This is all the conspiracy theory I need.
Love those pictures!!!
Frontline on PBS has an interesting show currently on Oswalds life in Soviet Union and USA
The CIA which had claimed for decades to never have debriefed or interviewed Oswald have now been proved to be false.
Oswalds role in the General Walker shooting was always denied by the FBI, until his wife Marina confirmed he was indeed the shooter. He missed Walker of course at a much shorter range while he was sitting in a chair, not in a moving car
The KGB concluded at the time of the shooting that Oswald was too dumb and unfocused to have acted alone and was part of a larger consiperacy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Pal Judy did it!
Those pics certainly provide context for that unforgettable "Battle Hymn of the Republic" she sang in his honor.
In my alternate history, Judy Garland is the one who leaps onto the limousine, but she does it a few seconds earlier than Clint Hill did, and she stops the third bullet from hitting JFK's brain.
Unfortunately, the bullet wound to is as fatal to her as it was in real life to Jack. As the limousine speeds to the hospital, Jack says to Judy, "Please keep on singing, Judes. The cows haven't come home, not just yet." And Jackie says to her, "Sing that song Jack loves so much--you know the one about the river."
So Judy summons all her quickly ebbing strength and sings...
'Old Man River
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Would like now be the Ambassador to Japan?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
If you listen to "Candle In The Wind" backwards, it tells the secret of how Shelley Winters planned the whole thing.
Kennedy had chronic back problems. He was wearing a stiff back brace so when the first bullet hit his throat he was still sitting upright and was a better target for the head shot.
Suffice it to say we will never know what really happened. LBJ Put together the Warren Commission to prove Oswald did it not to find out who did it. Sort of like a kangaroo court.
Roxy is right... President Johnson was afraid of WW3 breaking out due to Soviet ties of Oswald so in his offical memo to Warren said that the Public must accept that Oswald acted alone. he didnt say they need to find who did it, who was involved. BIG DIFF
It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to this effect be made now.
1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.
Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat--too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced."
Stop being stupid.
That's a Nicholas Katzenbach memo not a GASP! OMG! SMOKING GUN! statement from Lyndon Johnson OMG! OMG! OMG! forcing the hand of the commission.
. Joey dont you know who Mr. Katzenbach is? It SO IS the smoking gun....
Mr Katzenbach, an attorney general under President Lyndon B. Johnson, was the son of a New Jersey state attorney general, a Rhodes scholar, a law professor at Yale and the University of Chicago and a war hero.His six years in government put him in the thick of some of the major events of the ’60s. He advised President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis, negotiated the release of Cuban prisoners captured during the Bay of Pigs invasion and pushed for an independent commission to investigate the Kennedy assassination. He was Robert F. Kennedy’s No. 2 in the Justice Department and took on J. Edgar Hoover, the pugnacious F.B.I. director, over his wiretapping of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As an under secretary of state, he defended Johnson’s escalation of the Virtnam War.
Link is ny times obit. Sorry but. Wont paste but you can google.
You can't even read. You cut and paste with zero comprehension. You don't even read the things you cut and paste.
You are beneath contempt.
You soil BroadwayWorld with your brazen stupidity.
I wish you would disappear.
Would I be right in assuming that the Kennedys themselves accept the findings of the Warren Commission?
Considering some of the crazy, populist conspiracy theories this generation of Kennedys throw themselves to, like Bobby Kennedy Jr. being a part of the anti-vaccination movement because it causes autism, that not a single one of them is leading a cry for these smoking gun files to be open means they accept the Oswald story. At the most, they all know the real truth and think what would be revealed is far more damaging to Kennedy's own legacy in a Man Who Shot Liberty Valance kind of way and even then that is reaching.
Strummer, Rfk before his death believed Oswald was part of a conspiracy. He was known to think his actions against the mafia got Jack killed....
Joey. Instead of your troll attack on me why not use your words to dispute the memo that shows the predetermined result of the Warren Commission
Back to the memo from President Johnsons staff in charge of setting up the Warren Committee.. the ny times continues....
.The memo, released by the National Archives in 1994, began, “The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at a trial.”Four days later, Johnson appointed theWarren Commission to investigate the killing; it concluded that Oswald had acted alone.Conspiracy buffs have interpreted the Katzenbach memo as calling for such a panel to come to a predetermined conclusion. But Mr. Katzenbach maintained that he was simply convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin.
That's not what it means, you consummate troll. Read it before posting it for a third time as something it is not.
The route JFK was to take was changed at the last minute . JFK was to dump LBJ from the reelection ticket He alledgedly told his mistress the night before that after tomorrow he would not have to worry about JFK anymore.
The mafia was pissed because RFK went after them after they fixed the results in the Chicago voting in the presidential election.. Castro was mad at him for the Bay Of Pigs. He had many enemies. In addition a witness said there was a 4 th shot which Oswald could not have fired. How did Ruby get in to shoot Oswald in a room alledgedly super tight with security?
The happenings in the ER were well known. Bottom line is we will never know, one way or the other, what actually happened.
Joey again instead of namecalling why not tell us what that memo means. If you can which im guessing you cant..
It is in Black and white that the purpose of the WC was not to find out who killed jfk but to prevent war wiith USSR and that only Oswald was involved
Not today, sue. NOT. TODAY.
Today is a day to remember. And honor.