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Bootlegs and the majestic

#1Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/3/18 at 8:33pm

(This is my second post. Sorry.)

I mentioned earlier about seeing POTO in July, and was wondering if it is allowed to record the infamous chandelier crash. I mean, if I get caught, I could always say I thought it was the real curtain call and didn't read the Playbill.


RicardoMagon Profile Photo
#2Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/3/18 at 8:36pm

It's against the rules. But there's sooooooo many videos of it online.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#3Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/3/18 at 8:52pm

You can do whatever you want, regardless of the fact it is illegal and is stated in the Playbill.

As you can see by the countless videos of this sequence on YouTube, it hasn’t stopped anyone in the past 30 years.

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#4Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/3/18 at 9:08pm

First, thank you for asking people if this is a good idea because it shows that you are willing to learn  (rather than just filming it and not caring about the consequences) and I think that should be celebrated. 

Here's the thing:

All of us who have taken LSD sometime in our twenties do agree that yes, you CAN do whatever you want.

My question should be:
SHOULD you do whatever you want?

Think about this:

Unless you're sitting in the back row, people are going to be sitting behind you.  Do you really want to take everyone sitting behind you out of the moment (with the light from your camera/phone) in order to selfishly get a video for yourself?

I'm not calling you selfish, but I am questioning if the act of bootlegging it as a selfish act.  I have a lot of bootlegs, we all do on this site.  But a lot of bootlegers have perfected how to record the show without distracting the rest of the audience.  

I'll send you a bootleg of the show with any cast you want that I can find if you don't film it while you're there.  Send me a PM. 

And... wouldn't it be better to experience the chandelier falling in the moment and through your own eyes rather than trying to document the purposely ephemeral by seeing the moment through a screen in order to get a video documentation of something that will never capture the feeling one gets when experiencing it live?  

Broadway World's Fireman.
Updated On: 6/3/18 at 09:08 PM

haterobics Profile Photo
#5Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/3/18 at 9:57pm

If there are countless videos of this already available, what unique magic to you think you will be able to capture? It's sort of like the number of cell phones at the Today show concert series... you know this is literally being recorded and aired on TV right now!?

Tag Profile Photo
#6Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/3/18 at 10:07pm

Put the phone away and sit there and actually enjoy it.  Watch it in real life.

#7Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 12:00am

Like others said, it's just plain selfish to take out a phone and record during a show.
If you want a video of the chandelier in motion, wait until intermission.  They'll put the chandelier back up then and you can get better video then than during the show. 

darquegk Profile Photo
#8Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 11:11am

Any number of bootleggers more gifted and technically enhanced than you have already filmed it. Watch it for yourself live, and then watch somebody else's 4K video.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#9Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 11:13am


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#10Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 12:13pm

ryanpoto said: "... I mentioned earlier about seeing POTO in July, and was wondering if it is allowed to record the infamous chandelier crash. ..."

I have contacted the Majestic. They will be watching out for you. 



BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#11Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 12:33pm

Bootlegs and the majestic

Bootlegs and the majestic

Bootlegs and the majestic


uncageg Profile Photo
#13Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 1:49pm

Sondheimite said: ".

And... wouldn't it be better to experience the chandelier fallingin the moment and through your own eyes rather than trying to document the purposely ephemeral by seeing the moment through a screen in order to get a video documentation of something that will never capture the feeling one gets when experiencing it live?



Also, why feel the need to do it when it has been done over and over and you can see it online. The chandelier isn't going to fall any differently because you are filmimg it!

I was at a show with a woman snapping pictures In front of me and when i asked her to stop because it was distracting, and against the law which means nothing to people anymore, her response was "I wanted my daughter to experience the moment". My response to her was "You should have bought her a ticket". She stopped and an usher grabbed her at intermission and had the pics deleted.


Just give the world Love.

#14Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 10:34pm

BalconyClub said: "ryanpoto said: "... Imentioned earlier about seeing POTO in July, and was wondering if it is allowed to record the infamous chandelier crash. ..."

I have contacted the Majestic. They will be watching out for you.

Assuming you even contacted them, what would they do? They don’t know what I look like and I didn’t mention what day, time, or location I’d be sitting in. Obvious troll :P


#15Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 10:35pm

You’re not able to record the curtain call? Didn’t know that, thank you for telling me!

haterobics Profile Photo
#16Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/4/18 at 11:47pm

Here you go. Done.


uncageg Profile Photo
#17Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/5/18 at 11:52am
The article is about the policy at Shubert Theaters. The Majestic is one of them.

Just give the world Love.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#18Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/5/18 at 12:00pm

Also of note, those flashes in that chandelier video aren’t people taking photos. Those are part of the staging so they are coming from the stage during the Overture.

haterobics Profile Photo
#19Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/5/18 at 12:16pm

uncageg said: "
The article is about the policy at Shubert Theaters. The Majestic is one of them.

Not sure what new info is in this article:

“To accommodate theatre-goers in the age of social media, audience members in Shubert-owned theatres are generally permitted to take photos inside the house prior to the curtain going up, during intermission, and after the show, never during a performance when the taking of pictures or the use of recording devices of any kind is strictly prohibited.”

#20Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/5/18 at 12:23pm

I was at a preview of Frozen in February. The couple in front of me filming away during tge first act. I looked back at entrance and could see ushers looking. During intermission the manager approached them and told them policy and advised they delete or be removed.

The fly in the ointment, he didn’t actually look at tge phones or watch them delete the videos.

Look on YouTube and you can find all kinds of videos of full shows. But they come and go. I saw two videos of the ENTIRE first and second act of Hamilton, in high def and good sound quality. It goes up, then goes down pretty quickly. 

I woukd t suggest you video, not only is it illegal, but kinda distracting for those around you.

#21Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/5/18 at 12:54pm

PLEASE do not take out your phone during the performance. It is one of the rudest things you can do to the people sitting around you. There are countless bootlegs of this online already. Please don't add to the current epidemic of cell phones in the theater.

#22Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/6/18 at 1:37am

haterobics said: "uncageg said: "
The article is about the policy at Shubert Theaters. The Majestic is one of them.

Not sure what new info is in this article:

“To accommodate theatre-goers in the age of social media, audience members in Shubert-owned theatres are generally permitted to take photos inside the house prior to the curtain going up, during intermission, and after the show,never during a performance when the taking of pictures or the use of recording devices of any kind is strictly prohibited.”

That bit of the article is 100 per cent not accurate. From ushering at The Play that goes Wrong, I can tell you, you're not allowed to take pre show photos. Reason being is that there's no curtain down and they don't want you to take photos of the set. However, during intermission, the Lyceum's purple house curtain comes down, so we let people take photos then. The act of taking photos of the set varies by production. I personally wish that all theatres made a pre show announcement about recording/cell phone usage. Frankly, it's annoying to be at a show where I have to warn the audience myself. 


BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#23Bootlegs and the majestic
Posted: 6/6/18 at 2:28am

Please don't. Don't listen to your 14-16 y/o friends telling you "get a boot! get a boot!" It's disrespectful to the actors, those around you, and yourself (robbing yourself of the chance to fully be in the moment). I know it's tough to be without the phone for awhile, but at least do it in the theatre.
