It's a bit soon to be determining whether a show like this in a fairly middling season will make it to a Best Musical nomination. If there's good will toward an underdog show and more animosity toward jukebox musicals, then it may work out.
I will say, though, that there just does not seem to be particularly much interest in this show among industry folks. And it certainly remains to be seen how its status as a viral hit among a subset of teenagers will actually sustain it, particularly in the face of less-than-compelling reviews. There are cats that have more viral recognition among a wider population than this show.
None of this is a commentary on the quality of Be More Chill, but rather the facts: it's a show with middling reviews that is hanging its hat on the fact it is a limited viral hit among a younger audience group that has no income of its own.
Leading Actor Joined: 6/18/08
It's worth noting that the $9 million capitalization on this was raised incredibly fast, just a few days from start to finish, and that was in the days after the Times review came in last summer. Clearly, the investors are not worried about the review on this one.
I'm sure it will be a cyclical gross, with the money going up during the upcoming spring break season and then over the summer, with lean weeks in between. It's not a terribly expensive show to run, and we all know that this is a passion project for all involved, so they are going to try to ensure this one succeeds regardless of the critical response. Simply put, if it recoups, it proves the power of going viral as a viable reasoning to go to Broadway. If not, we may not see something like this again.
They did a promo of this show on the NBC Nightly News either on Friday or Saturday, I can't remember which.
I did want die a little when a young fan surmised that this show would be the next Hamilton, but I digress.
Babe_Williams said: "I did want die a little when a young fan surmised that this show would be the next Hamilton, but I digress."
Maybe they meant it should have died in Jersey?
Mike Barrett said: "The general reaction from people over the age of 21 has not been positive for this show, which is who makes up the tony voters. If this got a 5 star rave from the NYT I bet more people would not only see it, give the show potential financial boost, which would all help it potentially get towards the tony noms."
OK, but you're conflating a bunch of different things as indicators for Tony nominations.
If a good review made more people see it, that would not affect its chances at a Tony.
If more people saw it and it made more money, that should not affect its chances at a Tony.
The nominating committee from the Tony awards will all see the show, irregardless of any other factors than it being a new musical on Broadway. They will all determine their own opinion about the show, and then all of those opinions will be tabulated to determine whether it is nominated.
haterobics said: "Mike Barrett said: "The general reaction from people over the age of 21 has not been positive for this show, which is who makes up the tony voters. If this got a 5 star rave from the NYT I bet more people would not only see it, give the show potential financial boost, which would all help it potentially get towards the tony noms."
OK, but you're conflating a bunch of different things as indicators for Tony nominations.
If a good review made more people see it, that would not affect its chances at a Tony.
If more people saw it and it made more money, that should not affect its chances at a Tony.
The nominating committee from the Tony awards will all see the show, irregardless of any other factors than it being a new musical on Broadway. They will all determine their own opinion about the show, and then all of those opinions will be tabulated to determinewhether it is nominated."
Minus Vulture this show has not gotten good reviews. The people who vote for tony awards, are the same kind of people reviewing this show. Of course I can't speak for every single member of the voting pool, but based on what we know I would say this does not have a great chance at a nomination. The bad word of mouth from people who will be voting on this issue, is not good. I should've been more clear I guess.
But the large voting population is very different from the small nominating committing. What do the voters or the reviewers have to do with the nominating committing, unless you’re saying the nominators will be so swayed by the reviews that they won’t form their own opinions?
I think he's saying that he expects the voters (and nominators) to be of similar ilk as to the quality of the show as the reviewers. Not that they are swayed/influenced by them.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/8/06
Did the mods here really edit out me saying "jeeeeez"?
Leading Actor Joined: 1/23/06
goldenstate5, since you asked publicly, your message was not edited for the use of the word "jeeeeez," it was edited because of the personal insult that followed it about posters who had been vocal with their dislike of the show. We thought that since the remainder of your message did not violate the board's rules that this was a better option than deleting the entire post. I hope that clears up the confusion.
By the way, "jeeeeez" is a perfectly acceptable word.
dramamama611 said: "I think he's saying that he expects the voters (and nominators) to be of similar ilk as to the quality of the show as the reviewers. Not that they are swayed/influenced by them."
Thank you. This is exactly what I meant. Guess I need to work on making myself clearer. I suspect the critics for these shows, as well as the voting and nominating pools, will think similar to these critics. They're likely in the same circles, near the same age, interested in the same things, etc. Reviews will not tell nominators what or what not to do, however with most of the reviews being poor, Id expect the range of reviews from the nominating committee won't stray too far away from that sentiment.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
My strong hunch, based on buzz within the industry...
Nominees for Best Musical: Ain’t Too Proud, Hadestown, The Prom, Tootsie
Dark horses: Beetlejuice, The Cher Show
Long-shot: Be More Chill
which is still putting it ahead of...
Virtually no chance: Gettin’ the Band Back Together, King Kong, Head Over Heels, Pretty Woman.
So I wouldn’t say it hasn’t got a shot - but unless 1 or 2 of the musicals yet to open completely tank, I think it will wind up (both in terms of quality and reviews) smack in the middle of the apparently 11 new musicals to open this season - with at least 4 or 5 solidly ahead of it, which means it will likely JUST miss out. (With so many jukebox musicals, a score nomination is much more likely - unless both Tootsie and, less likely, Beetlejuice wind up getting excellent reviews for music and lyrics.)
I definitely agree that the critics and voters usually line up, but I do feel like the nominating committee likes to march to their own drummer year to year. Remember the weird year that Leap of Faith was nominating for Best Muscial even though it got no other nominations (and was nominated over Lysistrata Jones- which got a rave in the Times- and Bonnie and Clyde- which got noms for score and actress).
I’m by no means saying Be More Chill is a lock for a nomination, but the nominating committee could easily turn on a Wikipedia-to-stage jukebox musical like Ain’t Too Proud in favor of something that attempted to be a little more creative even though (by many accounts) it failed.
WhizzerMarvin said: "I definitely agree that the critics and voters usually line up, but I do feel like the nominating committee likes to march to their own drummer year to year. Remember the weird year that Leap of Faith was nominating for Best Muscial even though it got no other nominations (and was nominated over Lysistrata Jones- which got a rave in the Times- and Bonnie and Clyde- which got noms for score and actress).
I’m by no means saying Be More Chill is a lock for a nomination, but the nominating committee could easily turn on a Wikipedia-to-stage jukebox musical like Ain’t Too Proud in favor of something that attempted to be a little more creative even though (by many accounts) it failed.
Wasnt aware that the nominating committee and voting committee were seperate. Do you know why they're separate and how someone qualifies for either or? I do find it interesting. Id say my general assumption is anyone over the age of 30 is not going to love this show. Not to say they can't, not to say the show is bad, but this is a show clearly made for the millennial/Gen Z audience, thats why I just don't think it will resonate with Tony voters, and Aint Too Proud will. I guess you could say the same for The Prom, but in my opinion that show offers a lot more for adults than Be More Chill does.
Lot666 said: "Cfried said: "New York Times panned it."
No surprises there; same old Brantley, <>. I'm glad I bought a ticket, because I virtually always disagree with him and would have missed out on many great shows if I'd let him influence my decisions."
The Mods on this board just wear me out.
The nominating committee is very small. IIRC each person serves a three year term and about 1/3 of the committee rotates out each year. It is a tiny fraction of the voting body. The voters don’t all vote to decide the nominations.
I once got to chat with Donna McKechnie one year when she was on the committee. She took it very seriously. Plenty of voters don’t go to every show (even though they’re supposed to), but the nominating committee members 100% do.
They meet periodically, announce eligibility rulings and then ultimately make the ballot for the larger voting body which is announced on nomination day.
Ok, I found out it’s 48 members this year, comprised of people such as Daphne Rubin-Vega, Priscilla Lopez, Ann Harada, Brenda Braxton, Scott Frankel, Jerry Dixon, Katori Hall, Michael John LaChiusa, Don Scarsino and Randy Skinner.
Yes, these handful of people are going to decide the nominations. This method really allows for biases (intentional or otherwise) and personal tastes to really mold the noms.
What I’ve hear of Tootsie is quite good, musically, and Yazbek is respected and well-liked. That and Hadestown I think are locks for score noms, with Hadestown the seeming favorite to win. I think Prom is likely; King Kong, Pretty Woman and GTBBT seem unlikely, which leaves Beetlejuice and BMC for the fourth. I wouldn’t be surprised if it went to BMC - Joe Iconis has been pounding the pavement for a long time and generally does good work, whereas Eddie Perfect has come kind of out of nowhere and didn’t exactly distinguish himself with King Kong. And the rest are all jukebox.
If I were forced to place a bet, I’d wager on BMC getting a score nomination.
You forgot AINT TOO PROUD. And it could still be 5 nominations if it’s close, right?
Featured Actor Joined: 5/8/06
Moderator said: "goldenstate5, since you asked publicly, your message was not edited for the use of the word "jeeeeez," it was edited because of the personal insult that followed it about posters who had been vocal with their dislike of the show. We thought that since the remainder of your message did not violate the board's rules that this was a better option than deleting the entire post. I hope that clears up the confusion.
By the way, "jeeeeez" is a perfectly acceptable word."
I think I called people out being a little too "vicious"... not sure how that's a personal insult but okay. Also not sure why you edited out my first part but okay!
Does Best Score expand to 5 nominees if they’re close enough in the nominators’ voting? I thought it was a fixed 4 but I could be wrong, plus they seem to change their minds on a whim. I know it’s true for other categories. I could see Prom/Beetlejuice/BMC all coming pretty close in the nominator votes.
And Ain’t Too Proud wouldn’t be eligible for Score as it’s jukebox, right? Or did they change that rule again too?
Ain’t Too Proud is not eligible for score. I think Jordan mistook your discussion of Best Score as one for Best Musical.
I agree with you that Iconis will surely get the fourth score slot over Beetlejuice.
Really the only locks in my book are Tootise and Hadestown. The Prom has the strongest chances of the rest of the bunch but then I don't know if I would go saying Ain't Too Proud has any stronger chances at getting in then the rest of the dark horses. There is a lot at play with all the things on the bubble here (Ain't Too Proud, The Cher Show, Beetlejuice, and Be More Chill) that can really swing any of these four into the last sure slot and possibly a 5th slot.
If a jukebox is going to get in this year, what will the voters favor? A kinda by the book, unoriginal, but not offensive to the senses mash up of Jersey Boys meets Motown? Or a took the risk but failed but at least it took the risk and has at the very least some exciting moments and performances to show for it? Or will they avoid jukebox all together? I really think that is Be More Chill's ONLY hope of slipping in. That the voters are unimpressed enough by Ain't Too Proud and hated The Cher Show enough to knock them both out of the running and Be More Chill slips past them.
And then of course we have Beetlejuice which is the real wildcard here because no one really knows much about how far it's come from DC but it does have the fact that it's based off a movie kinda working against it as the voters in the last few seasons have really pushed back against the more commercial properties unless it's something that really stands out.
However, I DO think that Be More Chill is a lock for Score. There is not a lot to contend with and the score is not half bad. It's more the book and the design that are what is gonna hold it back from Best Musical. Plus I am sure that the fact that Joe Iconis, a pretty well liked fella in the community, has finally made it to Broadway will be rewarded. And that's it. A Best Score nominations if going to be it's reward for getting this far and maybe a featured actor but then it becomes which one gets it? Early on, Salazar was the clear "duh" but it seems more and more like Jason Tam is the real stand out. We have seen one song propel featured actors to nominations before however. Brad Oscar in Something Rotten. Jonathan Groff in Hamilton.
No, I was asking about Best Musical. It could be five nominations if it’s close, right?
Scarlet Leigh said: "Plus We have seen one song propel featured actors to nominations before however. Brad Oscar in Something Rotten. Jonathan Groff in Hamilton."
Groff had three songs in Hamilton.