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Broadway for Hillary Performance List- Page 5

Broadway for Hillary Performance List

Kad Profile Photo
#100Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 9:44am

@z5 said: "HATE when entertainment becomes political. So sad."

And I hate when politics become entertainment. Sad!


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#101Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 9:53am

Can we have a play with this premise?

"a Martian came down from outer space and saw this exchange "

A non-committal, non-judgemental piece of writing merely jotting down observations of how people interacted/reacted during this election cycle.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#102Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 10:05am

FINALLY Valentina3 swoops in with the important posts! Broadway for Hillary Performance List

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#103Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 10:20am

My brain hurts. I wish someone could've put John P. Wintergreen on the ballot- his was a platform of LOVE!

#104Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 11:36am

Kimbo said: "I just have to say, if a Martian came down from outer space and saw this exchange, he/she would have one conclusion (irrespective to scandals, controversies, alleged crimes, and the all-but-certain outcome of the election 3 weeks from today):


If people are coming on a Broadway forum, in a discussion about a Broadway event, organized to celebrate one of two political candidates with Broadway songs sung by Broadway performers, and rather than contributing to the discussion of the concert, the numbers, the performances, etc. are merely using it as an excuse to trash said candidate and anyone's who's supporting (in this case) her... Well, I think it would be clear to them who was well ahead in the polls and why. 


This thread is the election in a microcosm - a lot of growing enthusiasm (albeit reluctant in some circles), for one candidate (flawed, but who actually stands for something) - as opposed to the disorganized, incoherent, flailing accusations from champions for the other candidate, who has no steady message, no coherent policies, but just a lot of name-calling and mass-blaming (not to mention being a seemingly reprehensible person, who stands for nothing at all but inchoate anger). 


Hillary isn't perfect, but she knows her audience.  So do the people who put on tonight's show.  If you're weighing in on a Broadway forum tonight and directing people to go watch conservative and alt-right documentaries as ammo to bolster your position of preferring Trump, then with all due respect, you don't know yours.



"I don't support anyone, simply stating Hillary is a criminal, and Broadway as a whole does not support Hillary just because IATSE orders us to support her 


#105Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 11:36am

Is the video available anywhere? I missed it last night but would love to watch.

Rumpelstiltskin Profile Photo
#106Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 11:45am

There's a lot of crazy in this thread.  I can't imagine how anyone could disparage NPH in that shirt.

#107Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 11:58am

BroadwayConcierge said: "I honestly just feel fundamentally slimy about of having the Broadway community rally for a political candidate, even a "New Yorker," even Trump's opponent.



While I absolutely don't begrudge you your feelings , are you aware that this isn't the first time this has been done?



#108Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 12:20pm

undercoverusher said: "I don't support anyone, simply stating Hillary is a criminal, and Broadway as a whole does not support Hillary just because IATSE orders us to support her "

undercoverusher ---can we assume that you are Mary Breilid of the Shubert Org???

#109Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 1:03pm

MinnieFay said: "undercoverusher said: "I don't support anyone, simply stating Hillary is a criminal, and Broadway as a whole does not support Hillary just because IATSE orders us to support her "

undercoverusher ---can we assume that you are Mary Breilid of the Shubert Org???


"I'm not Mary, but if she is a thinker and outside the Hive... good for her... I'm a rebel and nobody tells me how to think 


#110Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 1:10pm

I have no idea why someone would hijack this thread with their political views! There are appropriate places to express your opinions not in a Broadway forum! Anyways has a video of LMM and Renee singing a re-imagined Ten Duel Commandments. It's awesome!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#112Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 4:11pm

Rumpelstiltskin said: "There's a lot of crazy in this thread.  I can't imagine how anyone could disparage NPH in that shirt.



Hear, hear!

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#113Broadway for Hillary Performance List
Posted: 10/18/16 at 5:34pm


