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CINDERELLA Previews Thread.- Page 12

CINDERELLA Previews Thread.

#275CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/29/13 at 11:55pm

Thanks for all the great reviews! Honestly, Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale, and I have seen so many versions of it that I never expect to see an exact replica of the story book. I always expect some kind of twist, so this new plot kind of intrigues me honestly. Also, Cinderella stories have always been political and a social commentary on class and social injustice. Ella Enchanted, Ever After, The Slipper and the Rose, and even the book, Just Ella, had some kind of political and social statement in them. Therefore, I'm not surprised. Lately, various versions have Cinderella "rescuing" the prince by teaching him about the world outside the palace. Some versions (Ever After, The Slipper and the Rose) has the prince enter a political alliance through an arranged marriage, but that is threatened when he decides to hold a ball and fall in love instead.

I guess Cinderella hands the prince her slipper because in her mind, if he is really in love with her, then he will search for her.

Oh, and in the Perrault story, there are two balls. In the Grimm version, there are three, which is why there's a banquet in this new retelling.

As for the new songs, what are they like? What's going on in the scene that they are sung in? Someone asked earlier which shows they were scrapped from:

Me, Who Am I? - Me and Juliet
Now Is the Time- South Pacific
I Have Loved and I've Learned - The Sound of Music
Loneliness of Evening - South Pacific
I Haven't Got a Worry in the World - Happy Birthday (a play)
There's Music in You - Main Street to Broadway

This might be a weird question, but did they mention how long it had been since Ella's father had died? Also, was there a good reason as to why Madame and Charlotte hated Ella, or were they just evil to be evil?

#276CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 12:17am

Oh, and something else I don't understand. If Act One ends with Cinderella leaving the ball, then why the heck does Stepsister's Lament and The Pursuit occur in the second act? I assume The Pursuit is Cinderella running away during midnight? Right now, it is listed that Act One ends with Ten Minutes Ago reprise, but is that correct?

Belle9 Profile Photo
#277CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 12:48am

Yes that's right. Charlotte and the girls sing Stepsister's Lament because the prince is out looking for Cinderella and they hate that they couldn't get his attention. The Pursuit is a long dance scene in the forest as Cinderella tries to hide from the prince and his guards. While maybe too long, that part was actually enjoyable with some interesting acrobatics.

#278CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:13am

What songs are played during the overture?

#279CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:15am

"I just feel that this particular show has mislead audiences that it is something that it isn't. I don't want other people to walk away disappointed like I did. I really feel like I wasted my money, and I know not many people have seen the show at this point, so I'm just trying to help."

So your joining up today to actively discourage people from seeing a show in previews is a public service? Not trying to be rude, but please don't do me that favor. Post whatever you like, positive or negative, but when you start telling people to "Save their money" and tell them not to see a show, you've crossed a line as far as I'm concerned.

"I honestly can't imagine anyone truly enjoying this show except for extremist liberals and people who do not know or care about the original story of Cinderella."

Well, I can, and the conclusion you've come to sounds very judgmental. You didn't like it, so anyone who does must be an extremist or uncaring of a beloved old story. Not everyone has the same tastes, and some people might enjoy a modern spin on an old tale, plus, this sounds like a show that is fully utilizing the preview process. I would be willing to bet that the show on opening night will be quite a bit different from the one you saw.

Your review was well-written, but I think you're being a bit unfair to judge a show in previews quite so harshly, to the point of telling others not to see it. I'm very much looking forward to seeing it after they've settled in a little bit.

Welcome to the board. I hope you start posting your thoughts on shows that you do like as well.

Belle9 Profile Photo
#280CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:26am

Again, I'm sorry if I came across badly. I admit my comment on who would like it is simply speculation, but I do know that many people in my part of the theater seemed confused and unhappy. I'm glad to hear that they've already started making changes. It could certainly end up being a good show, as the cast is truly fantastic, but I'd hold off buying tickets until the opening night reviews come out.

E.Davis Profile Photo
#281CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:30am

Saw it tonight, I am too tired to write up a full review tonight but here are some of my thoughts:

Like others have said, Laura Osnes was made to sing R and H scores.

Did not care for the Jean-Micheal subplot, maybe if it was a better actor. I did like him in his song and dance number with Marla.

Victoria Clark's soprano is the closest thing we have to god.

AND for those who want to know, I couldn't leave you hanging...SHE GAVE HIM THE SHOE. I was so confused when she ran away the first time and SHE TOOK IT, but in the end it all made sense...Kinda.

The show has some tweaks to make it ended around quarter of eleven tonight.

I wish the kept the design for Marie that we saw at the Parade. It is much more visually interesting than the pink dress. If people though the butt bumps where weird on the first dress, they are just strange on the new one. She does look great when flying...I will give it that.

The dress transformations....STUNNING.

More tomorrow.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

#282CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:32am

Well, thanks for that suggestion for waiting til after opening, Belle9, but personally, I enjoy watching works in progress and seeing how shows change, so I'll be seeing it fairly soon, and then a bit after opening.

There certainly does seem to be a very sharp divide on this show - people either love it or hate it.

Just curious, not to get terribly off-topic, what are some of the shows that you've seen that you liked, if you don't mind answering that?

Updated On: 1/30/13 at 01:32 AM

Belle9 Profile Photo
#283CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:52am

I think the sharp divide could have been predicted due to the political nature of the show, so I'm not sure why they went that route. Going into a show like Les Mis, you expect some form of politics. You don't expect it, at least this strongly, with Cinderella.

My favorites of the shows I've personally seen on Broadway are Phantom of the Opera, A Christmas Story the Musical, Wicked, the Lion King, and Godspell. I have seen many more that I enjoyed, but those are just my favorites that I can recall at the moment.

#284CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:58am

Belle, are the issues framed as being political issues or more as being ethical issues?

Belle9 Profile Photo
#285CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 2:09am

I would say they're framed as ethical issues, but unfortunately that's part of the problem. The prince's adviser is clearly an uncaring, unsympathetic character. There's no questioning that his motives are wrong. However, that character holds certain beliefs that can be attributed to the Republican party. Those beliefs, which are much more complicated than are portrayed here, make it seem as if Republicans have certain views because they are like this character. On the other hand, Democratic views are held by the heroes of the story, and are attributed to a sense of unselfishness. I don't mean to get into any sort of political debate here, but by referencing specific issues, like taxation and handouts, they are clearly tugging at what is going on in America today, where things are not so black and white. I think it will frustrate any Republicans, but even Democrats who are tired of political back and forth are likely to get frustrated as well. In its current state, the references are very clear. If it was just the issue of helping the homeless, without the politics and the revolutionary character literally interrupting Rodgers and Hammerstein's original songs by shouting on a soapbox, it would be a whole different story.

#286CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 2:24am

Yeah, it does sound like there is a problem with how the issues are presented, a thinly veiled rehash of the 2012 elections. I've heard the creative team speak in interviews about how their production is meant to be based on the theme of kindness. Perhaps if they had been kinder to those who do not share their political views there could have been a more consistent message. I'm certain that they could have made the same points without beating anyone over the head, more like how Maria helps Capt. Von Trapp to be a better father in Sound of Music than like Les Mis.

#287CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 2:29am

Belle9, thanks for explaining the end of Act One question for me! I've heard good things about The Pursuit!

#288CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 2:39am

Thank you for answering my question, Belle9, and I think I understand a little more where you're coming from as a result.

Your response to SamIAm makes me more inclined than ever to see it, sooner rather than later. The concept you describe is interesting to me. Cinderella has always been about class struggle, really, and the Cinderella many know and love is a bastardized version of the original, anyway, as most fairy tales are.

Your review has actually gotten me far more interested in this than anything else I've read. Before I was going to see it because I adore Vicki Clark. I'm not a huge fan of R&H - now I'll be going to see how they've updated the sugar-coated version we grew up with.

I'm wondering if you're internalizing this because of your own personal party affiliation (which is fair enough, if true). I'm going to try to go this weekend, and will report back.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Updated On: 1/30/13 at 02:39 AM

jetts7 Profile Photo
#289CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 9:45am

I saw the show last night and I really enjoyed it! Laura Osnes was amazing as always! Santino Fontano was hilarious as the Prince. From photos I've seen, the set looked horrible but it wasn't all that horrible. Could they have done way more with it? Oh yes! I took my mom to this show and she did not like it. She said it did not feel like the original Cinderella story to her. As did many say when we were walking out. I have to agree with her on it. It does not feel like the original Cinderella story but I still thought it had all of the Cinderella-ie things in it as well as some new things (if that makes sense). I think they should definatley trim the show down 30 minutes. Little kids will NOT be able to sit threw this show. When we left the theatre it was almost 11 at night! I suggest seeing the show after they open so that you see the final version because they need to tweak it. Overall, I loved the show and had a great night (except when I was going to bed at 12:30)!

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#290CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 9:53am

There has clearly been a very significant amount of criticism of the "political nature" of this show, and it got me thinking. Rogers and Hammerstein were extremely progressive in their day. They were advocates for social justice and fought racial prejudice. Just go back to South Pacific. This show was written in the late 40's and was very much ahead of its time. The song "You've Got To Be Carefully Taught" was an anthem for racial equality. When South Pacific toured the south (Atlanta), the local presenter wanted the song removed, and threatened to cancel the tour. Hammerstein told them, no song, no show, and the presenter backed down.

So to me (and I have not seen the show as yet), it's not necessarily out of the R&H playbook to incorporate a progressive theme. And to those who say, "we just wanted a fairy tale", there is a lot of darkness between the lines of many fairy tales, which were usually thought to be parables in any event.

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

After Eight
#291CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 9:58am

"She said it did not feel like the original Cinderella story to her."

This strikes me as the biggest problem of this enterprise, whether one likes the new book or not.

The show is not being billed merely as Cinderella, or Cinderella, songs by Rodgers and Hammerstein, but Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella. People are buying tickets based upon what that billing seemingly promises. Are they getting it?

I don't think so.

suestorm Profile Photo
#292CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 10:02am

thats a good point AFTER8. as mmuch as i want to see this, and i alreadyy have tix, I hate when producers have to modernize a show, or use revisionist history. and im a young person.

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Updated On: 1/30/13 at 10:02 AM

finebydesign Profile Photo
#293CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 10:46am

"People are buying tickets based upon what that billing seemingly promises. Are they getting it? "

Well the tag "Glass slippers are so back" kinda infers it's a modern take. The artwork looks like Disney meets American Girl. It does have an identity situation, I would have called it "The Cinderella Project" and kept it open for people to come in, but again who was crying out for this to be on bway?

#294CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 12:54pm

I don't know if this was already addressed about the upper mez being curtained off. We too were wondering what was going on with that but after the show we are on stage to say hello/congrats/omg to Laura and Santino and we looked up and saw this huge arrangement of lighting that was completely blocking that exact area. It would be limited viewing AT BEST for those in those seats.

My review for seeing it at 2nd Preview is a work in progress. We were at Drood the night before and had a friend at Cinderella 1st preview and we were well backstage and greeting and leaving before Cinderella got out. Ann(Charlotte) and our friend told us there were some pretty big messes (one being the stairs getting onstage) and it didn't get out until after 11. Saturday was about 10:45. Saturday when we went was god...there were some visible complications with the quick yet MAGICAL changes done while on stage that held our breath hoping would make it....and they did...and there was a moment of Laura having her mic on while backstage and she was clearly missing her cue for "Topher" and was asking for her bag...HER BAG...and started screaming Topher after he' left and before she made it to the stage. It was noticeable. Other than that and a few other moments of mistakes, it was a great show! I'm sure they will work out the kinks. We went fully knowing these thing may 'appen and it didn't take away from the talents! And watching the little girls (and some big) dressed up in ball gowns and crowns with stars in their eyes was so precious. Enjoy!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#295CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:06pm

Rogers and Hammerstein were extremely progressive in their day. They were advocates for social justice and fought racial prejudice.

Rodgers (with a "D" in the middle) and Hammerstein were extremely progressive and put songs about social issues into South Pacific and The King and I. Hammerstein had written shows that centered around social issues before he worked with Rodgers, and Rodgers wrote shows about social issues after Hammerstein's death.

But Cinderella? They chose to write Cinderella as a fairy tale and a romance.

#296CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 1:06pm

Thanks everyone for your reviews. I have tickets for the last saturday matinee in March. I paid full price because I'm taking my grandma who has terrible eyesight so we needed to be close to the stage. Anyway, the only good non-premium seats were front row dead center which I thought was great until I read about the high stage. Has anyone actually sat in the front row ? How bad is it exactly ? The second row is sold at premium prices so I'm thinking it can't be very obstructed...


#297CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 3:03pm

I will certainly see this as well. But the purity of the original score should be left alone. Needs no help. (Would any producer bring in numbers from GIGI to improve a My Fair Lady revival?)

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#298CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 3:48pm

"(Would any producer bring in numbers from GIGI to improve a My Fair Lady revival?)"

Very unlikely, but, with due respect to its charms, CINDERELLA is not MY FAIR LADY.



Between those stepsisters lamenting that there are songs interpolated into Cinderella from other scores (horror of horrors!) and those other stepsisters lamenting that they are now being deprived of hearing those songs from other scores which had already been interpolated into the 1997 television production of Cinderella.....


Between those stepsisters lamenting that there was no "current need" - no topicality, no moment - for a Broadway production of Cinderella (as we knew it) and those other stepsisters lamenting that it's criminal to mess with the show to make it more "current", topical, of the moment....


Add to that those stepsisters who are lamenting about changes made in the telling of the fairy tale. As if that's something new!

In the classic texts, Perrault and the Grimms didn't tell the story the same way.

In opera, Massenet and Rossini didn't tell the story the same way.

On film, it's been told countless different ways.

Not to mention the deconstruction of the story in INTO THE WOODS!

Finally, musicals - and operas - have been revisited and changes made to scores or books in repeated productions almost since Thespis stepped out of the chorus! Porter and Gershwin shows are altered frequently, and, in the case of Gershwin, even the names of the shows get changed into slightly - or not so slightly - different tellings of the very same story (Girl Crazy/Crazy for You, Oh Kay!/Nice Work...)!

Here's one example of a musical work being altered: the score and book for the 1959 tv version of Cinderella are not the same as the score and book for the 1965 tv version of Cinderella.

"Loneliness of Evening" was first put into the 1965 production (from South Pacific's trunk). And "Your Majesties" from the 1959 production was taken out.

And huge changes were made for the 1997 tv version!


It's one thing to analyze whether specific changes, updates, renos work for you in the current production - and why or why not.

It's quite another to lament the act, in and of itself, of changing the musical - of "tampering" with it.

"But Cinderella? They chose to write Cinderella as a fairy tale and a romance."

Pal Joey, they wrote Cinderella for tv during the Eisenhower era. The fact that they stuck to fairy tale romance and avoided more topical social justice issues which might now resonate with an audience (for better or for worse depending on how they are treated), doesn't necessarily mean R&H would have been opposed to a 2013 R&H score Broadway version Cinderella which takes a very different approach.

Updated On: 1/30/13 at 03:48 PM

#299CINDERELLA Previews Thread.
Posted: 1/30/13 at 3:59pm

Okay, but doesn't matter where "Loneliness Of Evening" came from, it first appeared in Cinderella and was put there by R&H and that's where it will forever belong. As for the score, it is absolutely first rate - should I list the songs? - and should not be mixed in with numbers from other sources.
