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Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC- Page 28

Carrie Underwood to Star in NBC's Live Broadcast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC

PalJoey Profile Photo
#675SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 10:13pm

There has not been confirmation of any death threat by Ms. Underwood, nor will there be.

The Examiner's discredited mention of a "death threat" cites no authority or source, not from law enforcement, not from Ms. Underwood's publicists, not from the producers, not from NBC.

There was no death threat.

Anyone who believes that there was a death threat is gullible.

Anyone who posts that there was a death threat is a TROLL.

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#676SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 10:21pm

And in bad timing, Eleanor Parker, who played the Baroness in in the movie, has died.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#677SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 10:54pm

I loved her in that role. What a great actress.

So, the Examiner is a blog, so maybe it's just someone making something up. It's got to be true if it's on the internet....right?

She was insulted and disrespected for a long time leading up to the broadcast, I think that is bad enough.

It's strange no one is talking about the horribly racist comments and tweets toward Audra. How awful.

This is officially happening btw:
Updated On: 12/9/13 at 10:54 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#678SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 11:12pm

That's what Suestorm got banned for.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#678SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/9/13 at 11:12pm

That's what Suestorm got banned for.

Liza's Headband
#680SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 12:10am

The Russian Troll was finally banned?! Oh, happy day!

On a related note... PJ, I usually find you to be the voice of reason among all this madness. But why are you so adamant in believing there could never possibly be death threats lobbied against Carrie Underwood? There are many unhinged individuals out there. I wouldn't put it past someone to send a death threat. I'm not suggesting they exist and I would certainly never defend the troll twins, but I also think it's not out of the realm of possibility these death threats do exist. Somewhere. Out there.

Just the devil's advocate in me speaking up.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#681SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 12:18am

We have three days without her!

The troll was spreading a rumor that Carrie Underwood had never stated. Sure, crazy people make death threats in this crazy world we live in.

But that didn't occur here. And the troll was doing what it did in the JFK threads: attempting to get people to believe things that were MORE bad and scary than reality.

That's what trolls do: they stir up trouble just so they can watch everyone scurry around. It's their only joy in life: to get people upset.

If Carrie Underwood had actually received a death threat over a musical-comedy performance, it would indeed be a terrible thing.

But it didn't happen. Carrie never said it happened.

Liza's Headband
#682SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 12:27am

PJ, I concur on mostly everything. But I just can't agree that there is irrefutable proof no death threats exist. We cannot really say for sure. I have no reason to believe Carrie Underwood would publicly reveal if she had received a death threat. Either way, it's a moot point. Since do not know either way.

By the way, I'm watching the broadcast again. How did Stephen Moyer get by so unscathed on BWW? I find him to be truly atrocious.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#683SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 12:40am

There is no proof. There was never a statement from Underwood or law-enforcement officials. It was all made up by stupid, unthinking bloggers and lazy journalists and stoked by Internet trolls.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#684SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 7:54am

Sometimes out of the blue I remember the way Carrie smacked her hands down on that table.

And that's fitting, because she really smacked that table out of the blue. Updated On: 12/11/13 at 07:54 AM

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#685SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 8:22am

I googled "carrie underwood death threats" and got no verifiable source. If folks prefer to think it's true--or could be true--they're welcome to. I just don't understand why they'd want to.

#686SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 10:29pm

Apparently Julie Andrews wasn't even able to watch the broadcast.

The rest of the article is actually about SAVING MR. BANKS, despite the headline.

#687SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 10:31pm

Hey. Stop causing trouble. Julie will get around to it.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

PalJoey Profile Photo
#688SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 10:48pm

She can catch it on the re-broadcast Saturday and save the space on her DVR.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#689SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 10:57pm

I hope she does. She can sit down with a bottle of Chablis and a Cadbury Milk Tray and go to town. Maybe she'll make some diplomatic supporting comment about it, but we know that in her heart she needs Jesus like the best of us.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#690SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 11:23pm

Bet she needs Jesus moreso.

#691SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 11:27pm

The show is on Time Warner/NBC On Demand, so I've been letting it play in the background whenever there's nothing to watch. I've seen it about 5 times now, and honestly, the more I watch it, the more I see that Carrie was not bad at all. I think the world is so used to Maria being played with such gumption and fierceness, which is how the character should be played I think (and how the real Maria was like), but Carrie played Maria more calmly, meekly, and naively, so she appears wooden. I just think it's how she approached the character. The production as a whole is actually great. I loved it. I don't see how some people think it was the worse thing they have ever seen in their whole life.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#692SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 11:28pm

Ms. Andrews will compliment the production and Carrie and not say a bad word about it. That is was classy people do when the see they have not been undone.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#693SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/10/13 at 11:39pm

^That's not what Angela did when she found out they were remaking Murder She Wrote. B!t@h threw a tantrum.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#694SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/11/13 at 12:23am

Imagine what Angela would Tweet if they did a TV remake of MAME with [fill-in-the-blank]!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#695SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/11/13 at 12:40am

@angiehaslansded - saw sjp as mame on telly 2nite. #horsefeathers #fletcherOUT

#696SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/11/13 at 8:50am

I kind of feel like I am living in an alternate universe. I thought Carrie was flat-out horrendous. I didn't take any joy in that. I wanted to like her and I wanted her to do well. But it's really hard to get past a lead who just can't act. Maria is too important.

#697SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/11/13 at 9:19am

degrassifan, while you are right about Carrie playing it with less gumption, and overall I think Carrie did a good job, there are still some places where she gave bad line readings. (And I blame this partly on the director for not helping her.)

Part of her acting problem was just not getting her mouth around the text. There is one point where she has a line with the interjection, "Captain" and it comes off really unnatural.

I'll have to go back and watch again but it was something like "You should know, Captain, that blah, blah, blah." And the way she said it was really wrong.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Gorlois Profile Photo
#698SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/25/13 at 8:37pm

I received the DVD as a Christmas present today. I only watched a bit of it, but I noticed that they removed the Admiral's flub with a corrected version. Benanti's dress bit is still there, though.

#699SOM Questions...
Posted: 12/25/13 at 9:07pm

Yes I read the only fix was the admiral's flub. They kept the dress trip and the stumble down the hill..
