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All Rent Reviews (Place Here)- Page 23

All Rent Reviews (Place Here)

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#550Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 5:49am

Did I say, "all"??

And, please list the flaws. I was quite pleased with the film. Nothing glared out at me.

ajayspak2 Profile Photo
#551Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 5:57am

I list my opinion of the troublesome parts of the film pretty clearly on page 22 - my review of the movie

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#552Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 5:58am

Well, thank you--I did not read all 23 pages of reviews. And will not be doing so as I am out of Advil.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#553Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 6:02am

I don't agree with your criticisms, but respect your passion for the stage musical.

I hadn't listened to the OBC in a couple of years and haven't seen the show since 98. Therefore, I was a bit more objective walking in then I would have been otherwise. Seeing original cast members did bring back nice memories from seeing it with them in 97.

Updated On: 11/24/05 at 06:02 AM

ajayspak2 Profile Photo
#554Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 6:07am

i loved seeing the original cast members in the film and rosario was fantastic as a new cast member. Rent is not an easy play to bring to film, i respect the earnest effort that was made by all that were involved

#555Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 7:54am

Contact, GoodBye Love, Halloween, We're Okay, Alexie's Ker Ching phone message, Angel Shopping for coats(this is the stuff that made you feel for Angel) and "MOTHERF*CKING" artists (lines and integrity of scenes just lost because of one word here and there (I'm Angel..INDEED!). Who are Joanne's parents? Who payed for Angels funeral? April...thank god Roger says that she died in 'Light my candle" because we are not allowed to know that she killed herself....And I guess we are just to assume that Benny is cheating on Allison through the film. All really important stuff.....vanished, gone, along with the other two stars that would have given this movie 5 stars. Scenes were way too dark (out tonight)....Very rough cut edits in many areas(ie. Today 4 U)...too many back of head shots. I have a feeling the movie was filmed well just that many wrong angles were used from the editor. I pray that Mr. Columbus goes back into the editing room and puts RENT back together before the DVD release. ***

#556Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 8:06am

So I finally saw the RENT film. For those of you who don't know what RENT is, it's about a group of friends in nyc (Bohemians) struggling with life.

Let me start off with my favorite character, Angel: Wilson Heredia actually did justice to the character and gave an excellent performance. Funny at times, strong, and really amazing.

Rosario Dawson played Mimi: Rosario gave a wonderful performance as Mimi, it made me cry to see Mimi suffering so much and I just loved her portrayal as Mimi.

All of the performances were great but those two really stick out in my mind. The cinematography was excellent, the music was phenominal,the setting though most of it was filmed in San Francisco was suppost to be NYC and I really couldn't tell the differnce. The entire cast and crew deserves a bunch of awards for this film. It's very powerful. I was very skeptical of this movie because I heard about the cuts and removed songs but the movie flows excellently and it's just an amazing movie.

I live in a little area of North East Pennsylvania which as you may or may not know is a Red state lol and the movie was sold out, everyone in the audience was cheering throughout the movie and "mooed" when Maureen (Idina Menzel) told everyone to moo. It was a really great movie and you should deffinitely go see it if you haven't already.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#557Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 9:53am

I saw RENT last night and like I said in an earlier post, I would have written my review then but I needed to collect my thoughts and I really wasn't in the right set of mind to sit and write a full review. But, now I got some sleep I am ready, and I fill first tell you what I thought of the film itself and then break it down to the songs. So without further adieu.

Simply put, RENT is the most beautiful, gorgeous film I have seen in a VERY long time. The cinematography was perfect and the cast blew me away. I have no clue how anyone can think Columbus "Disneyfied" the whole AIDS epidemic and the struggles of these poor bohemians. I mean, you see these homless people who like they are close to death lying in the streets; you see April take her drugs; you see cops beating on people; you see the pain and loss in these people's eyes; you see the dirt and grit of NYC, etc. How in the world is that "Disneyfied?" I told my wife about some of the reviews and she said that she couldn't see where they got their proof. I want to personally thank Chris Columbus for giving the world a film that makes us care for each and everyone of the characters, even the ones that we see but never get to know. I want to thank the cast for bringing Jonathan's vision to the big screen with passion and conviction. I want to thank Jonathan for giving us such a beautiful piece of theatre that reaches into our hearts and makes us realize what good things we have to live for and that we need to cherish those things because one day we won't have them anymore. Seriously, after watching the movie I turned to my wife and gave her a big hug because I love her so much and I don't know what I would do if she ever left me (I am starting to tear up just typing that last sentence). After the movie was over, people just stayed in their seats and you could hear a pin drop it was so silent. Then finally they started getting up wiping their tears and blowing their noses as they walked out. There were these two girls who were a few rows in front of me and one was crying so hard that the other girl was holding her and rubbing her head saying, "Shhh, it's alright" while wiping the tears off her own face. Now, what movie can you think of in recent history that affected people that much? I say damn the critics, and now believe even stronger than before that we as people need to make our own decisions instead of basing them on someone elses. I was touched so much by the movie itself but even touched more by the people I was in the theater with. God, it was a great night.

Now on to some of the songs individually.

"Seasons of Love"--Brilliantly done. People in the theater started clapping when the characters did and when it was over it got an applause from a few people.


"One Song Glory"--Loved the flashbacks and I am glad it didn't show the suicide, even though I wish Roger could have found a note and then step into the bathroom and scream or something.

"Light My Candle"--I liked it, but I think it could have been just a tad bit more flirty. I like how it shows Mimi being the dominant one by throwing her drugs for Roger to find.

"Today 4 U"--Mr. Heredia you had me at "doggy hell." Angel is and forever will be my favorite character from RENT and Mr. Heredia, in my opinion, captures the essensce of Angel like no one else. LOVE!!!!!

"Life Support"--Ok, here I started to have the tears and so did my wife. Beautifully done.

"Tonight"--Rosario, you are one hot mamacita and when she licked her thumb and we "Meow--HAA!!" this guy behind me went crazy. God, she is hot . . . ok Spider breath, breath.

"Tango Maureen"--One of my favorite Scenes. Anthony and Traci, you ROCK!

"Will I"--Tears came again but even harder than before

"I'll Cover You"--Could there be a cuter couple to have ever graced the big screen? Love them two.

"Over The Moon--HILLARIOUS. Everyone in the theater was laughing and cheering.

"La Vie Boheme A&B"--Ok, this was the moment I was waiting for. Those two songs are my favorite in the entire show and I didn't know what to expect. GOD I LOVED IT. My favorite part is when Anthony says, "Mucho Masterbation" and gives that face. Everyone in the theater cheered. HAHA. It was great

"Take Me or Leave Me"--I think the screen started sweating because that was pure sexual rawness exuberated by those two HOT ladies. And I love how the other cast members kept running after them.

"Without You"--Ok, folks. Here is where I completely lost it. I was not tearing up anymore . . . I was full on bawling. When Angel died, it felt like one of my family members died . . . that is how much I cried.

"I'll Cover You reprise"--Still full on bawling. I just could not stop and when everyone stood and Collins turned around and looked at them I even made a whimper because of how hard I was crying. I looked over at my wife and she had the tissue paper pused against her eyes and just going at it. Jesse, I am now a gigantic fan of yours.

"Without You"--I liked it. The aptly named "Cliff" moment wasn't that bad.

"Finale A&B"--God, I was gone again. Rosario did something that I have never seen another Mimi do. She made it realistic and I thank her so much for that. And at the end where it fades out on Angel, I was crying even harder.

As the credits say:


"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#558Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 10:35am

I'm still trying to form words about that film. I haven't spoken to anyone about it since last night. It All I kept saying was if Jon could see how many people were in that theatre. Just wow.

"Mrrraaaawwww!" ♥

#559Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:02am

This article from The New York Observer is provocative. I debated posting the link because I know how passionate many folks around here are about all things Rent.

But then, being secure in your own opinions should mean you are unfraid to hear other viewpoints.

James885 Profile Photo
#560Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:30am

Well I saw Rent last night, and with a couple of friends. The movie theatre was packed with some teenagers, but also a lot of adults and quite a few senior citizens, which kinda surprised me.

One word for the film - WONDERFUL

It was one of the best films I have seen in while, and was very moving and touching. The audience we saw it with was definatly touched because they clapped after almost every song, and when the movie ended, it must have been at least two minutes before anybody got up.

I agree with one of the above reviews that said the movie really brought out the grittiness of the East Village and Alphabet City. And it was kinda strange hearing some of the lines that are ususally sung being spoken, like Mimi's "I'm giving up my vices,I'm going back to school" line.

The cast gave outstanding performances, so I'll try to be brief:

Rosario Dawson- I think Roasario did a great job as Mimi, I loved her "Out Tonight" and "Without You", and her "death" at the end of was very touching. During this part, people in the theatre started crying; I didn't cause I knew she was gonna come back.

Taye Diggs - He was great as Benny, but I think his character was kinda shoved aside in the second half of the movie.

Wilson Jermaine Heredia - LOVED Angel! Everyone was so sad when he died. I think Today 4 U is now one of my new favorite songs

Idina Menzel- I think she was really over the top as Maureen, which worked for her. I liked Over The Moon, and I thought the tv screens in the background were hilarious! Some people actually started mooing with her which i thought was kinda funny.

Jesse L. Martin- LOVED the reprise of I'll Cover You!

Adam Pascal- I liked his "One Song Glory", and I think that it's brilliant that they included flashbacks of April

Anthony Rapp- He did an awesome job as Mark. I loved "Tango: Maureen", especially the choreography, and the audience laughed so hard when Mark dropped the f-bomb in that song. I really wish they hadn't cut Halloween and Goodbye Love

Tracie Thoms - Last but most certainly not least, I adored her performance. She has a great voice, and I liked her dancing during Tango: Maureen. Her performance in "Take Me or Leave Me", along with Idina was incredible. An absolutly fantastic singer.

All in all, a great movie. I might even have to pay the $10.00 see it again this weekend

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

DivaBrigader Profile Photo
#561Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:41am

I saw it last night at 10:15 at the Ziegfeld and here is my review. I haven't read any of the reviews (from users or critics) because I wanted to go in with an unswayed opinion. I apologize if any of my comments have been discussed to death:

There were almost 1,000 people at the viewing I was at but it wasn't sold out. They said all of the midnight screenings have been sold out for weeks so I guess this is gonna be like a "Rocky Horror" thing. It was twenty degrees yesterday so everyone looked the part in their scarves and I had my ears, which kept everyone yelling Maureen's lines to me while we stood outside waiting to get in. Before the movie started, "Popular" came on the loud speaker and everyone was singing alone. The guy next to me said, "I can't believe everyone can sing the lyrics to this crappy show" but was singing along anyway. Lots of commercials and then the previews started. It was silence for awhile but then huge applause for "The Producers" preview. Just when everyone settled down, there was another wave of cheers for the "Brokeback Mountain" trailer.

Lights go down. Credits start rolling. Massive, massive cheering when Jonathan Larson's name came on. A smattering of applause for all of the cast members but mass chaos for Idina. There must have been some junior high kids in the audience. Everyone cheers for the opening chords of "Seasons of Love," applauds for Angel's entrance, wolf whistles at Maureen's entrance, cheers for Sarah Silverman, and claps at the end of "La Vie Boheme." And, of course, everyone moos with Maureen.

Some parts I thought worked well onscreen. I thought "La Vie Boheme" was good. They danced on the table, which is what was expected. Their joy was felt. I know there was a lot of concern about how that would work and I thought it was good. I thought "I'll Cover You" was adorably sweet. I really liked how that one worked out. "Rent" was good. The first fifteen minutes or so I was just trying to get used to the fact that there are actual sets and backgrounds. "Out Tonight" was hot. I loved "Tango: Maureen." I know some people will probably have hated it but I had no idea that Maureen was making a surprise early entrance via a dream sequence and it was pretty hot.

I would say the three biggest problems in terms of songs were "One Song Glory," "Take Me or Leave Me," and the massive disaster that was "What You Own." The reason I didn't care for "One Song Glory" is because I think the flashbacks to April were unnecessary. We learn through "Light My Candle" that Roger had a girlfriend named April who died. The problem is that, according to Larson's original text, April also commits suicide. If they're going to go into the history and give her a backstory, why not go all the way? It just stopped when she found out she had HIV. "Take Me or Leave Me" was absolutely fierce and Idina's acting was spot on. My problem was the context. I did not believe that the character of Maureen, or actually anyone living the bohemian lifestyle, would agree to committment. They are anti-responsibility. It felt useless to have a whole scene at a committment ceremony to have them break up in the same scene. It could have worked just as well anywhere else. And when Maureen jumped on the table, I expected her to do something dirty to the ice sculpture. "What You Own," as I already touched on above, was the big disaster of the film. Why it looked like an '80s rock video I will never know. While I understand that significance of Roger finding himself in Santa Fe, since the trip there and back to NYC all takes place during one song, I think it would have been better to have him just considering going. It was so rushed and the shots of him running by the mountain top in split screen actually had me laughing in the theatre. It looked like Britney Spears video where she's on a it "Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman"?

I was impressed by a lot of the performances. It's been a long decade since these people have done these characters before. They had to overcome being a decade too old and having a decade more of experience to pull it off. What made them all originally click is that they were living the lifestyle of their characters but most of them have achieved various levels of fortune and fame since then. I thought the best one was Wilson Jermaine Heredia. I was very hesitant because his voice sounded a lot older to be on the recording but I thought, despite the fact that the nature of film meant that "Contact" had to be cut, he was absolutely intoxicating. He had such a presence and I really gravitated towards him in the group sequences. I'm impressed he can still do "Today 4 U." The next best was Idina and I'm not being biased. It's a thin line to tread. Is Maureen a good guy or is she not? She was hilarious and "Over the Moon" was Maureen's ridiculousness to perfection. Anthony was also fantastic and provided a lot of energy. Jesse was great and would be ranked higher if his age weren't so distracting. I mean, he really doesn't look the age I consider Collins to be. "I'll Cover You - Reprise" had us sobbing though. Tracie was a good foil for Idina but Joanne is usually the least interesting character to me. Benny barely has a role so I don't really have a comment on Taye. The worst performance, by leaps and bounds, was Adam Pascal's. I don't know why. Maybe he just isn't capable of being good on film. He was great onstage in "Aida" and "Cabaret" as well the original cast of "Rent" but his hair was so distracting, his brooding was so unfounded. I think they gave "One Song Glory" the April backstory to give the audience more of a rationale as to why Roger won't go outside of the apartment but it just didn't work. I didn't see him internally wrestling with his feelings about April, his own mortality, and whether or not he can watch someone die again. I love Adam but I really didn't buy him in this. Sorry Adam!

Overall, I was impressed at how well some of the parts worked on film because I was cynical. However, those three scenes forced me to lower my opinion of it. Can't wait for the DVD though. :)

La_Becca Profile Photo
#562Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 11:56am

Saw the film last night and really did enjoy it. It is a wonderful tribute to the story and Jonathan Larson's message. I'm not going to type out a full blown review, because there are enough of those, but I am just gonna share my thoughts.

I feel like my reaction to the film was not as strong as it could have been because I've read so many reviews, read spoilers, and seen so many clips of the movie. After knowing so much about the movie without seeing it took a toll on my overall reaction. I recognize the film is great, but it didn't hit me as hard as the stage production did.

I have a few issues with the film, mainly directorial decisions. The whole cast did an AMAZING job. I don't know why people are so caught up in saying that Adam can't act, because I think his portrayal of Roger is perfect. His character doesn't really stand out as much as the others, but I think that is how Roger is. The only time I really teared up during the movie was during "Your Eyes".

The scene transitions at times felt abrupt, especially after "I can't believe this is goodbye" to "What You Own". In my humble opinion, the rest of "Goodbye Love" is needed. The Mark/Roger fight is crucial and Mimi singing "Goodbye Love" shows the final descent of her downfall.

"The Cliff" (as it has been officially called) didn't really rub me the wrong way or anything, it is just completely unnecessary.

The dubbing throughout the film is near perfection. Compare it to the horrendous dubbing in Phantom, and it makes Phantom downright laughable.

My favorite scene(s):
-"Rent". All of it is breathtaking, it's such a powerful number.
-"Tango Maureen". From Mark and Joanne doing the "tango glare" at each other to the tango production number, ala "Tango de Roxanne" from Moulin Rouge, I loved it all.
-"Another Day". It's always been my favorite, and I think the staging at the end of the song is very effective. Ending the song with Mimi and Roger in each other's faces, like it is on stage, wouldn't make sense in a movie.

Even with all my pickyness, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. I'll be seeing it again today. And probably again sometime this weekend.

"Love is a many splendid thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love!"
Updated On: 11/24/05 at 11:56 AM

Bdwyguy30 Profile Photo
#563Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:11pm

Although your review was favorable I must as why you thought it was amazing that Wilson could still do Today 4 U. He is only 33. That isn't old. and he didn't look any older than when he did it originally. I think too many people are putting their real ages against them. Movie actors are always significantly older than the parts they play it just so happens that we know how old these people are and it has made people prejudice. That is just my opinion. I thought everyone was excellent and the movie was quite beautiful and I saw it with the original cast in '96 while I was still in College. I am now 31.

Marquise Profile Photo
#564Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:26pm

I'm going to see it tonight. I will erase all the garbage I've read on this and other sites and as someone who has seen both the Original Off-Broadway and Broadway versions of the show in 1996 I will go with an open mind.

iheartcheyenne123 Profile Photo
#565Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:47pm

It is GREAT and you'll love it Marquise. Everyone is just AWSOME...i can't wait to see it again!

PS-i hate how some of the reviews are so critical and 'mean' was such a great film and i can understand if you don't like it but, to make fun of's just wrong..b/c it's REAL. like this one for instance..

"I hated every 135 minutes of it. Heroic HIV-positive New Yorkers who do nothing and do not want to pay rent. They worship a flirty drag queen named Angel."

"Proves that lame musicals tend to make even lamer movies."

--Alex-- "They're singing, "Happy Birthday" You just wanna lay down and cry Not just another birthday, it's 30/90 Why can't you stay 29 Hell, you still feel like you're 22 Turn 30 in 1990 Bang! You're dead, what can you do?" --TTB

circusliz Profile Photo
#566Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:49pm

I loved the film, but I really did miss the fleshing out of Mark's character that occurs during "Halloween" and through Mark and Roger's fight during "Goodbye Love." Those two songs round out Mark's character and show that even though he's healthy and maybe more stable than the other characters, he too is hiding from something and denying his pain. I felt that the character of Mark was a little underdeveloped in the film. We saw him as an outsider visually, but there was never an explanation for this. I feel like this lack of explanation made the story feel a little incomplete.

On the road of life, do not pause for suicidal chipmunks who freeze in your headlights, seeking death by your tires...

iheartcheyenne123 Profile Photo
#567Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 12:51pm

i really got irritated by this review...that's just my opinion

"Get a job for God's sake, people, and bring back some better songs while you're out."

--Alex-- "They're singing, "Happy Birthday" You just wanna lay down and cry Not just another birthday, it's 30/90 Why can't you stay 29 Hell, you still feel like you're 22 Turn 30 in 1990 Bang! You're dead, what can you do?" --TTB

#568Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 1:16pm

Saw it last night, packed house in New Jersey. No costumes, or cow hats though :0(.

I thought the movie was gorgeous. Rosario was awesome (still surprised at all the negativity over her performance). My favorites were "Without You" and "I'LL Cover You REprise." Wow Jesse sang the %$#@ out of that song.

My only complaint was the cutting of "Goodbye Love," only because it moves into an awkward transition into "What You Own" (which by the way, there were a few giggles over the scenary!)

Overall, I just loved it, acting, singing, great story telling. However, at first it seemed so surreal to see this finally on film.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#569Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 1:29pm

The only reason why I wish they would have included "Halloween" and the end of "Goodbye Love" is because I love those songs, but I agree with Columbus's decision to take it out. I mean, me, my wife, and the people in the theater were on emotional overload as it is. With the fight and all of that it would have brought many over the edge. But, I am glad it is going to be on the DVD anyway.

Marquise--I really think you will love it. Our girl did us proud. Rent Review

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#570Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 2:30pm

Hi all. Just returned from RENT. I didn't think I would be able to see it until tomorrow but I got to see it today. I won't review everything as everyone has basically said everything but here are some of my quick opinions- I do have to leave soon for Thanksgiving dinner.


First of all I think Rosario Dawson and Tracie Thoms were fabulous!! Personally, I think they had more energy than the rest of the group. I thought the movie and the actors were fantastic but I thought these two stuck out. It was great to see how much they blended with the original cast.

Adam Pascal was eh-eh. I mean, I thought he seemed a little dull but for the most pasrt he really hit Roger. In a way he seemed kind of bored.

Idina was wonderful. Trust me, I was never an Idina lover or obsesser, and I still am not but she was excellent. I thought the way she played Maureen was so unique. It seemed she really made Maureen different in each scene.

Taye was great as well. I thought there was going to be less of him in the movie but I was happy to see him more than I expected. There were some parts (don't specifically remember) where he seemed to not play 'enough,' if that makes sence.

Anthony Rapp was wonderful. Obsessed with filming but it was fantastic. For some reason, I thought he was going to get in the way of the point in the movie but never did. Wonderful actions. Funny but serious when the time came. The table dancing was fabulous!!

Wilson totally impressed me as Angel. Wow! That guy can really put on a show!! Talk about a real character!! He really stole some of the scenes.

Jesse Martain I think was good. Personally I don't think he particularly stood out. I didn't picture him as Collins at first but as the movie went on, it became more realistic.

I don't think I specifically missed "Halloween" although I found it weird that they said that it was Angel's favorite holiday but didn't play it. I mean, it didn't NEED it but it could have been included.

There were two songs towards the beginning/middle that I don't remember but all you will probably know; One song led into another that I felt was so randon. There wasn't any dialouge in between the songs and it just didn't feel real.

At first the dialouge as usually sung in the song caught me off gaurd. I know it was going to happen but it was quite odd. After the first couple songs I got used to it and actually enjoyed it.

I think that this could have been rated "R" and definitley would have been a few years back. I am happy it was made into PG13 for those younger RENTheads but also happy that it came out the way it did.

Since it was the first time seeing it, I payed more attention to the whole movie in general and not specifics like the people who have seen it 4 times already..Rent Review

I know some people will disagree but I hope that my opinions won't be critized or beaten because it is my thoughts and that is all it is.

and THANK YOU Jonathon Larson.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

DivaBrigader Profile Photo
#571Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 2:48pm

The "Today 4 U" dance is extremely hard to do and Wilson did it so effortlessly in the film. It's not like on Broadway, where he was used to doing it 8 times a week. It's been nearly a decade since his body has had to do that rigorous dance it was awesome. I wasn't making a comment about Wilson's age, just the time span it's been since that kind of movement was necessary from him as a performer. I was thoroughly impressed by his composure throughout the film. He completely owns that character.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#572Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 3:54pm

Just had to post to add my opinion on the movie. Having seen most of the original Broadway cast in Rent I was very interested in seeing if they were able to pull off the 'magic' again.

I think some people have already mentioned how I felt, I just wanted to say that I really loved the movie. It certainly worked for me and scenes such as 'Without You' and 'I'll cover you - Reprise' almost killed me.
Only thing that didn't work for me at all and is usually one of my favorite sogs was What You Own. It was just laughable and made me want to die in my seat. That scene belonged in a Bon Jovi video but not in this movie.

Congratulations to everyone involved... you really pulled it off!


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

Cages or Wings
#573Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 4:02pm

I can't believe people aren't floored by Jesse in this film. I realize everyone has their own opinion, but his portrayal of Collins was so multi-layered. He was amazingly good, and stole almost every scene he was in. That's not to say the other cast members weren't wonderful, I liked them all (Anthony, Rosario, and Tracie especially), but Jesse was unbelievable. I realize this film most likely will not come up much around award time, but if anyone is nominated, I think it has to be Jesse.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#574Rent Review
Posted: 11/24/05 at 4:08pm

Jesse was outstanding in my opinion. I forgot how much actors can actually do with this role, considering how many times I have seen people ruin the part.
You gotta love Jesse and his 'Merry Xmas, bitches!' Rent Review

I see people are trying to find who the 'weakest link' was and I can honestly say that I thought everyone did a very good job. I was specifically nervous about Adam's performance and although I am very critical when it comes to his acting abilities I thought he did very well and had some really great moments.


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero
Updated On: 11/24/05 at 04:08 PM
