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Broadway for Hillary Performance List- Page 4

Broadway for Hillary Performance List

slumdogdelaware Profile Photo
#75Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:11pm

She did the damn thing.

#76Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:13pm

n2nbaby said: "Can't we just have one political post without hearing the negative? Go somewhere else.

Hillary cares. Hillary knows what is the best for us. She's not perfect, she's only human and damn it, in 22 days this woman is going to be our president and I am proudly voting for her.


"You're willfully ignorant and support blatant criminality if you support Hillary, many in Broadway despise her, and many, many are voting against her, now go play in traffic 


#77Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:16pm

n2nbaby said: "Can't we just have one political post without hearing the negative? Go somewhere else.

Hillary cares. Hillary knows what is the best for us. She's not perfect, she's only human and damn it, in 22 days this woman is going to be our president and I am proudly voting for her.


"She knows whats best for us? Sorry, freak, I don't need anyone to tell me what is best for me, sheep

slumdogdelaware Profile Photo
#78Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:19pm

WE GET IT. Get back under your bridge. You're boring us.

#79Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:20pm

sabrelady said: ""I'm going nowhere, you fascist, hive minded, criminal trash. "

Well you are half right- you ARE going nowhere and fast. 

Don't slam the door on your journey to oblivion.

coming from someone who does rectal prolapse porn.... sure...



#80Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:24pm


Enjoyed Kelli & Anne, NPH, Groban, Lin & Renee and Cynthia. Some dodgy performances in there too.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#81Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:32pm


HATE when entertainment becomes political.


Sorry to inform you, but all art is political.

Art is a radical act.

It has been since Aeschylus and Aristophanes.



sabrelady Profile Photo
#82Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:33pm

As a trained and certified specialized oncology professional  i can diagnosis   that  you are a large fungating  tumour, smelling of Pseudomonas covered in fecal C.diffiile ,  sucking the life out of everything you touch to feed your own putrid toxic existence. It would be sad if your polluted form were to contaminate with your poison and thus condemn others to your vile form of disease.

But a hard rain is gonna fall and  Her name is Hillary Clinton. She will allow you all to self destruct as you realize all your hate and rage and fear has actually caused the thing you hated most to come to pass and Thy Name Shall Be Failure.

Now and forevermore .

#83Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:39pm

So in other words you supported her loving actions when the Clinton's gave blood with Hep-C and HIV to hemophiliacs, ohhh yes,,, there is a documentary on it. As I said, you are a sick individual if you support her, go watch Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal , you might learn something, if you support her, you support criminality and murder. You sick, ****ed up people, support a sick, degenerate criminal . Im embarrassed to work on Broadway, embarrassed to know Hillary supporters, lovers of criminality 

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#84Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:40pm

I put him on my ignore list. You guys can too.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#85Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:42pm

and I hate nobody but thugs, the Clinton's are thugs,  you have a low IQ, and are mentally ill if you think Hillary is a loving, progressive. She is a degenerate thug and war mongering filth. You have no ****ing idea who you are talking too. I'm a high level political analyst, filled with knowledge, you watch CNN, you know nothing, you are a hive mentality loser.  ME, individual, you statist sheep. Enjoy the war, death and destruction, 

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#86Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:43pm

If everyone can run to redbox and rent Hillary's America, that'd be great. It's all true. Crazy liberals!

#87Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:46pm

War with Russia is loving and liberal!!! I Only a blind fool would vote for this blood drinker 

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#88Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/17/16 at 11:52pm

If you want to be so hateful, you probably should learn proper English before replying, cupcake.

#89Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 12:02am

Hateful?  I 'm not the one supporting the war monger, that would be you. Why do you want to vote for the war monger? Why do you ignore the decades of Clinton criminality? Willful ignorance? Do you chose to close your eyes? 

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#90Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 12:11am



You literally said, without knowing anything about me besides that I am voting for Hillary, my screenname on BroadwayWorld and my picture, that I have a low IQ and that I am mentally ill. That's not being hateful? So Mr. High Political Analyst, enjoy the rest your night and keep judging. Remember, when the go low, we go high. 

#91Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 12:17am

In other words, you lose your eyes to criminality and are willfully ignorant. I'm not going low, I'm going to the truth. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#92Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 12:27am

undercoverusher said: "I'm not going low, I'm going to the truth. "

You don't have to go low if you live there?

#93Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 12:32am

A high level political analyst who refers to the "Clinton's" instead of "Clintons" 

No way. Plus you sound unhinged and kinda dumb.

#94Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 4:05am

I just have to say, if a Martian came down from outer space and saw this exchange, he/she would have one conclusion (irrespective to scandals, controversies, alleged crimes, and the all-but-certain outcome of the election 3 weeks from today):


If people are coming on a Broadway forum, in a discussion about a Broadway event, organized to celebrate one of two political candidates with Broadway songs sung by Broadway performers, and rather than contributing to the discussion of the concert, the numbers, the performances, etc. are merely using it as an excuse to trash said candidate and anyone's who's supporting (in this case) her... Well, I think it would be clear to them who was well ahead in the polls and why. 


This thread is the election in a microcosm - a lot of growing enthusiasm (albeit reluctant in some circles), for one candidate (flawed, but who actually stands for something) - as opposed to the disorganized, incoherent, flailing accusations from champions for the other candidate, who has no steady message, no coherent policies, but just a lot of name-calling and mass-blaming (not to mention being a seemingly reprehensible person, who stands for nothing at all but inchoate anger). 


Hillary isn't perfect, but she knows her audience.  So do the people who put on tonight's show.  If you're weighing in on a Broadway forum tonight and directing people to go watch conservative and alt-right documentaries as ammo to bolster your position of preferring Trump, then with all due respect, you don't know yours.


mc1227 Profile Photo
#95Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 6:07am



The only review of a show that matters is your own.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#96Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 8:29am

Will they eventually upload the stream or was that it? I was hoping to catch parts I missed last night. 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#97Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 8:38am

Thanks, Kimbo!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#98Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 9:02am

Just dawned on me that Bette Midler was a no show after being a late addition to the performers. Hope she's okay.

#99Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 9:04am

Call_me_jorge said: "Will they eventually upload the stream or was that it? I was hoping to catch parts I missed last night. 



Yeah, I have a friend who was working and is DYING to see this. I really hope they post the entire event online somewhere.
