Borstal, if you get a chance and feel like it, I'm leaving you a few more questions to answer.
If you were recuperating in a hospital, who would you want in the bed next to you, excluding relatives?
What has given you the most pleasure in the last year?
What do you do when you need cheering up?
Name a place that you’ve never been, but would like to visit.
What was your childhood ambition?
What is your best or favorite personality trait? Least favorite?
What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become?
What keeps you awake at night?
Regarding Tucson -- since it's my hometown (alas, trapped up North with the Phoenicians. Yuck) I am always curious what people think about it...
Love or Leave it?
CD 7 or CD 8?
Old Tucson or the Desert Museum?
Congrats Borstalboy!
This is my chance to tell you that you are one of my favorite posters.
What are your favorite and least favorite 5 musicals?
The same about plays.
Borstalboy! One of the COOLEST guys around. Thanks for adding so much to the board.
Thanks, y'all! But I need to actually do work at work today so I can't be answering all your questions.
HOWEVER, I do think I should choose a celebrity of the day and I choose.......everyone's favorite Macy Gray fan, touchmeinthemorning!!
No problem, Borstal.
Congrats touchme!
What has given you the most pleasure in the last year?
What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you?
If your house were on fire, what material possessions would you grab on the way out?
If we asked an important person in your life to describe you, what would he or she say? How accurate would it be?
What’s something that you’ve never done, but have always wanted to try?
What’s the last great gift that you gave someone? And, that you were given?
bb, i'm sorry i'm late, but belated congrats (y'know i luvs ya).
now congrats to touch. soooooo, touch, you're face to face with god in the form of the baby jesus who is in a remarkably talkative mood. he grants says in a baby-talk babble that you miraculously understand that he'll answer any three questions you have about anything at all. what three questions do you ask the baby jesus?
I'm kind of shocked that Borstal and touchme haven't been CotD's yet! Congrats to both.
Congratulations, touchmeinthemorning! You're are one of the most thoughtful and thought-provoking posters on BWW.
Bump. Unfortunately, it looks like yesterday's celeb didn't get to bask in his glory.
Anybody want to nominate someone to be today's celebrity?
Did we run out of gas already?
I nominate you, AC1!
Works for me. I second that.
Well, Mr. Personality, who would you like to nominate?
I think AC1 is a fine choice. Let's go with it.
I was being an ass. :)
No, AC126748 is an excellent choice.
Thanks, guys! You're sweet.
Is it me, or does that cork...? Well, replace the R with a C.
Congrats AC!
I don't know anything about you, but I like you already!
Here are some questions if you're interested and have some time.
If you were recuperating in a hospital, who would you want in the bed next to you, excluding relatives?
What has given you the most pleasure in the last year?
What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you?
If your house were on fire, what material possessions would you grab on the way out?
If we asked an important person in your life to describe you, what would he or she say? How accurate would it be?
What’s something that you’ve never done, but have always wanted to try?
What was your first show, and what drew you to theater as a passion?