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Bette Midler Confirms Broadway Return in HELLO DOLLY- Page 31

Bette Midler Confirms Broadway Return in HELLO DOLLY

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#750Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/19/16 at 5:56pm

hork said: "I feel like, given the amount of diversity on Broadway and the fact that four out of the top five money-makers feature large non-white casts, that this isn't a battle that needs to be fought anymore, and that producers should be free to cast a show however they want without feeling the need to meet some sort of minority quota. I think there's room on Broadway for an all-white cast or two without having to worry about a potential backslide into racist exclusion. Just my two cents."

In this situation, your two cents aren't worth one.

Also, stop giving Roundabout ideas.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 10/19/16 at 05:56 PM

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#751Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/19/16 at 6:07pm

Hello, Dolly

hork Profile Photo
#752Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/19/16 at 9:27pm

LizzieCurry said:
In this situation, your two cents aren't worth one.

Well, that's your opinion. But keep being rude and intolerant instead of engaging in discussion, it seems to work out for you.

somechrysanthemumtea Profile Photo
#753Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/19/16 at 10:54pm

hork said: "I feel like, given the amount of diversity on Broadway and the fact that four out of the top five money-makers feature large non-white casts, that this isn't a battle that needs to be fought anymore, and that producers should be free to cast a show however they want without feeling the need to meet some sort of minority quota. I think there's room on Broadway for an all-white cast or two without having to worry about a potential backslide into racist exclusion. Just my two cents.



Sorry hork, I disagree. Just because there are other shows with diverse casts that are successful at the present moment doesn't make it okay to cast all white shows. Especially in shows that don't explicitly require an all white cast (like Hello Dolly). 

There shouldn't be a need to fulfil a 'minority quota' - they just need to be conscious and open their minds to non white casting in roles that were previously played by white people. Unfortunately the people in power still can't seem to wrap their minds around the fact that actors of color can play characters in shows like Hello Dolly, where race is not specified nor is it explicitly tied to the shows meaning. 

It's also still a battle that needs to be fought because we're still getting white washing, like the Prince of Egypt concert earlier this year. If that can still happen - even for a reading, that shows we still have a ways to go.

It's very sad to see people say "Look we have 5 shows on Broadway that are making lots of money and feature diverse casts! Now we can go back to all white casting!". 5 shows does not a problem fix.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#754Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/19/16 at 11:07pm

I'd heard people joke that Hamilton fixed everything and -- voila! -- Broadway is finally diverse, but I didn't realize people were even taking it remotely seriously. (Who weren't old white people on boards of directors.)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

hork Profile Photo
#755Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/19/16 at 11:36pm

somechrysanthemumtea said:
It's very sad to see people say "Look we have 5 shows on Broadway that are making lots of money and feature diverse casts! Now we can go back to all white casting!". 5 shows does not a problem fix.


It's not just five shows. It's also The Color Purple and Kinky Boots and Chicago and On Your Feet and Cats and almost every other show. I'm not saying we can go back to all white casting, I'm saying we don't need diverse casting every single time.


#756Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 4:34am

Are any non-white performers up in arms about this anyway? Or is it just broadway obsessives sat in their bedrooms being outraged for something to do?


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#757Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 5:44am

Yes, we do need diverse casting,  EVERY SINGLE TIME.  


No different then thinking women should be happy being able to go to SOME colleges, or have some jobs.  You c A new be a nurse, a teacher or a secretary..but not .but not a doctor, a CEO or superintendent.  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 10/20/16 at 05:44 AM

BWAY Baby2
#758Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 6:48am

Say what you want, I am glad some shows are doing all-white casting- and I am glad that some shows are doing all-black casting- and I am glad that some shows are doing diverse casting. And that is the way it is- and if you do not like it, do not attend the show that does not fit your criteria. I have tickets to Hello, Dolly- and I ms going to enjoy every single moment of it- I hope. Don't go if it does not have black or a racially diverse cast- and do not go to Color Purple if the same is true. We will see if the color counters boycott the movie Fences- with Denzel starring- it does not have a racially diverse cast- let's see who complains about that. Personally, I cannot wait to see it- Fences is one of my favorite dramas.

Updated On: 10/20/16 at 06:48 AM

#759Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 9:32am

"I'm saying we don't need diverse casting every single time."



 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#760Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 10:48am

I know there is a thread to this already but I want to post it here because it is actually RELEVANT to the topic in discussion. Donna Murphy is freaking perfect casting as the official alternate for Bette Midler.


Updated On: 10/20/16 at 10:48 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#761Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 11:25am

The topic has become this. That's what happens after 30 pages. The conversation shifts. Stop trying to turn the car around- you're not behind the wheel.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#762Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 11:41am

Even if the "conversation" in question is the same dull thing that happens a few times on some of these threads when casting like this happens? So I'm going to politely ask for you not to drag me into this.


Look, I would rather talk about the production and the actors rather than this whole "white washing casting", I just don't find that interesting. I'm completely sorry if that isn't where the thread is going but that's what I would want. Thank you.

Updated On: 10/20/16 at 11:41 AM

BWAY Baby2
#763Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 12:54pm

I have third row center seats for Dolly tis April- and I cannot wait to see what Bette does with this role. Perfect casting.

hork Profile Photo
#764Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 1:25pm

dramamama611 said: "Yes, we do need diverse casting,  EVERY SINGLE TIME.  


No different then thinking women should be happy being able to go to SOME colleges, or have some jobs.  You c A new be a nurse, a teacher or a secretary..but not .but not a doctor, a CEO or superintendent.  


Bad analogy. No one is telling anyone they can't be an actor. And producers aren't exactly beholden to the same equal opportunity policies as other types of employers. Casting an actor based on physical appearance isn't the same as hiring a lawyer based on physical appearance. But I suppose you're free to complain next time there's an all-white Jane Austen movie or a production of Waiting for Godot with no women.

No, we don't need diversity every time. We didn't need it in Gentleman's Guide, which specifically poked fun at the English aristocracy, and for which a diverse cast wouldn't have made sense.


Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#765Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 1:40pm

This entire argument is just ridiculous.  Maybe they just cast the best performers for the roles?  I don't think there was any ignorance or malice involved here. 

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#766Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 1:45pm

Mildred Plotka said: "This entire argument is just ridiculous.  Maybe they just cast the best performers for the roles?  I don't think there was any ignorance or malice involved here."


Thank you Mildred for that classy response. This cast is going to be wonderful and it sure was more than what I imagined when the show was first announced. 

#767Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 1:48pm

DonnaMurphy isn't black.. I am outraged. I'm going to picket outside the theatre.

#768Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 2:59pm

@Musical Master I get that you don't want to be having this conversation but we've got a good chunk of time to go before they start performances and this is something that can be discussed now instead of speculating on what things might be like (which I find to be a less fruitful avenue of discussion because things will be what they're going to be). 

Personally, I'm not outraged. I'm just a little disappointed and voicing my opinion that yes, these things do matter, and yes, there are people who will notice, not because they're counting but because it's really obvious to some of us even if we don't voice our displeasure except online and among friends.

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#769Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 3:17pm

@VillageSnarker That's a very good point. Maybe by the time January rolls around, I guess we'll have more information/rehearsal footage so that there's more worthy things to talk about; I just couldn't help but to wonder what the show will be like with this crew, I love talking about those things.smiley

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#770Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 3:23pm

Mildred Plotka said: "This entire argument is just ridiculous.  Maybe they just cast the best performers for the roles?  I don't think there was any ignorance or malice involved here. "

You don't necessarily need to be ignorant or malicious to get a whitey white cast like... well, actually, you do need to be a little ignorant, but you could be a totally nice person too.


brian1973 said: "Are any non-white performers up in arms about this anyway? Or is it just broadway obsessives sat in their bedrooms being outraged for something to do?"

The latter group has less to lose by being outspoken.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 10/20/16 at 03:23 PM

BWAY Baby2
#771Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 3:45pm

From now on- if at least 10 per cent of any cast in a any Broadway or Off Broadway show, any movie or any television show is not black- I am not watching it. I am going to set my third row center orchestra seats for Hello, Dolly on fire. Blacks should be prominent in EVERY production- and at least one candidate for president must be black.

Kad Profile Photo
#772Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 3:55pm

What is it about arguments for more diverse casting that irk you so much, exactly?

Because your response seems to be mostly "you people already have enough so shut up."

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 10/20/16 at 03:55 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#773Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 3:58pm



People get a little kooky the more beige and brown their world gets. Poor dears.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#774Hello, Dolly
Posted: 10/20/16 at 4:11pm

Kad said: "What is it about arguments for more diverse casting that irk you so much, exactly?


Because your response seems to be mostly "you people already have enough so shut up."


If you were asking me that question I'll be more than happy to answer that: it's because it's the same old thing over and over and over again that I get bored/irritated easily. Now don't get me wrong at all, I would really love to see a rainbow cast in Hello, Dolly but when the "white washing, more diversity" argument happens and people criticize the producers and crew for being so called "clueless" and "racist", even long before the show has opened, I get a little peeved and mad. I hope that clears up with how I'm feeling about this whole thing.


If there is a good thing I can find from all of this, I'm quite surprised that no one here has mentioned that a good number of the ensemble are different races so the revival isn't entirely white.

Updated On: 10/20/16 at 04:11 PM
