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CHICKEN & BISCUITS Previews- Page 7


YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
Posted: 10/3/21 at 11:32pm

RippedMan said: "It is interesting that given the past year, we are now using the "white gay" as a stock character. Even though that's what we're fighting against? putting people in boxes? But yet here we are? Hm. So much for progress."

The play is about a black family and meant to be realistic. If I, a gay BLACK man, brought home a boyfriend who wasn’t black..literally the first thing my family would say is “giiiiirrrlll did y’all hear Jordan dating that white boy”

this is literally a nonissue. 

Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?

Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:02am

gibsons2 said: "

Calling out someone's bs is not ugly and I'm being very polite

Yes you've been nothing but polite and pleasant. The BS here, just to be clear, is that something made me cringe and you think I was wrong to have cringed, and wrong to have explained why when asked, and then wrong to have corrected your taking a cue from Sutton Ross (always a mistake!) that it was OK to announce what Judaism is and is not, and announce what I am and what I am not, and what I am therefore allowed to say. 

Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:08am

gibsons2 said: "Theater3232 said: "Do they actually say "White Boy" in this play, or write that as the name of a character???"

My mistake, he was referred to as "white guy" several times, however his boyfriend Kenny stressed out several times that his name is Logan


Oh wow you're really lost here. I dont think he is once referred to as The White Guy. His name is Logan Leibowitz. He announces his Judaism immediately. He yells Mazel Tov at one point. He hilariously has no idea how to find anything in the Bible. And he says point blank hes Jewish but not in any way religious (i know, the theologians and historians here should tell him how wrong he is about that). My reaction was that his role as White person erases his own Otherness in broader society. Its not a play about him. I get it. But i dont think recognizing the fact of Jewish Americans' Otherness--not quite White, but not a racial minority subject to the Black experience by any stretch-- is anything all that controversial to anyone remotely paying attention.

but im just a White guy who is offended and angry and needs a buncha ignoramuses to school him on how i am not entitled to have the cringeworthy moment, let alone to talk about it when asked. well done, sir.

Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:11am

YvanEhtNioj said: "
this is literally a nonissue."

I definitely agree its a non-issue. @Ripped i dont know if you've seen the play, but I think everyone is playing rather exaggerated stereotypes and I dont think Logan Leibowitz is treated any differently or harshly or inappropriately than anyone else. Certainly wasn't an issue for me. (I liked this play. I loved Urie's performance. The degree to which people are this worked up to the point of going off on what Jewish people are or arent--talking about them in a way they'd never talk about any other minority--says lots.)

RippedMan Profile Photo
Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:11am

YvanEhtNioj said: "RippedMan said: "It is interesting that given the past year, we are now using the "white gay" as a stock character. Even though that's what we're fighting against? putting people in boxes? But yet here we are? Hm. So much for progress."

The play is about a black family and meant to be realistic. If I, a gay BLACK man, brought home a boyfriend who wasn’t black..literally the first thing my family would say is “giiiiirrrlll did y’all hear Jordan dating that white boy”

this is literally a nonissue.

Totally get it. But, in the reverse, wouldn't we all point fingers and call that racist? 

I just think the making the white a Jewish white gay seems... obvious and not clever. 


Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:19am

RippedMan said: "

I just think the making the white a Jewish white gay seems... obvious and not clever.


Eh, theres a very uppity conservative Church Lady, a very loud and scantily clad hairdresser from Atlanta... this is a funny play but its not subtle and the characters sure aren't. I merely noticed- and would be curious if other sane theatergoers did as well-- that Logan's Judaism is prominently mentioned and then disappears when it comes time for some discussion of the various ways in which these characters have struggled- the gay son of a pastor, the mistreated woman, etc.

I just noticed that his Whiteness overtook his Otherness rather quickly. The only way thats a big deal is if you dont think Jewishness if an Otherness, which many here do, but I really hope that comment isnt taken as basis to be angry or not see this play, and if you havent @Ripped, its worth seeing especially given the many cheap tickets available. if ANYTHING what bugged me most about the play is how the central, unseen character gets a major pass....but that was an observation that passed muster with the hall monitors here, so it got lost i guess. 

RippedMan Profile Photo
Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:42am

I think a lot of people are just confused about race. Like, YOU (meaning POC) can call us out (hence this show) but WE (white ppl) cannot? Right? 

Posted: 10/4/21 at 1:07am

RippedMan said: "I think a lot of people are just confused about race. Like, YOU (meaning POC) can call us out (hence this show) but WE (white ppl) cannot? Right?"


this is just a whole other topic-- I tend to think everyone should be able to call out everyone else with sincerity, and that POC being derisive/derogatory towards White people isn't the best. I think that in a society with one group in the majority and in power regardless, the minority will always have more leeway and justifiable anger in this space, and more of a responsibility to call out.  

THAT SAID, while an interesting topic for rational adults, this aint that space, and more importantly, this has NOTHING to do with Chicken and BIscuits which doesn't "Call out" anyone all that drastically. Slave Play was a big soap box; this is a very special episode of a well-written sitcom. My wincing at the way the White Gay Jew was folded up into one Big Privileged Person should NOT be read (as it has been here, willfully) to mean I thought the play was a lecture at/for White people or anything like that. 

this isn't a call out play. this isnt an angry play. its a funny two hours that needs less saccharine and an intermission.

Posted: 10/4/21 at 3:36am

The assumptions and autopilot bitchiness of some in this thread are breathtaking. Updated On: 10/4/21 at 03:36 AM

YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
Posted: 10/4/21 at 3:56am

-said something stupid
-got called out on it
-tried to correct it
-still made no sense
-is now upset for being called out

Had you not “cringed” at a white person being called white, we wouldn’t be here. Lol. Digress, tho.

Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?

Posted: 10/4/21 at 6:34am

RippedMan said: "YvanEhtNioj said: "RippedMan said: "It is interesting that given the past year, we are now using the "white gay" as a stock character. Even though that's what we're fighting against? putting people in boxes? But yet here we are? Hm. So much for progress."

The play is about a black family and meant to be realistic. If I, a gay BLACK man, brought home a boyfriend who wasn’t black..literally the first thing my family would say is “giiiiirrrlll did y’all hear Jordan dating that white boy”

this is literally a nonissue.

Totally get it. But, in the reverse, wouldn't we all point fingers and call that racist?

I just think the making the white a Jewish white gay seems... obvious and not clever.


Omg, one of the few plays came out where black people are center and and not just a token part of the ensemble and you're getting offended at them calling a white guy "white"... when they talk amongst each other. And that's what literally any monoethnic family would discuss if one of its members brings a partner of another race.. What else do you get offended by on the daily basis? 

Posted: 10/4/21 at 6:42am

YvanEhtNioj said: "-said something stupid
-got called out on it
-tried to correct it
-still made no sense
-is now upset for being called out

Had you not “cringed” at a white person being called white, we wouldn’t be here. Lol. Digress, tho.

Great summary which should put the end to this conversation. Although I don't think it's not going to be the last topic about the upcoming plays written by black playwrights when someone bring up the nonsense of "reversed racism". Just wait till Slave Play comes out again, everyone's favorite bag to punch. 

Posted: 10/4/21 at 10:03am

YvanEhtNioj said: "-said something stupid
-got called out on it
-tried to correct it
-still made no sense
-is now upset for being called out

Had you not “cringed” at a white person being called white, we wouldn’t be here. Lol. Digress, tho.

I wasn't called out, I have corrected nothing, I'm sorry you're not following what I'm saying but you'll be OK. Your own ignorance about this issue (the "Whiteness" of Jewish people) is something only you can remedy (the same way someone's ignorance about issues re being Black in America is on them, not us, to fix). But I'm smiling at the lunacy of your point: "Had you not said the thing I think I disagree with, I wouldn't have had to call you stupid and say nasty things about who you are, what race you are, etc. You really oughta watch your mouth." Its a hide-behind-my-keyboard classic. You do you.

Posted: 10/4/21 at 10:13am

gibsons2 said: ""

Omg, one of the few plays came out where black people are center andand not just a token part of the ensemble and you're getting offended at them calling a white guy "white"... when they talk amongst each other. And that's what literally any monoethnic family would discussif one of itsmembers brings a partner of another race.. What else do you getoffended by on the daily basis?

I so very agree with this point. This isn't a play about Logan and the play doesnt have to be and it would be patently wrong to dismiss this play because of one minor reaction mentioned on a message board.

 As I believe someone said above (oh, im sorry, as *i* said above), its a Black story and its GREAT that its on Broadway and we need more of it and I hope lots of people go and see this play.

 And as I believe I also said repeatedly, I wasn't offended by anything. So you have to ask yourself what would compel someone like gibson to continuously pretend that anyone claimed to be offended here by anything in this play and even more egregiously suggest anyone complained about the focus on a Black family when literally the precise opposite was stated. (And continue to repeat, falsely, that anyone in the play refers to this dude as The White Guy, in a valiant example of Missing a Point like I havent seen in a long while). 


Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 10/4/21 at 11:55am

gibsons2 said: "YvanEhtNioj said: "-said something stupid
-got called out on it
-tried to correct it
-still made no sense
-is now upset for being called out

Had you not “cringed” at a white person being called white, we wouldn’t be here. Lol. Digress, tho.

Great summary which should put the end to this conversation. 

Let's hope so, at this point he's literally just talking to himself trying to convince himself of something. 

It's over. Move on. 

RippedMan Profile Photo
Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:05pm

gibsons2 said: "RippedMan said: "YvanEhtNioj said: "RippedMan said: "It is interesting that given the past year, we are now using the "white gay" as a stock character. Even though that's what we're fighting against? putting people in boxes? But yet here we are? Hm. So much for progress."

The play is about a black family and meant to be realistic. If I, a gay BLACK man, brought home a boyfriend who wasn’t black..literally the first thing my family would say is “giiiiirrrlll did y’all hear Jordan dating that white boy”

this is literally a nonissue.

Totally get it. But, in the reverse, wouldn't we all point fingers and call that racist?

I just think the making the white a Jewish white gay seems... obvious and not clever.


Omg, one of the few plays came out where black people are center andand not just a token part of the ensemble and you're getting offended at them calling a white guy "white"... when they talk amongst each other. And that's what literally any monoethnic family would discussif one of itsmembers brings a partner of another race.. What else do you getoffended by on the daily basis?

Make no mistake, I'm not offended by any of it. Just pointing out the 'having your cake and eating it to" of it all. That's all. I haven't seen the piece, so not commenting on the actual play. I totally get when black people hang out they're gonna call their one white friend their white friend, duh, get that. I'm just saying if it were the opposite we'd all be up in arms and canceling the production. That's all. Moving on. 

JBroadway Profile Photo
Posted: 10/5/21 at 8:17pm

Woah, I popped into this thread just to find out about rush info...what a bizarre series of twists and turns I've missed! 

For the record: I'm an Ashkenazi Jew of Eastern European descent...and I'm white. Judaism is a religion, being an Ashkenazi Jew is an ethnicity, but neither are a race. It's a nuanced thing, but it's important recognize that nuance. I don't doubt that there are white Jews who don't consider themselves white, but they would be wrong. Possibly they feel that because Jews have historically been persecuted, that qualifies as being non-white, but persecution and racism are not synonymous. Anti-Semitism and racism have somewhat different histories, they often function differently, and they manifest differently in modern society. 

One of the main overlaps is that white supremacists don't consider white Jews to be white. But I don't take my cues from white supremacists when checking a box on a form. 

Posted: 10/6/21 at 12:31am

JBroadway said: "Woah, I popped into this thread just to find out about rush info...what a bizarre series of twists and turns I've missed!

For the record: I'm an Ashkenazi Jew of Eastern European descent...and I'm white. Judaismis a religion, being an Ashkenazi Jewis an ethnicity, but neither are a race. It's a nuanced thing, but it's important recognize that nuance. I don't doubt that there are white Jews who don't consider themselves white, but they would be wrong. Possibly they feel that because Jews have historically been persecuted, that qualifies as being non-white, but persecution and racism are not synonymous. Anti-Semitism and racism have somewhat different histories, they often function differently, and they manifest differently in modern society.

One of the main overlaps is that white supremacists don't consider white Jews to be white. But I don't take my cues from white supremacists when checking a box on a form.

Thats a perfectly reasonable position to take re identifying as White--i always used to think of my White Jewish family as White Like Everyone Else-- but it isnt that simple. And I certainly don't get how anyone can declare Jews not to be a race-- Judaism is a religion, but there is a racial group of people that derive from Ashkenazi (Northern/Eastern/Central European) Jews and one that derives from Sefardi Jews. There are lots of Jews who are the product of inter-racial relationships, or who "opt in" and are 1000% Jewish as a result, but when I take a DNA test, 25% of my genes dictate that I'm of Ashkenazi Jewish origin. That isnt a religion or culture. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 10/6/21 at 1:15am

Judaism is a religion, being an Ashkenazi Jew is an ethnicity, but neither are a race.



Posted: 10/6/21 at 1:39am

can the moderators PLEASE get this thread back on the rails

Posted: 10/6/21 at 6:48pm

In case this info is relevant to anyone making plans to see this show: a concert venue in Cincinnati just announced that Norm Lewis is doing 2 shows there on Dec 3 & 4, so obviously that means he won't be performing in Chicken & Biscuits on those dates.

Posted: 10/6/21 at 11:30pm

This show seems to be gaining traction through really good word of mouth, which makes me so happy!! Love this play.

TheSassySam Profile Photo
Posted: 10/8/21 at 4:54am

I would really love to see this show, but will be in town a few days after it closes. Any chance we may get an extension?

Posted: 10/8/21 at 8:15am

TheSassySam said: "I would really love to see this show, but will be in town a few days after it closes. Any chance we may get an extension?"


I'm pretty sure that Circle-in-the-Square has another show booked into it already.


"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

JayElle Profile Photo
Posted: 10/8/21 at 8:40am

angoradebs said: "In case this info is relevant to anyone making plans to see this show: aconcert venue in Cincinnati just announced that Norm Lewis is doing 2 shows there on Dec 3 & 4, so obviously that means he won't be performing in Chicken & Biscuits on those dates."

He's also doing his Xmas show at 54Below at 9:45p from 12/21 on.   It gives him enough time to scoot over to 54th,  but wonder if he'll take off that week rather than do both.
