Featured Actor Joined: 6/27/15
Intersting about Sondheim leaving. I mean he is almost 89 years old, so not exactly the demographic of BMC’s target audience! However, I have never left a show at intermission, except once (and that was in the middle of a 90 minute show, I was literally getting sick from food poisoning). To me, I can stick out a show or movie, even if I become bored or tired in it. I have of course, closed my eyes in a show or film, but never left because I didn’t like what I was watching (ok once I remember in high school leaving Lost Boys the film, but that’s it! Lol!)
So my main question here is, have you all ever left a show because you didn’t like it? Or felt bored?
On Sondheim leaving the show: Dude’s 89. His hours are precious. If he wasn’t enjoying, of course he left. That being said, I don’t think Sondheim’s opinion is the end-all-be-all. Considering this show is about modern high school, it’s no surprise that he didn’t enjoy it, since he’s pretty far removed from 1960s (?) high school, let alone 2019 high school
I don’t quite understand the vitriol for this show. It’s not groundbreaking but it’s some goofy silly fun. I’ve found myself defending it and sounding like a mega fan, because the hatred is so deep and totally unwarranted.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
As a fan of Cher Show, I'm not sad with that reception lol
I know Cher making is far from right but as the competition is BMC, Ain't too Proud and Beetlejuice, it may have a better chance than I thought.
raddersons said: "On Sondheim leaving the show: Dude’s 89. His hours are precious. If he wasn’t enjoying, of course he left. That being said, I don’t think Sondheim’s opinion is the end-all-be-all. Considering this show is about modern high school, it’s no surprise that he didn’t enjoy it, since he’s pretty far removed from 1960s (?) high school, let alone 2019 high school
I don’t quite understand the vitriol for this show. It’s not groundbreaking but it’s some goofy silly fun. I’ve found myself defending it and sounding like a mega fan, because the hatred is so deep and totally unwarranted. "
I agree. I wouldn't be surprised IF Sondheim didn't like it. It’s already been noted that it’s a very niche show. And not the very best rating anyway.
Although I thought it was a cute show by no means am I a huge fan of it. I wouldn’t go see it again, and I definitely would not listen to more than like three songs. I know people aren’t going to admit it but I feel like there are alot of people here who were hoping and happy for it to fail. Which I think is pretty extra.
YvanEhtNioj said: "I feel like there are a lot of people here who were hoping and happy for it to fail"
There's a lot of that around here in general, not just regarding Be More Chill. It's the Michael Riedel mentality.
YvanEhtNioj said: "I feel like there are a lot of people here who were hoping and happy for it to fail""
It does seem like most from this board seem to cheer on the NYT review. For those of you who are fans of Be More Chill, here are the raves and other positive reviews that many from the board here don't seem as interested in acknowledging:
Deadline: https://deadline.com/2019/03/be-more-chill-broadway-review-joe-iconis-will-roland-george-salazar-viral-sensation-finally-hits-lyceum-1202572736/
Rolling Stone: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/be-more-chill-broadway-theater-review-806375/
Variety: https://variety.com/2019/legit/reviews/be-more-chill-review-broadway-musical-1203157518/
Vulture: https://www.vulture.com/2019/03/theater-be-more-chill-does-high-school-with-knowing-cunning.html
amNY: https://www.amny.com/entertainment/be-more-chill-review-1.28335115
Newsday: https://www.newsday.com/entertainment/theater/be-more-chill-broadway-1.28244608
Broadway World: https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/BWW-Review-Super-Charged-Musical-Comedy-BE-MORE-CHILL-Hits-Broadway-On-A-Frenzied-Wave-of-Social-Media-Fandom-20190310
NYStageReview: https://nystagereview.com/2019/03/10/be-more-chill-desperately-and-delightfully-striving-to-be-cool-in-school/
Theaternewsonline: https://www.theaternewsonline.com/NYTheaterReviews/INSTANTCOOL.cfm
NJ Arts: https://www.njarts.net/theater/be-more-chill-makes-successful-transition-to-broadway-four-years-after-rocking-red-bank/
Fast Company: https://www.fastcompany.com/90317963/be-more-chill-broadway-review-a-peculiar-musical-with-an-inspiring-backstory
Warbucks2 said: "here are the raves and other positive reviews that many from the board here don't seem as interested in acknowledging:"
Thanks for sharing - I had somehow missed the Deadline and Rolling Stone reviews, which are great.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/19/13
I saw it Saturday (3/10), enjoyed it but agree that it was way too frenetic. First act was great setup, catchy songs, but I felt the second act sort of fell apart with so much going on and the plot getting more convoluted as time progressed. I felt like I was being hit over the head with every number, and it was also pretty loud. They could crank down the volume a little. (I know, get off my lawn).
Also what's with the costumes? It looked like everybody was wearing jammies on steroids to school. They could have toned that down a little. The Halloween costumes didn't look like anything an actual high school student would wear.
I'm a senior citizen, but usually love the "teen shows", having seen Mean Girls, Evan Hansen, and the Prom. Some of the teens in these shows are getting a little long in the tooth, especially a few in BMC. So an enjoyable evening, but I think the 2nd act could be simplified/tightened up a little (I know, too late).
I feel like the money it took to bring this to Broadway could have been much better spent going to getting it turned into a movie musical. That is the way you reach your teen demo. Take the work to them for a price they can afford, not make them try to find a way to come to you and by that I mean beg mom and dad. They will also make a ton of money back eventually in licensing rights to high school theater programs.
On Sondheim leaving the show: Dude’s 89. ... he’s pretty far removed from 1960s (?) high school...
Actually that would be 1940's high school, since he was born in 1930. But carry on...
Jesus, just when you think there’s no way you could ever have loved Sondheim more...you love him even more.
Someone in a Tree2 said: "On Sondheim leaving the show: Dude’s 89. ... he’s pretty far removed from 1960s (?) high school...
Actually that would be 1940's high school, since he was born in 1930. But carry on..."
Yes, that was the point of putting the question mark. Also, 1940s high school is even further removed from 2019 high school, so... your strawman argument just further solidified my point. Thanks.
Nope, nothing about my obsessions with Sondheim, just about, you know, math. (You said yourself he was 89, so...)
P.S. I agree with your point. Sounds like from the reviews for BMC I'd be right behind him heading up the aisle at intermission.
Some of the teens in these shows are getting a little long in the tooth, especially a few in BMC
I know! I love that the men these tweens/teens are screaming and freaking out about are in their 30s!
Broadway Star Joined: 3/10/19
Someone in a Tree2 said: "I agree with your point. Sounds like from the reviews for BMC I'd be right behind him heading up the aisle at intermission."
OK - this is where it goes a little too far for me. As bad as the show may be, it is INCREDIBLY rude to leave a show halfway through. As an actress myself, no matter how good the show is, I want people to stay and maybe enjoy something else. There might be another factor in the Sondheim case - maybe there was an urgent matter to which he needed to attend. Maybe he just got a call that the Company revival is crossing the pond, but he can't tell anyone yet, and he has to go to an urgent meeting right away. (OK - that one's wishful thinking, but I can hope.) But unless there's a valid reason, leaving a show in the middle is never OK.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
raddersons said: "On Sondheim leaving the show: Dude’s 89. His hours are precious. If he wasn’t enjoying, of course he left. That being said, I don’t think Sondheim’s opinion is the end-all-be-all. Considering this show is about modern high school, it’s no surprise that he didn’t enjoy it, since he’s pretty far removed from 1960s (?) high school, let alone 2019 high school
I don’t quite understand the vitriol for this show. It’s not groundbreaking but it’s some goofy silly fun. I’ve found myself defending it and sounding like a mega fan, because the hatred is so deep and totally unwarranted."
1960s??? Apparently math is not your subject. Mr. Sondheim went to high school in the 1940s.
But sure, you love it because you are not far removed from 2019 high school. And before you use the expression "straw man argument" again, I recommend looking that up.
MollyJeanneMusic said: “OK - this is where it goes a little too far for me. As bad as the show may be, it is INCREDIBLY rude to leave a show halfway through.“
Get over yourself. If someone’s not enjoying something why should they force themselves to finish it? If you go out to eat and your food is bad are you gojng to finish eating it just to be nice to the cook who will never know it was you? No. So take it down a notch on the self righteousness, lady.
If i’m not enjoying a show, you better believe I will leave at intermisson. It’s MY money. Maybe put on a better show next time, that is not my problem. Leaving a show is okay. It’s our money. We bought the tickets!
This thread gives me a ****ing aneurism everytime I open it.
But unless there's a valid reason, leaving a show in the middle is never OK.
Leaving during the performance and disrupting a whole bunch of people on the way out is rude. Leaving at intermission is polite and appropriate. No one has to stay if they are not enjoying themselves or are absolutely miserable. Get over it.
bk said: "raddersons said: "On Sondheim leaving the show: Dude’s 89. His hours are precious. If he wasn’t enjoying, of course he left. That being said, I don’t think Sondheim’s opinion is the end-all-be-all. Considering this show is about modern high school, it’s no surprise that he didn’t enjoy it, since he’s pretty far removed from 1960s (?) high school, let alone 2019 high school
I don’t quite understand the vitriol for this show. It’s not groundbreaking but it’s some goofy silly fun. I’ve found myself defending it and sounding like a mega fan, because the hatred is so deep and totally unwarranted."
1960s??? Apparently math is not your subject. Mr. Sondheim went to high school in the 1940s.
But sure, you love it because you are not far removed from 2019 high school. And before you use the expression "straw man argument" again, I recommend looking that up."
The exact year is irrelevant, other than the fact that it's far removed from current day. Saying that you are discounting my point based on an irrelevant counter-point... is exactly what a straw man argument is. It's like when people here completely write someone off because they forget an apostrophe. An argument is still an argument, apostrophe or not.
And no, I don't love it. I just like it. But you're not allowed a middle ground on the internet apparently, and boy, people really hate it. I don't think it deserves most of the hatred it gets.
I need to stop posting here.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/27/15
Of course any ticket holder is free to leave any performance at any time (they’re not prisoners) I was just saying earlier, that I do my very best to stay for each performance because I like to complete things I start, maybe that’s OCD, however, to someone else’s point, yes, I have left food uneaten in a restaurant and don’t mind telling them that I didn’t like the food. Who cares what they think? But I would either not eat the same dish again or would not even go back to that restaurant. Let’s say, the creative team to The Ferryman did a sequel. I would probably not go because I didn’t like the first play.
Life’s too short to care about peoples feelings. I’m tired of everyone being so damn sensitive. If you don’t like something, then don’t waste your time, leave at intermisson. Who cares.