Stand-by Joined: 12/5/12
Previews start this Friday,so making a preview thread ok, ok
Really looking forward to seeing this soon! Also looking forward to how quickly the naysayers find this thread and predict the show's failure before anyone has seen it.
I cannot wait to hear Victoria's "There is music in you"!
Previews start Thursday, not Friday. I won't be back in New York in time to see this during previews but I look forward to reading comments once previews begin. Is anyone going to the dress rehearsal tomorrow?
Very interested in hearing what changes have been made to the book...
broadwaydevil- Previews are starting Friday, January 25th.
Stand-by Joined: 12/5/12
No, they moved it by one day.
Updated On: 1/22/13 at 03:47 PM
Stand-by Joined: 12/5/12
I wonder what the stage/set is going to look like!
Ah, thank you for the clarification.
Based on the designer interviews on the show's website, the design concept is an enchanted forest. Anna Louizos said in the interview that the set is all one level, and it consists of lots of arches and pillars that rotate, move around, and reassemble. In other words, the design sounds nothing short of brilliant. I can't wait to hear more about it from those lucky ducks attending the first preview!
Leading Actor Joined: 4/18/06
I have a friend in this so I might try to grab a ticket for this Friday somehow.
What are the additional songs and who are they sung by?
Cockeyed--they aren't any more annoying than those that are predetermined to love it without reservation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/10/12
Is " The Sweetest Sounds" in this production?
Previews start Friday, not Thursday. There is an invited dress on Thursday night.
I was reading about the glass slippers Laura Osnes wears via The New Yorker, and was wondering if there has been any photos released of the shoes? Apparently they're made of Swarovski crystals...
When they performed on Fox, Laura lifted up her dress for a moment in the beginning to show her shoes. You only see them from a distance, but it's better than nothing.If I weren't on my phone, I would post the link to the YouTube video.
Updated On: 1/22/13 at 06:22 PM
TDF members: Some Cinderella tickets for mid-week are listed.
^ Thanks! When is a rush policy usually announced for shows? Should we expect one before Friday?
I know I've been a critical about the relevance, and timing of the show as well as the marketing. But this morning! This morning! I saw a TV Ad. Unfortunately it was some crappy flash animation of the logo.
Thanks for the heads up on TDF. I snagged a ticket for next Wednesday night and can't wait!
Stand-by Joined: 12/5/12
Sooooooooooooooooooooo does anyone know who's covering Osnes and Clark and Fontana yet?
Stand-by Joined: 12/5/12