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Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?- Page 4

Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?

DramaQueen700 Profile Photo
#75re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 12:37am

i dont care if hes 5'9' or 7' tall...

hes one sexy, talented guy. i cant stop drooling, its quite pathetic.

what an ego boost this would be if he could read this lol...

"The Light in the Piazza....My Love"

#76re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 12:43am

Holy beautiful bald man, Batman!!!

I kind of lost it over the Passion photos... *twitch* Guhhh. Dude is a fox. How the hell is he still single? Does ANYONE know?

I agree about the naughtiness of his smirk... it goes well with his low, rumbly voice, don't you think?

#77re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 12:56am

If he DID grow hair then the Sweeney Todd cast couldn't warm-up with "Michael's got a head like a ping-pong ball..." re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?

"Who is Stephen Sondheim?" -roninjoey
"The man who wishes he had written Phantom of the Opera!" - SueleenGay


#78re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 1:29am

The answer to the initial question is yes. I asked Michael Cerveris about going bald & here's what he said ... 'The Leading Men' - Scroll down to Michael Cerveris

waddledee524 Profile Photo
#79re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 2:11am

His head is so beautiful and shiny. Even if he could grow some hair, he shouldn't.

....head like a ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong ping pong ball...

Hear the words I sing: war's a horrid thing. So, I sing sing sing... Ding a ling a ling.

Charlayne Vivika Profile Photo
Charlayne Vivika
#80re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 4:40am

Can a duck swim? Can a chicken lay eggs? Can Charlayne Vivika wow an audience? (Same answer for all gets you full marks on this quiz.)

Marguerite Chauvelin
#81re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 8:14am

I remember this thread... good times.

If Percy Blakeney were in Les Mis....

Percy: Sink me! If it isn't Javvurt!
Javert: Zsah-vair, it's pronounced Zsah-vair.
Pecry: But it's spelled J-A-V-E-R-T Javvurt.
Javert: Repeat after me Zsah...Zsah....
Percy: Oh! Zsa-Zsa! Like the Gabor sister! Well I personally have always prefered Eva.
Javert: (Looks for gun)

#82re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 9:27am

I love that he poses exactly the same way in ever picture. That little head tild down. But there's him. Something dark.

#83re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 10:48am

Thanks for that link, Wayman_wong... it's a great little snippet about Michael. :] Good questions too.

#84re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 1:01pm

If you look at his head, you can see like 5 O'Clock shadow around his head in certain, so if he grew his hair out, he'd probably have like a Jason Alezander look with the hair on the side of the head and not the top.
"Why on a matinee?"
-Peter Gregus on Backstage at Jersey Boys

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#85re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 1:22pm

He is more than capable...the question we want him to be? I think that he is so sexy bald.

re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#86re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 2:38pm

I love that he poses exactly the same way in ever picture. That little head tild down. But there's him. Something dark.

I noticed that as well. He always looks as if he's up to something...sinister.
Edit: And I've gotta say, there's something attractive about it. Updated On: 7/8/06 at 02:38 PM

Weez Profile Photo
#87re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 3:47pm

Oooooh, super-hot Michael Cerveris thread, how lovely! re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?

Well, apart from some of the scarier "Look! Hair!" pictures. The question here isn't really "can MC grow hair?", and more "*should* Michael Cerveris grow hair?". And the answer is "hell noes!". ^_^

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#88re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 4:03pm

re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?

Good god.

Color and Light
#89re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 4:05pm

That picture is priceless, VonTussleGirl!

Stop looking at my charisma.

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#90re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 4:08pm

He makes a hot woman.

re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?

#91re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 4:48pm

I often wonder if actors read these boards. Doesn't MC tend to avoid the sex symbol thing? Or is that all an act and he secretly loves it?

#92re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 5:27pm

Cerveris is probably 5'9" or 5'10". I met him a few days ago and he wasn't towering over me by any means (I'm 5'4"). We spoke for a little bit, and I didn't exactly tell him that I was taking a photo of him, thinking he would just move onto the next person and sign her playbill. He noticed right before the flash went off that I was taking one of him, so he gave me this smirk and awkwardly raised one of his eyebrows. He's such a gentleman, but I can't help but think he has a bit of a dark, somewhat freakish persona lingering about him as well. I'll post the photo when I get home; his fashion choices are certainly, uh, interesting.

TISHI LOLO 15 Profile Photo
#93re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 5:35pm

He def. can't be 5'8"/5'"9....I remember seeing him at the stage door and he wasn't really that tall and I'm 5'8" (the last time I checked?). If you're basing your estimates on a Sweeney pic, then idk how that's gona work b/c his shoes look like they have a 2" platform to it...

#94re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 5:50pm

I'm not basing any estimates on the photo itself, just on how tall he seemed in relation to me when I was close to him. I could be wrong, though, as I didn't make a point to estimate his height at the time, nor did I look at his shoes.

#95re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 7:16pm

Michael Cerveris is a notorious skirt chaser, especially amongst his cast mates (Not Sweeney cast mates.) Nothing icky or newsworthy but he does have the reputation of being a ladies man.

#96re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 9:31pm

Regarding those Passion pictures: "I about to puking!" ~ Christmas Eve, Avenue Q

Sorry. 80s hair is better than no hair.

TISHI LOLO 15 Profile Photo
#97re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 9:56pm

ladies man, eh? how do you know?

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#98re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 10:13pm

okay, the fact that he was in "tiger beat" is HILARIOUS!

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#99re: Can Michael Cerveris Grow Hair?
Posted: 7/8/06 at 10:13pm

Updated On: 7/8/06 at 10:13 PM
