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Election 2024

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#550KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/2/24 at 3:58pm

I'm not talking about that. I clearly said when they are certifying the election, which is when it happened last time. And since Orange Rapist has absolutely no business in Washington, he would not be permitted to have the same gathering since, you know, he's no longer the President. A January 6th will never happen again. 

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#551KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/2/24 at 6:35pm

I would love to feel like he wouldn't do it again. He's got enough people under him to tell the orders to and a crazy enough base to gather together again to do it.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

Broadway Flash Profile Photo
Broadway Flash
#552KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/2/24 at 10:30pm

People on the ground in Michigan, Wisconsin and PA are saying it’s tied.  So this election is far from over.  She has to do good at the debate or else trump will win the election. 

#553KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/3/24 at 8:41pm

South Florida said: "How did Zeppie, Pauly, and all the other Dumpers feel on January 6th? If you "rejoiced" then you're probably going to vote Dump anyway. If you were sickened or ashamed, why did you ever lose that feeling?"

Your 2nd question is likely not genuine, but regardless it is absurd.  I was sickened by what occurred on January 6th.  However I don't believe Trump orchestrated it.  I believe it was much more a large protest turned hideous riot.  I believe it was not an insurrection.  I think Trump was awful in not speaking sooner and more emphatically than he did.  I think Trump had and still has serious flaws.  I don't like Trump, and from what I recall, neither does Zeppie.

Trump was our president and from a policy standpoint, I think he was a better president than the current president as well as the previous two at minimum.  Harris inspires zero confidence.  Literally none.  She is a clown in a different way than is Trump.  At least Trump has some competence.  That is why I will vote for him, regardless of the sickening feeling that still exists when I relive seeing the hideous riot that took place on January 6th.

#554KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/3/24 at 9:37pm

"Your 2nd question is likely not genuine, but regardless it is absurd. I was sickened by what occurred on January 6th. However I don't believe Trump orchestrated it. I believe it was much more a large protest turned hideous riot. I believe it was not an insurrection. I think Trump was awful in not speaking sooner and more emphatically than he did. I think Trump had and still has serious flaws. I don't like Trump, and from what I recall, neither does Zeppie."

I don't like Trump personally either. Let's break down Jan 6th. Trump was a f***ing idiot for doing a rally that day. He is not naive and knew there was a very good chance things could get out of control and they did. A normal ex POTUS would not have been such an egomaniac and graciously accepted defeat. If you think there was fraud in the election, then let your lawyers do their thing and shut up. I may be wrong but believe he lost every freaking case in court.

"Trump was our president and from a policy standpoint, I think he was a better president than the current president as well as the previous two at minimum.  Harris inspires zero confidence.  Literally none.  She is a clown in a different way than is Trump."

Agree with you 100%. Trump is much better in controlling the border and had good policies in place IMO. Working out deal with Mexico to stop people in their country first from coming here was good idea. Border agents will tell you a wall is not the only answer but it does help, would be nice to get better funding from Congress. Corporate tax rate cut did help businesses in the US and did  it help workers (bonus, higher wages) also. Harris wants to increase the corporate tax rate.

I was so disappointed with Republican primary voters. They had a chance to move on from Trump with much younger candidate without these personal flaws. As I mentioned in another post, I believe they will regret this decision in November.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#555KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/4/24 at 8:54am

Republicans will be kicking themselves for not nominating Nikki Haley. IMO, she would've been a near guaranteed victory over either Biden or Harris.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#556KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/4/24 at 7:16pm

Liz Cheney has announced that she will vote for Kamala Harris.  Welcomed news.

Non sibi sed patriae

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#557KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/4/24 at 8:09pm

Reading you two is disappointing. Tribalism is at its finest. Yeah, I don't like Dump for all the right reasons. However................................. Nothing about deregulation, the environment, the Supremes, the profiteering, Putin, and the coup attempt. I believe you two idiots will vote Dump again. Sad for you. 


#558KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 1:39pm

South Florida, you are not the least bit disappointed, unless of course you believed (incorrectly) I liked what occurred on January 6th.

You're also not the least bit decent to people you don't know, unless of course, those people agree with you.  You are exactly what you profess to despise.  You display it willingly and often.

The clown I'm voting for has serious personality flaws but has some competency to govern.  Your clown might be likeable in some form or fashion, but she has demonstrated no competency.  The only thing more mind-boggling than Trump's popularity is how Harris' popularity skyrocketed from what anyone would consider "not very" to "very" the moment Biden stepped aside.  And you think I am demonstrating tribalism.  You're a piece of work.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#559KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 4:19pm

Let's get real, Pauly. He has ZERO competency to govern. Nada. Zilch.

He is the puppet, the figurehead. The power he has is electability and popularity. He is a showman. The people who actually do the job are the shady figures behind the scenes like Steve Bannon and the like. Jared Kushner etc. were the real POTUS.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#560KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 4:46pm

He is 100% not competent. Have you heard him speak? Harris will roast him during the debates.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#561KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 4:52pm

We differ politically, largely because we differ on what's real and what isn't.  Why you think I'm not being real is based on your absurd world view where I can't simply be wrong, I have to be a pathetic loser, racist and all sorts of other nonsense.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#562KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 4:52pm

"The clown I'm voting for has serious personality flaws but has some competency to govern. "

Funny. Just hold on to that idea.


Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#563KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 5:13pm

I don't think you are a pathetic loser, Pauly. I just think you are wrong. Wrong, and selfish. Your reasons for voting MAGA are your OWN interests, not broader society as a whole. Also yes, racist. You personally might not be racist, I'll take your word for that I guess, but are enabling a dangerous bigot who enables other dangerous bigots. This doesn't seem to bother you.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#564KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 5:43pm

Selfish?  You believe this for reasons that can only be explained by your inability to think straight when it comes to discussing anything regarding Trump.  It is either that, or you have a comprehension problem stemming from something else.

Would you think for just a second?  What is it about "I think the world will be a better place" in 4 years and beyond, that you find to be selfish?  If you base your selfish comment about me on what I've previously said, then go re-read what I said and understand that my reasons are shared by millions.  Widen your view, just a little.  It will cost you nothing.

Also, I don't believe Trump is a bigot.  The evidence to warrant the belief he is a bigot is weak at best.  He is constantly misquoted and taken out of context.  If he were such an obvious bigot, misquoting him and taking what he says out of context wouldn't be necessary.  If there were actual reasonable evidence he was such a bigot, that would bother me.  You can't be bothered to understand we disagree on the existence of or lack of evidence - and instead of arguing the fundamental disagreement, you make the nonsensical conclusion I'm not bothered by this supposed bigotry of his.  Your tactic of declaring something disagreeable as fact, when it's not, and then disparaging me for my apparent disagreement is just - I don't know, either intellectually dishonest or more simply, shortsighted and juvenile.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#565KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 7:01pm

My reason for calling your vote selfish is because that is the central mantra of the GOP. Dog eat dog. No government, no tax. "There is no such thing as society", as Reagan's buddy Margaret Thatcher once put it. Open markets, profiteering, the rich get richer the poor get poorer. Or as Bill Clinton summarizes, Republicans are every-man-for-himself, and Democrats are we're-all-in-this-together.

"America First", fck the rest of the world. No, not selfish at all.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#566KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 7:10pm

Forgot to say that anyone with a brain can see that Trump is the CHAMPION dogwhistler. Illegal immigrants are "poisoing our blood", he tells rabid rallies full of rednecks frothing at the mouth, firing up their rifles ready to go. How the HELL can you spin that into anything positive enough to satisfy your conscience?

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#567KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 7:45pm

I was wrong in assuming your selfish comment about me was based on what I've said about why I'm voting for Trump (silly me).

You like to make things black and white, when they're not.  You incorrectly distort the view of the opposition in the process.  Republicans understand there is no perfect policy set, but they believe their ideas will benefit more people - and do less harm - than will the ideas of Democrats.  This simple explanation far more accurately describes Republicans than the "every man for himself" explanation you assign to Republicans.

I agree with Republican ideas more so than Democrat ideas and would rather let the capitalist meritocracy Republicans favor enrich the wealthy and result in whatever comes for the rest us than let the socialist do-gooder "we can lift everyone up" beliefs Democrats favor enrich those in power and result in whatever comes.

Trump's "poisoning our blood" comment was inarticulate nonsense.  I don't know what he said in any context let alone the full context, but he is firmly of the belief America should protect its borders and enforce our laws.  I would guess that is what he was trying to say.  I agree with him on that.  His crude language is problematic, and it warrants criticism.  And it likely does fire up rednecks frothing at the mouth.  I have no idea how many of those rednecks attend his rallies, but my guess is it is a lot less than you would guess.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#568KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 8:52pm

How about making it easier for immigrants to come to the US legally? Let’s treat them with some humanity and as equals. Much of these laws you hold so sacrosanct are designed purely to preserve the Anglo-Christian lifestyle. Y’know, the “real" America… the white America.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#569KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/5/24 at 9:32pm

Pauly sad.


Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#570KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/6/24 at 1:59pm

The Judge has delayed sentencing in the Convicted Felon "Hush Money" case until after the Presidential Election.  New date is Tuesday, November 26th, two days before Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, November 28th.  

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 9/6/24 at 01:59 PM

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#571KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/13/24 at 6:20pm

Just curious…

How much have you donated to your preferred candidate?

Just got an e-mail from Team Harris telling me that the average is $40. Seems they need more as they are still being outspent in critical swing states.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#572KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/13/24 at 6:39pm


Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 9/13/24 at 06:39 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#573KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/13/24 at 7:10pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "Just curious…

How much have you donated to your preferred candidate?

Just got an e-mail from Team Harris telling me that the average is $40. Seems they need more as they are still being outspent in critical swing states.

Friends.  It is unwise (dangerous, in fact) to disclose your personal financial dealings to an unknown entity on an internet website.  Be smart, and don't reveal specifics.


Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#574KAMALA WALZ 2024
Posted: 9/13/24 at 7:53pm

Okay, that is fair. Friend. 

I guess what I’m really wondering is how often do people give? I feel I’ve been generous, but the requests keep coming almost to point where I feel pressured. As though the fate of the nation rests on my shoulders alone. There’s even a weekly plan.

I mean, I’m doing my best.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
