Swing Joined: 12/17/06
Hey all..I've never posted on here before but I've seen the show several times and went back this weekend for both shows on Saturday. Both were even better than usual, so I figured you guys would want a review..
Regarding the rush line- Simply put, cutting the line is just inconsiderate. This Saturday was the only time I've ever encountered such ridiculous behavior on a rush line, and I feel terrible for those who got denied of mat. seats because of the actions of a few rude girls, especially with such little time left.
2 pm show- When I saw the board, I was a little disappointed that Amy was out, but Robyn was a fantastic Holly and did an excellent job. Her Jersey accent was great and seems to have really grown into the role quickly. This was also my first time seeing Matt back after seeing Constantine a few times and I could not be happier to have him back. He is the best Sammy and was so gracious at the stagedoor. Needless to say, he was awesome and I can't wait to see him a few more time before the show closes. As usual, Lynch was ridiculously great and his "parachute pants" line during saturday night was probably the best I've ever seen. The proposal at the end was adorable as well. Overall, great show.
8 pm show- Just as good as the mat, if not better. One of the best performances I've seen out of Laura to date- she sounded great and was really funny throughout. Even though I was really hoping to see Tina this weekend, Laura did not disappoint. Richard was incredible as usual and can't wait to see him in Legally Blonde. The rest of the cast was amazing as usual, it's really a shame that a show with such an incredible ensemble is closing. It was one of the smoothest shows I've seen and again, the proposal at the end was really sweet, especially with Lynch saying something about how they were going to Arby's as their prize.
After the show- It was my friend's birthday so Laura took us backstage. It was so nice of her to do that, definitely something I wasn't expecting at all.
So basically, it was one of the best Wedding Singer days I've had so far, crazy rush line and all. Can't wait to go back and so disappointed that its closing
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
I know I'm seeing this show in 11 days (yeah!) but I'm trying to think of one more time I can see it
Is there a night show on closing day? Or just a matinee? I already have matinee tickets for another show, but I really want to see THE WEDDING SINGER's closing show- soo many people are going to be there, except me
Not that this is a big deal or anything but I was just wondering how Robyn had a Jersey accent. I'm from Jersey and no one speaks like that. She sounded like she was from Brooklyn or something. Maybe I'm wrong and in the 80's more people from NJ spoke like that, I don't know. I just thought I'd ask.
Closing is the matinee show. There is no evening show. Imagine if the cast got out of a show at 10 on New Year's Eve. WE would all be ringing in the New Year at stage door of the Hirshfeld!q
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
carymetorent, did you go see WS yesterday too? Are you going to the concert/gig thing tonight?
Tell Stacey I said hi! And tell her I'm still saving- she'll know what it means.
I am not going to the Laura Benanti thing. I am going to the Toys for Tots concert over at the Cutting Room. Big fan of the Broadway Boys.
Freckles1329- thanks for the seating help.
anyone seeing the show tomorrow?
I was debating it. I haven't seen Richard Blake onstage in a long time, since I keep attending matinees. But waking up to rush and killing nine hours in the city is not the best idea for someone who is strapped for cash.
Understudy Joined: 8/26/06
I'm officially excited. I decided not to take my chances at the rush line or do TKTS for my final viewing of the show. There is a very good broadwaybox discount for shows between the 19th-23rd. Wonderful orchestra seats for just 46.25.
I got row B seats 109 and 110. I couldn't be happier! I can't wait! I just hope Stephen and Kevin are in... they really make the show for me. I'll be sitting two rows behind you rushers... lets behave now! Just kidding...
Darn, I can't bring my foam finger? :-P
Have fun!
Understudy Joined: 8/26/06
only if its a red one.... otherwise, no.
"I'm from Jersey and no one speaks like that. She sounded like she was from Brooklyn or something."
I feel sort of insulted by that. lol. j/k. I think in general the accents are kinda similar, they just put weird emphasis' on different vowels or in some cases don't prounnounce the end of a word. lol. But seriously some people have accents, some people don't...i think its a phenomena lol.
Understudy Joined: 5/16/06
I have a rush question and I figured this would be the thread to ask it in. Anyway, this upcoming saturday, my friends and I (that would be three of us) want to try and rush for The Wedding Singer. I know Saturdays are probably the most hectic day of the week, but if we wanted to rush the evening show what time would we be able to do that? Are evening and matinee rush tickets sold all at once when the box office opens in the morning... or is it different? The last time I rushed was some random day in the summer and it was rather easy, but I know that's changed very much.
Thanks guys!
Getting there around 7:30 - 8ish would probably be your best bet. Both show tickets are sold at the same time when the box office opens at 10. I got there around 8 last Saturday and got 8pm tickets. Good Luck!
anyone know for sure the last time amy was in?
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
I saw her on Thursday night.
Thursday was the last time she was in.
Hopefully, she will be back tomorrow night. *crosses fingers*
i hope she doesnt miss anymoree
id hate for anyone that is seeing it for their last time to misss out.
did she seem sick on thursday?
I think I'd be crushed if it was my last time seeing the show and Amy was out. Then again, I'm still crossing my fingers that I'll get to see the show at all sometime next week.
Updated On: 12/18/06 at 09:35 PM
I completely agree! If I got to see it again, it would be amazing - seeing as how I'm going to CA during the last week of the show. And if Amy was in it would be even better!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Shhhhhhh. Don't tell. But, someone in WEDDING SINGER is going to have to be looking around for a Wedding Singer in the near future.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
I'm only saying that because we were talking about her before and stuff I just read that I found online...
I know who Grail is talking about, and that person wanted it kept quiet and especially not posted (even as a blind item) on the message boards.