I agree its unfortunate we have to defend ourselves against unprovoked namecalling...
Back on topic...does anyone know if they will repeat this? I have to thi k they would be foolish not to especially with the highest ratings nbc has gotten for a show since the ER finale and all the buzz.
It's a psychological form of masturbation: creating one's own drama, complaining about it, calling attention it--akin to picking at a scab or cutting oneself.
Sometimes the troll invents a second persona to fight with, or, in this case, the troll invents a second persona to agree with the first persona, thereby giving itself the validation it will never get from others.
The Psychology of the Internet Troll
And we all know that Nom De Plume loves to create multiple screen names and personas.
Certainly they will repeat it around Christmas but it would be nice to see it ever year. I have already watched it twice and probably will again!
The only thing worse than trolls are the people who should know better than to feed them.
I hate people. I detest them. I deplore them.
lol I just watched it. You know, I haven't seen that movie since I was very young. I'm gonna try to revisit it this year.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/19/04
I've rewatched the musical numbers-- and the staging drives me nuts. They start "Something Good" sitting, and he stands juuuuuuuust before she sings, 'So here you are, standing there'-- with no motivation. Benanti covers every inch of the stage during "How Can Love Survive"!
Watched it last night. Really enjoyed it. I thought Underwood was good. Her singing was terrific and her acting was good enough for something like this. I also found her likable and winning from the start. I don't think I've ever seen her before. So my admiration for her is new. I feel bad for her that she's being so harshly criticized. To do what she did in that short a time...sing, pretty much flawlessly, dancing and going through the whole thing live before a huge audience, never having done anything like this before. Call me pretty impressed. And I'm sure most of middle America (whatever that is) didn't blink at any lack of any great acting talent.
I would say the only thing I didn't care for was vampire Bill's decision to continue that role in this project. But I've seen actors make far worse choices.
i believe it was this thread (though there are so many SOM threads) that someone mentioned how Kym Karath bashed Carrie as horrible and destroying the show. (she played Greti von Trapp in the movie)
Kym Karath ?@KymKarath 7 Dec
Apparently I am being horribly misquoted . Very upsetting.
We hear you Kym, unftly Bullies are everywhere these days!!
Kym Karath ?@KymKarath 7 Dec
Wish press didn't twist words& that people could read accurately .Yesterday reminded me of bullying in 1st grade ( SOM related as well !)"
Angela Cartwright (Brigitta) was especially critical of this production. I have not read any feedback from Heather Menzies, Charmian Carr, Duane Chase or even Julie Andrews regarding it.
You know Julie isn't going to comment in public. Period. She had wonderful things to say beforehand.
And you know her phone has been ringing off the hook for a quote ever since it aired.
Swing Joined: 4/8/13
I doubt Carrie was referring to tweets like Kym's when she sent her tweet out. Her career started out with public criticism. She's been facing criticism from the beginning. I'm guessing it was the tweets that were similar in tone to the one below. I edited it because I'm not sure about the language rules. It came after her tweet but there were some just as harsh during and after the show.
"Carrie Underwood can f$&k off. Go pray to your pathetic God or something and stop trying to sing, b!@ch. 10:24 PM - 7 Dec 2013"
Updated On: 12/9/13 at 01:41 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
"Benanti covers every inch of the stage during "How Can Love Survive"!
I said in another thread that it was a song about passing teacups around the stage.
Everyone that is bashing the acting in this show needs to realize that it was horribly directed.
In "Do-Re-Mi" you can hear Carrie gasping for breath. What kind of director makes the lead run up and down stairs while singing during a live telecast?
SOONER, youre right. it was not about KYMS. I just posted that cuz earlier a hater posted how kym and the others thought Carrie was horrible and ruined the show.
She was referring to the tweets like the one you posted and the ones tweets that threatened to kill her.
Thank God Twitter wasnt around in 1965 or Julie Andrews wouldve gotten the same treatment from the theater bullies
^ I'm guessing from the clip I've seen on YouTube a director who was trying to have the best of both worlds: do the Broadway version with embellishments from the movie version. The choreography, especially for the DO-RE-MI number was very Marc Breaux/Dee Dee Wood-esque. I half-expected the children to start jumping up and down the steps of the fountain to simulate the musical scale but alas there weren't enough steps leading up to it to accomplish this.
Underwood even ended the song on the high note which was definitely an embellishment from the film version. The original version of the song, at least as sung by Mary Martin does not end on a high note.
I finally watched it through last night and really liked it. The only downer for me was Moyer. He didnt give one other actor anything to play off of and, while the others compensated, I felt like Carrie was left on a trapeze with no partner to catch her. He looked as if he wanted to be anywhere else.
I think Carrie sang the role beautifully, for the most part. She seemed to be scared and excited, but clearly loving the experience. Somehow it was very winning for me. There were even laughable moments, but I still just wanted to love her...and I was not expecting that.
McDonald was easily the best part of the night and deserves an Emmy nomination. I think her acting surpassed her singing, which was delicious. And when Carrie began tearing during "Mountain", so did I.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
"I'm guessing from the clip I've seen on YouTube a director who was trying to have the best of both worlds"
Then he should explain why at the beginning of "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" one of the theater canon's most beloved power ballads, he directed Audra to turn her back to the camera and walk upstage. He didn't trust five time Tony winner Audra McDonald with the material.
Well, in his defense it was far better than what Wise did with Peggy Wood in the film version. She's almost completely in shadow for the majority of the song. I guess he was trying to hide the fact that Wood was dubbed by a much younger vocalist? I always found it weird.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
"She's almost completely in shadow for the majority of the song."
He stole that idea. In one of the Bible movies, when Mary becomes pregnant with Jesus a shadow crosses over her.
Understudy Joined: 11/2/13
"Her career started out with public criticism. She's been facing criticism from the beginning."
Actually, Carrie's stint on American Idol started with Simon predicting that she will sell more than all their previous winners combined and it was all uphill from there. This is probably the first time in her life that she had to deal with criticism. No wonder she can't take it.
Swing Joined: 4/8/13
I was talking about public criticism. In blogs, message boards, and a few media outlets she was called fat, a robot, or a dumb hick. It wasn't as big then as now with twitter and Facebook, but she saw the stuff people were saying. While the people on the show were nice to her, that wasn't always the case off the show.
Updated On: 12/9/13 at 03:20 PM
How is she "NOT ABLE TO HANDLE CRITICISM"? just because she decided not to sit there and be a doormat and take all the horrible things people are saying about her?
She responded with a TWEET.
She didn't curse anyone out.
she didnt wish anyone dead.
She didnt insult anyone.
She didnt make an obscene gesture
I guess to some people maybe wishing someone Love from Jesus is a terrible thing. but for people who love Jesus it is not.
Understudy Joined: 11/2/13
Every contestant on American Idol takes that kind of abuse, not just her.