Matt Doyle and @bwaynews on Twitter were tweeting about a few minutes ago some Broadway actors bashing each other and each others shows. Does anyone know what they are referring too????? Interesting.
Read the last few pages of the Into the Woods thread.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I'm going to have to go check those twitter accounts pronto because it is interesting.
Direct links:
Question: HOW can you **** up "into the woods"?? I fear musicianship is dead in musical theatre. And acting, for that matter. #horrified
Really don't like seeing Broadway actors trashing other shows on twitter. Have a little tact. We're all in this together.
It's very similar to the twitter "incident" when Tony Vincent trashed the Jesus Christ Superstar performance on the Tonys. And it's always the person who should be the last to criticize anyone.
Well this is gonna be fun.
Stand-by Joined: 2/15/10
And note: supporting my theatre community--which I DO--does not mean I have to *like* everything.
@morganajames but you shouldn't tweet about it either. We should support one another in this industry & that tweet was disgusting. sorry.
@ScottAlanNet I'm sorry to offend. It's not about 'not supporting'. The prod/dir was offensive (sexually) and it just wasn't for me.
@morganajames then don't tweet your opinions, love. it IS about supporting. It's a FIRST preview featuring FRIENDS and IDOLS we respect
@morganajames people read your tweets & you need to be apart of this industry & be respectful & feel honored to be working in it.
@morganajames it disgusts me to see performers judging art. Theatre is already judged by so many. WE are the ones who need to SUPPORT
If we who care about theatre, aren't the ones to judge and hold it accountable how will it maintain integrity and grow? #JustSayin'
When Wesley Taylor went to a pre-release Rock of Ages screening, instead of tweeting that he did not like the movie, he just tweeted something along the lines of, "Well, Tom Cruise was funny."
You can have a negative opinion. You can subtly allude to that negative opinion. But coming right out and saying it when you are not only a public figure but a public figure known for the industry you are talking about, it leads to stuff like this.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/3/08
Reminds me of how Neil Patrick Harris goes to every show before the Tonys, and when people say, "You love EVERY show!", he replies, "No, I just am very careful with my wording." He'd write stuff like "Just saw Evita- beautiful staging!" "Newsies- wow, unbelievable choreography!" (not actual quotes, just basic idea) and then go all out for shows he really enjoyed. I think that's a nice way to do it.
Morgan seems like she likes herself a lot.
Josh Lamon just had this to say on his twitter.
"josh lamon ?@JoshLamon
And with that said let's talk about love. Hanging with Sondheim was the definition of all good gifts. Alas for you who got to see it."
Rachel Potter just chimed in:
Rachel Potter ?@therachelpotter
@ScottAlanNet @morganajames No offense Scott, but you have way more followers. You just judged her in front of all of us. Hardly supportive.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/3/08
Lamon actually using Godspell lyrics/song titles. Boom.
Is Josh Lamon using "alas" correctly? He feels bad for the people who got to see Into the Woods? That's not encouraging...
Didn't Rachel Potter tweet a quote from a review praising her, but saying some not so nice things about Elena Roger not too long ago?
For me, like, of course she's ALLOWED to express her thoughts and her opinion is valid but...what about just not being a dick?
Stand-by Joined: 11/20/11
Morgan is a great person and yeah she was a little harsh but people jumping all over her is a little excessive.
Okay Morgan James. Thanks for your opinion!
Well, considering she said they can't act or sing, that was she was #horrified, why shouldn't they? It was bitchy. It was not constructive.
People need to mind their words more carefully now.
There's the 'ol three block rule when you've seen a play- wait three blocks before you start yapping because you don't know who's around you.
There should be a "don't badmouth performers and productions on Twitter" rule.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/3/08
Rachel seems intense. She posted something on facebook a few weeks ago about being so happy Obama Care was upheld... just went back and looked. Someone was arguing with her, "I think most can agree that we need a good medical system in place, however i do not agree to continue to feel bad for these lowlifes that refuse to go work because our government continues to cater to them."
She replied, "Randy- I live in New York city, and I will be the very first to say that I hate people who exploit the system. Can't stand them. I see them everywhere, they act like animals, feel entitled to everything without lifting a finger, steal from individuals as well as the government, think its cool to be uneducated.... the list goes on. I wish we could just blow them all up, and I would have a much more enjoyable subway ride to work every day. That said, sometimes the bottom feeders are going to benefit from the help that trickles down from people that are say, in my moms position. " Blow them all up? Really??
I have no problem with people expressing their opinions. It is the WAY she went about expressing it that bothered me. There is no need for her to be flat out rude. She said this later on...
The prod/dir was offensive (sexually) and it just wasn't for me.
That's fine. She is entitled to her opinion, but when you are a member of the theatre community, you HAVE to be careful and thoughtful when sharing thoughts. She targeted the cast members' acting and the musicians in a very tactless manner. She didn't like the production, that is 110% a-okay, but just leave it at that.