Just ask the person who bashed my best friend (aka Ashley) and one of her good friends, Andie.
I'm only in retaliation.
JENI did not bash your friend!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
btw, I didn't mean to bash them, I just was saying I have heard horrible, horrible things about the two of them from people, so when people were saying that some annoying girls were at the show, I automatically assumed it was them
sorry if I offended people, and I didn't mean to start a ton of hate on this thread
God, I'm glad I am not in middle/high school anymore.
All this teen angst amongst you all is absolutely ridiculous.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/7/05
haha pretty pathetic they're your best friends.
bla bla bla. Updated On: 12/17/06 at 12:50 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
Wow. Take this to PMs if you guys want to continue this, please.
apparently DRSisLove does not answer PMs
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
"Whoa, the last two pages of this thread are completely rude.
Imagine how Stacey is going to feel when she comes home from a lovely weekend and sees she was getting bashed on a thread that she created...so completely unnecessary.
I was at the stage door yesterday for both shows, I actually went to meet Stacey and she was completely and totally respectable and cool. She stood behind the barricades and was very polite. There was a group of girls at the matinee who were OUT OF CONTROL to the point that some cast members commented on it, but it wasn't her.
It is one thing to be excited and to say hi to the cast and a complete other thing to accost them. These girls blocked the end of the barricades so no one could get out, which was scary. I could go into far more detail, but it's just unnecessary. I just wish some people would think about how their actions look to others and I am beginning to dread the last show of WEdding Singer. For all the fans who have supported this show from the beginning, it is going to be REALLY hard for people to say goodbye if they have to fight their way through hordes of screaming girls who can't behave themselves."
I didn't want to copy and paste the whole thing but, I agree 100%. And, carymetorent2, it was great meeting you!
And Liotte, my ring tone makes me freak!
I have no PM's right now.
So if you did message me, I didn't get it.
Swing Joined: 2/26/06
well you have one sitting in your inbox from me! and you never responded to me through PM OR on the board!
So you want to talk about others? fine! Keep their names out of it! I still am asking you to edit her name out of this! What are you accomplishing by keeping it in?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
Yeah, DRS, I edited out the names of the two girls you are friends with because 1) you were mad about it, and 2) because I read it over and realized it was rude
So I did that for you and your friends, so you should really edit out the other girl's names for Dally and FallintoLight
And yeah, the rest of this that we need to solve should be said thru PM's. We need to get back to more friendly topics of discussion!
Hm...I don't know what to say to get us back in the "friendly" mood
I think and edited post from DRS would help
While I don't know the people DRS is talking about personally, he has the right to stand by his statements.
I know it's great to show one's support for a show...but sometimes people take things a bit too far. Seeing the show dozens and dozens of times begins to make the performers view you in a certain light. And they don't OWE you anything. They don't like being screamed at at the stage door.
I've seen the show a number of times but nothing compared to some people I've heard. I happen to know a select few cast members that I've come to know over the years so I show my continued support for the show and for them.
But I think people can become OBSESSED with a show and begin to think that the cast members are their friends just because they're nice to you at the stage door. People like being supported...but some people go overboard.
It's sad but true. I've seen this happen with a variety of performers and I can't help but feel bad for them sometimes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
I think we should take specific people's names out of all posts (especially when referencing them in a negative way.)
Although somethings may be true, this is becomming gossip and people are getting annoyed and hurt.
Sooooo... anyway.... I don't know if anyone knows why Amy has been out. It's sad because she is an amazing performer and it sucks for people who haven't been able to see her in the show. But whatever the reason, I hope she comes back soon so she can have a phenomenal last 2 weeks!
DRS has his opinions, yes. That is fine. But he does not need to bring names into it...FULL names at that! That is completely unnecessary. I am not asking him to change his opinion. But he CAN edit his thread to still reflect his opinion, while not naming names. Again I ask, what are you accomplishing?
Yes, people can go overboard. That is true. But there are also fans that the cast actually enjoys. People that support them, that do not expect anything from them. They enjoy talking to them afterwards but don't expect them to be their best friends. Just because someone wants a few pictures with someone doesn't mean they are crazy and doesn't mean that cast member thinks they are weird. If you would like to discuss details with me please PM me. I will not put personal information about others in this thread!
Updated On: 12/17/06 at 02:02 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
I wonder if Amy has been sick or something
But at least people are getting to see Robyn! I know she joined the show later on in the run, and it must be nice for her to get some performances on as Holly!
I really hope Amy will be back when I go next week- it wouldn't be the same at all giving my many gifts for Amy to another cast member to give it to her that would REALLY suck
but anyone going on the 29th? i'll be there, and would love to meet some fellow WedHeads
One or two pictures = Not crazy.
Going again and again and again and again and again and insisting on taking pictures with the SAME people = Just plain weird.
And I know at least one person on this thread who's done that. (Not necessarily with THE WEDDING SINGER cast.)
But, I won't mention names.
again YOUR opinion! Others have their opinions. Cast members too have their opinions, and they may not be the same as yours. Updated On: 12/17/06 at 02:11 PM
No, not MY opinion.
COUNTLESS cast members of many shows have told me they find it weird to take a picture with the same person they took one with a week ago...and the week before...and the week before.
It's common sense. If someone did that to you...you'd be just as weirded out.
But, you know what? This isn't my arguement. I want nothing to do with it.
Understudy Joined: 1/31/05
Oh God, this is so childish...this is supposed to be a board for Wedding Singer fans to discuss how much they love the show and show their support..why did it need to turn into some high school drama! DRSislove, I understand if you want to defend your friends, and thats fine, but bashing other people is rude and makes you just as immature as the people you claim have been immature. And on another note, I havent personally met Stacey, but she seems to me to be a very nice person who is a fan, and bashing her, who has such a passion for the show, wasnt very nice. So theres my opinion on the matter. BACK TO WEDDING SINGER LOVE!
P.S Phantom, I agree, wheres the Tina love? ..lol
All done.