Mr.Roxy, time and time again over the years we've seen that all it takes to wreak havoc is one person and a gun.
The only given is it was just not Oswald alone
That is as stupid a statement as saying that the only given about 9/11 is that the government was behind it. Not just stupid, but willfully ignorant.
The only given is there were three shots in Dealey Plaza, and they all came from the rear right, from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository.
Dozens of people may have wanted him dead, maybe dozens of hundreds, but only one man shot him.
True but the person killed was the President. A lot of planning went into it. Just one deranged guy. Personally I do not think so but if you do fine. you belive that Lee Harvey Oswald himself was then killed in case he talked?
And personally I do not think George Bush brought down the World Trade Center, but if you do fine.
I don't know who killed Kennedy or why but it could not have been just the three bullets by Oswald.
One bullet hit a bystander James Tague.
One bullet caused the fatal shot to the head.
One bullet went through Kennedy's neck by frame 225 of the Zapruder film. Connelly does not react to being shot until frame 238 about 2/3 of a second later. For Oswald to have been the only shooter all of Kennedy's non fatal wounds and Connolly's non fatal wounds, five in all, had to be caused by the same bullet which also hit Connelly's wrist and emerged in good shape. In addition, the angle of the trajectory from the book depository through Kennedy's neck and continuing on to hit Connelly is not correct.
All the people at the car, Connelly, his wife and the secret service agents have always maintained that the governor was shot with a different bullet a split second later. There was more than one shooter.
Updated On: 11/16/13 at 01:34 AM
The truth will never come out on this.
Probably not. But I've got my eye on Pal Joey. He's bewitched, bothered, and bewildered. Very suspicious.
Updated On: 11/16/13 at 01:55 AM
A matter of opinion. He is civil with you and others but not with me so I had to put him on ignore. There is a book coming out by the chief surgeon in the room where they were trying to save JFK. Once I get the name & author I will pass it on to you.
2 AM here in NY. Going to bed. Take care
The" magic bullet theory".
Even in 2013 they can't get a bullet to stop in midair, make a right turn, stop, make a left turn etc.
I am reminded of the Seinfeld episode on this.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I am so sick of this. It's all cold, leftover hash.
" you belive that Lee Harvey Oswald himself was then killed in case he talked?"
There have been nation's presidents overthrown and political prisoners who 'committed suicide' in prison in a less public way than Oswald being assassinated by Jack Ruby on live television.
Updated On: 11/16/13 at 02:14 PM
All the people at the car, Connelly, his wife and the secret service agents have always maintained that the governor was shot with a different bullet a split second later. There was more than one shooter.
Dented--that's 100% false about "all of the people in the car."
All of the the Secret Service agents who were there maintain there were only three shots and that they came from the rear right.
And as for Governor Connally, my favorite conspiracy theory is that when Connally turns around in the car to look at JFK, he discharges his pistol directly into JFK's head, having already shot himself so as to appear innocent.
And as for Governor Connally, my favorite conspiracy theory is that when Connally turns around in the car to look at JFK, he discharges his pistol directly into JFK's head, having already shot himself so as to appear innocent.
More on Connally the KILLER! Are you people really crazy enough to believe this garbage?
Zapruder's other films have been released
For those of you who are interested in the TRUE story, I recommend THE KENNEDY DETAIL, in which JFK's Secret Service break their silence on what really happened that day.
Fascinating first-hand account that I highly recommend to anyone who is interested.
The Kennedy Detail
Former Secret Service Agent Clint Hill appeared on the Today show this morning, in Dallas with Savannah Guthrie, retracing the route of the motorcade the day of the assassination.
TODAY: 'Five Days in November': A detailed account of the death of President John F. Kennedy
I saw the segment - and highly recommend the book!
The true story, as told by the Agent who was there, with a stunning collection of photographs.
The 12 CRAZIEST conspiracy theories.
DAILY BEAST: Who Really Killed JFK? Experts Pick the Wildest Conspiracy Theories