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Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?- Page 2

Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?

#25re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 3:23pm

hmm, well i really tried to watch the show as a normal, non-familiar with musical theatre person would watch it last night. and i was half successful.

Seyesha was undoubtedly the best from the perspective of the competition and as a theatre kid. Her performance was a powerhouse one, it was sexy, fun, and easy to listen to/watch. they were all right in saying this was obviously her comfort zone.

Jason Castro could have done so much. Paula was stupid to say "every one expects a woman to sing this" cause as soon as he said "i'm singing Memory" two of my family members said , "ohh like Barry Manilow". that being said, he had potential to make that song beautiful. but it flatlined.

Brooke was actually my second favorite. Her understanding of the song shone through even though she was shaken by starting over. Her voice suited the song very well also. I just think it was a good choice for her. And again, paula's comments were ridiculous and uncalled for. Starting over in the middle of the song wuld be a bit inappropriate. Starting over any ther night would have been differant. But this was set up like a cabaret night and she was like, five words into her song. we all have our moments. whatever. i think it makes brooke more likable.

David Archuleta, from a pop point of view, was one of the best last night. He made that song his own, it was great. kinda safe, but definitely not unforgettable. Hes just so friggin likeable, that he'll be safe no matter what. but his likeability combined with that performance made it very standoutish.

Carly... I'm just getting bored with her. every week she comes out, wails her way through a song, and slides by in the results show. i thank the lord that Lord Webber stopped her from singing All I Ask of You. It would have ruined the song. I mean, her performance of JCSS would have been good with just a punch more of enthusiasm, i feel at least.

And lastly, Mr. Cook. who i did not like. at all. i appreciate that he grew up doing musical theatre. but i thought the whole thing sounded like a rock star trying to play the phantom onstage with no acting chops and no idea of how the song should be sung. i wish he would have sang the whole song like he sang the last word. he would have been the best of the night if he did so.

thats my two.. or three cents.

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#26re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 3:40pm

1. Syesha
2. Carly
3. David C.
4. Brooke
5. David A.
6. Jason

Syesha-AMAZING! I would see her in a Broadway show!
Carly-Really Good. Not as good as Syesha, but still good.
David C.-Bland. Nothing special. Okay.
Brooke-I love her, but she has to stop with the starting and stopping.
David A.-Dreadful. What is he doing on there? The sad thing is that non-theatre people will think it's a pop tune and vote for him, but dreadful. However, not as dreadful as ...
Jason-"Didn't know it was sung by a cat". Awful. Simply awful.

caitlinette Profile Photo
#27re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 3:46pm

Was this the first time that Brooke had to start over?

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#28re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 3:48pm

No... she screwed up once when she was doing one of her piano numbers

#29re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 4:07pm

Ok, here goes (most of this I already posted in the OT Idol Thread haha):

Syesha- well apparantly Broadway is her niche, because I thought she was fab! and I generally do not love her. She's always quite blah for me. But she was really very.. sexy (to steal from Simon hehe) last night. I greatly enjoyed her

Jason- ohhhh Jason, you're so cute and you have the most gorgeous eyes EVER. But... it was just so pitchy, and so akward! Never, ever pick a song just because it's the one you recognize most. Listen to as many as you can and pick the one that actually SUITES you best! That said, I still want you to stay because I usually really like you re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?

Brooke- Poor thing, she was just so shaken! I still have a soft spot for her, and even though I KNOW she was probably the worst of the night, I wish she could stay and pull out another Let It Be-worthy performance. She can be amazing, she really can. She just.. was far too nervous last night.

David A- very pretty, and it certainly fit his voice well. But it's just eeevery song he does sounds EXACTLY the same! It was amazing at first when it was new, but now it's getting boring. Lovely voice, great performer, but every time he [i]attempts[/i] to do something that's NOT a slow pretty ballad it is a trainwreck. So.. he's probably the least versatile.

Carly- It was certainly fun, and she sounded great! I still.. kind of felt like there was something missing though. That's actually how I feel about Carly most of the time. I KNOW she has the potentially to be entirely kick ass, but it's like.. she holds back so that that extra umph needed for her to get there doesn't happen

David C- It seems to be that people either loved or hated this performance. I. LOVED. it. Granted I'm slightly biased because I adore the song and think it is incredibly gorgeous, but he just sang it SO WELL. Was it his best performance yet? nahh. Strictly performance wise it was probably actually one of his weaker ones. But what I thought made it so great was that it showed that he can truly do ANYTHING. I mean, how many rockers have the vocal chops to pull off Music of The Night so well that they could legit be on Broadway? It's pretty rare. The minute the song started and I realized he hadn't rock-ized it (which would have been cool anyway) I was like "KJDKSLJFLSDJF OMG." and then by the time it ended I was just... dead. He is SO DAMN GOOD and SO DAMN VERSATILE it's crazy. Ahem. Sorry, I'm in love re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#30re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 7:22pm

I thought Jason was terrible!!!! "I didn't know a cat sang this song." Shocking, since it's from the show Cats.

I liked David Cook, although I was expecting him to do a rock version of The Phantom of the Opera. His Music of the Night was a nice change, for me.

David Archuleta, who is my favorite, made that song very safe but what he did with it was very interesting. I had been hoping, however, that he'd sing On This Night of A Thousand Stars from Evita.

Syesha was amazing, but she's acted in the past so it makes it a bit easier for her.

Brooke sounded good but she messed up the lyrics and it ruined her mindset.

Carly did a good job with that song. Nothing special.

I hope Jason goes home toniht. He was dreadful!!!

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

jv92 Profile Photo
#31re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 7:43pm

"Ok, here is my opinon of Brook's performance.
She should not have stopped. It's unprofessional. If someone is performing live on a grammy show they don't say, "oh hey, can we start over?""

It is not unprofessional to start over after a mistake. It's less professional to get through the whole thing making mistakes.

sally1112 Profile Photo
#32re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 7:57pm

I don't watch the show and I only watched it last night because of the topic. I really liked Carly(?) as she did JCC.
That different version of "Think of Me" was awful. Not necessarily the performance, I just hated the changes they made to the song.

yankee_fan907 Profile Photo
#33re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 8:12pm

Are we really saying the David Cook could "be legit on Broadway." I think that's a huge stretch... That last note was - atrocious. Though the beginning of it was magnificent, I concede.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#34re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 8:59pm

Let's see what these New Yorkers say......

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#35re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 9:34pm

That video was actually funny and cute.

BUT a night of Cry-Baby...really?? i mean she should have said joke...but serious after that. Maybe Jason could do...

Jason Castro sings Cry-Baby at Joe's Pub.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#36re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 9:36pm

Yeah, I enjoyed that video. And the 40 something guy who belongs on Wall Street was really entertaining to watch. haha

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#37re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 9:39pm

SYESHA IS IN THE BOTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If she leaves, I am never watching this show again!

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise

maya5892 Profile Photo
#38re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 9:52pm

That was a nice little video montage.

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#39re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 9:59pm


"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#40re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 10:14pm

These are my thoughts:

1-I heard once that Simon was quoted saying "If Carly doesnt win I'll sign her and use the same formula I used on Leona"

2- My FINAL thoughts
broke is next
then castro
then seyesha
and leave it to the davids to battle it out

jasonf Profile Photo
#41re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 10:18pm

Syesha's been in the bottom too many times and will probably go back to a dreary ballad next week. My guess is she's done next week.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

#42re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 10:33pm

I disagree that Brooke seemed to understand the song. She had no idea what she was singing about and it was obvious.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

zooxanthellae Profile Photo
#43re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 10:51pm

I agree SporkGoddess, Brooke didn't know what it was about. I can't believe she's never seen the movie. On that note, it seemed like all of them were completely unfamiliar with ALW; his work isn't that obscure, I'm really surprised at their lack of culture.

#44re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 10:56pm

Syesha wasn't the only one who didn't make any lyrics flubs, and given her rather obscure choice I'm under the impression that she's something of a Broadway buff.

My favorite was Jason Castro not knowing Cats was about... cats.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

zooxanthellae Profile Photo
#45re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:03pm

Yes, that's true. Syesha probably is a broadway lover.

I still don't understand why Jason would pick Memory. I mean you don't have to be into theatre to know of it, what with artists like Barbara Streisand and whatnot singing it. He should have known he couldn't handle that song... there's no reason this contestants couldn't:
1. buy or download the songs or get the Cast Recordings of the show they were going to sing from.
2. Rent a DVD or read up on the internet about the show and specifically the relevance and emotions behind their song.

It's really inexcusable and rude that any of them would be so lazy as to show up and rehearse with ALW and not know anything about the show their song was from.

Could you imagine if they had to take on a Sondheim piece. Imagine "Epiphany" out of context.... they're lucky it was only ALW!
Updated On: 4/23/08 at 11:03 PM

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#46re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:17pm

oh idol so typical...

i worked for idol. brooke is very nice...i did have to tell her to get off her phone though when she was crying and talking to her bf back in august.

well bye carly i miss u.

AND Zoey getting the boot on Top Chef. Sad night for reality's just a memory....

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

#47re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:34pm

What's with the appeal of Jason? Come on, he should've been gone weeks ago.

So yeah, looks like its going to be between the two Davids this season.

zooxanthellae Profile Photo
#48re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:42pm

If it comes down to the two Davids, I think it should be David C.
I can not stand David A.

sesot Profile Photo
#49re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/24/08 at 12:11am

David C. is more talented than david A., but he will probably be better off coming in second. I would be shocked if the finale song doesn't fit David A's style more. The song is typically crap and wouldn't be a good first single for David C.'s career.
