SO CUTE!!! I adore them all.
-BJH video
i loved that so much.
That cast is too adorable for words. I'm kind of sad that they didn't show Lauren's section of the dressing room, because I did a drawing of her that she said she would put up, and it would have been fun to see it.
alright so this is now officially my new favorite backstage video!!
I enjoy the Duncan Sheik version of Jonathan B. Wright
I can't decide which one of them to be madly in love with!
Am I the only one who thinks it's utterly adorable that Jonathan B. Wright and Gideon Glick share a dressing room?
I'm not really a big fan, but that was a cute video.
I want in on that Johnathan B Wright coloring contest. I can't wait to read their section of the Broadway Playbill Yearbook.
Updated On: 4/12/07 at 04:15 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
they are THE CUTEST. omg <3
I love how they all call him Jonny B. Wright.
Awww I enjoyed that. Seems like a good group of kids... love the coloring contest.
Also, I loved that he named his dressing room key, lol. And did anyone notice the Lestat shirt the stagedoor girl was wearing. I am surprised they didn't show Lilli and Brian in this video. I wonder if they were out that day.
Heh, that was cute. Although I would have pictured Jon Groff as a better decorator, somehow...
Oh man I would love to be a part of the Jonathan B. Wright coloring contest. I don't know if I could top Gallagher's Duncan Shiek rendering, though.
The best part of the video is "Thats a really big Mic, Yeah it wouldn't fit in our pockets."
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Finally, I get to hear Krysta speak!!!!!!!!!!
"Heh, that was cute. Although I would have pictured Jon Groff as a better decorator, somehow..."
Broadway Star Joined: 7/24/06
I LOVE this show and the cast.
"that's a really big mic"
"yeah that is a big mi-"
"it wouldn't fit in our pocket"
the delivery was brilliant
Aww that was adorable.
I agree Caroline! Gideon Glick just says the cutest things. But the whole video was adorable!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/24/06
Actually forgetting about the cast for a minute, but that stagedoor woman is possibly the nicest person I have ever meet.
She is indeed. I saw Sweeney three times at the Eugene O'Neil, and every time she was extremely mice, and had candy for everyone waiting.
What a great video! I had a smile on my face the entire time. These kids are adorable. And how funny that the boys' shoes are Doggie Biscuitz!