliment started with, "Well, that wasn't as bad as...". Or, when someone says 'please' before asking me to stop.
The funniest compliment I ever got was back in college, where an "old-timer" patron came up to me and said, "Not since Madey Padikin have I heard such a terrific voice on that stage!"
I thanked him and smiled cluelessly.
It took me a few minutes to realize he meant "Mandy Patinkin."
I made the congregation at a funeral applaud...I was shocked and embarrassed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/16/06
Domingo told me I had an incredible voice. Walked across the room to shake my hand. Needless to say, I was almost unconscious seconds later.
My family was impressed with me when I did the four questions last passover.
At a bar, after singing karaoke to the Fugees' version of killing me softly, a table of three men gave me a standing ovation while shouting "Best of the night!"
I hope they weren't being sarcastic.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/21/07
not too long ago, I recorded myself singing "The Worst Pies in London" for some friends, and one of them, an Englishman, said I had the "best cockney ever!" to which I replied "awright, mate, fancy a pint or a cop-off up in me digs, then?"
Are you sure you didn't say...
"'Ow'dja like a li'le MUFF, mistah? We'll go JIG-JIG, a li'le bounce around the bush?"
Eh, today at voice lessons, my teacher told me my "ah" was getting too Audra McDonald-y. Granted, it wasn't at all a compliment, but anything I can do like Audra, makes me happy!
A Canadian Idol judge (and music producer) telling me I could put out a successful record right now.
Are you sure he didn't say, "...put out FOR a successful record right now?"
Broadway Star Joined: 4/21/07
Are you sure you didn't say...
"'Ow'dja like a li'le MUFF, mistah? We'll go JIG-JIG, a li'le bounce around the bush?"
nah, mate, he's a bit batty 'imself innit.
Once I was singing in my yard along to my ipod, thinking no one was around. A few days later, my neighbor, who is a vocal coach (which I didn't know at the time), told me that she had heard, and that I had an amazing voice... that was nice to hear.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/12/05
Well just today, in my World History class we had to make a song about The Age of Absolutism and perform it for the class (I wrote mine to the tune of Pirelli's Miracle Elixir) and I got a standing ovation. That felt good.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/30/05
I was just told by a vocal coach who does not give compliments randomly that she has never had a beginner (which is what i am) sound as good as i do. that was cool.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/12/04
And now we know why you started this thread.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/30/05
Oddly enough, that just happened today. I started this thread up at three in the morning last night.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/12/04
Cruel: Huh! Well, you must be prescient, then.
b12b: I think you told me that story before! Love it!
"Well, that was certainly interesting" and then a long awkward pause.
Lets just say singing isn't really my forte.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/12/04
Oh, and I just have to do it, to make sure the mistake isn't perpetuated. It's received. (Thread titled fixed above.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/30/05
I got told by my director that I sound just like Rosemary Clooney after an audition, needless to say I got called back
I was also told I sound like an older Judy Garland