Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/06
the show was hilarious tonight. realllllly weird not being in rush seats for it. now something i noticed that i never saw anyone mention here. glenns license plate says XMAS BONUS. hilarious. never saw this, as it is blocked by stage when in rush seats... but I died when I noticed it.
also christina hurt her neck, the poor thing. i hope she feels better.
Amy was back....
Matthew Stocke was out.....
J. Elaine was out...
and we already heard peter and laura were out.
Ooh Tri, I totally did not realize who you are until now!
Amy was back tonight.
Thank goodness!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
That is hilarious about Glen's liscense plate
Its the little things that make the show...
yeah, i love the front plate, i always forget about it, then it makes me laugh every time i see it =]
I'm sure Tchi and Froggy will give us reviews when they get back! Would love to hear how Tina did this afternoon! And Matt Stocke as Glen!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
Almost finished with my drawing I'm giving to Laura next week
I'll post a picture later
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
Can't wait to see it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
Can't wait to see it bwayondabrain!!
I'm a nerd...I know part of the It's Your Wedding Day dance, and The Casualty of Love dance that the mutants at table 9 perform with our dear Robbie Hart. I'm so weird.
I bet most people who have seen the show numerous times could do the choreography for you. I know I could.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
It's weird because I'm a total spacecase and it takes me forever to pick things up even when I'm consciously trying to learn them... and yet I think seeing this show so many times I've just kind of picked up all the choreography without even trying. Now that is some powerful stuff.
Didn't go this afternoon - but the show was great tonight. Kevin Kern was extra funny as the bum - he actually sang, "Everything's going to be all right" and it was creepy/pretty.
For those keeping track - J. Elaine was back in tonight. Huzzah!
I saw the matinee.
Kevin Kern was out of control. Had the whole cast laughing hysterically. He did an Italian accent and said "Hey-a, buddy, I'm-a paying you..." - well you get the idea, but it was hysterical.
Stocke is always a pleasure. I love his interpretation. He plays Glen as such an a**hole!!
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
I actually meant to ask you this before - does Stocke still do the "You could call it, 'I just got punched in the face...'" line in that sing-song country song voice?
Stand-by Joined: 7/20/06
Bwayondabrain, where is that picture with Amy, Christina, and Tina from? I loveee it.
And I want to see your drawing too! It was you who did the painting of Amy, right?
yeah where is that picturee from
i lovee it
ok, im back again and am finally caught up on sleep but now i have something to go tonight, so expect my reviews tomorrow. im sorry its taking so long, but ive been insanely busy. im sure you guys cant wait to hear my reviews of tina, haha, but honeslty, theyre not bad, shes just not laura for me, thats all. and laura WAS back for the night show last night so i got to see my last show with laura (and pretty much full cast except peter). and again, robyn is AMAZING! LOVE her! lol. and kern is just plain hilarious. and angelique, just wow, shes angelique, haha, just awkward. lol, but ill explain tomorrow!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
YaY Stacey, I was worried you were gonna see the last showing without Laura- now that would have been tragic!
I would love to read your reviews but I'm leaving tomorrow for Florida and leaving on my cruise on Saturday so I don't know if I'll get a chance to read it so maybe you can PM them to me just in case this thread gets deleted for some reason.
I am really glad you did like Tina though!
When I saw it the first time, Kevin Kern was on for Stephen and he was absolutely wonderful! I hope I won't get killed for this but I think I like Kevin better than Stephen.
Can't wait for those reviews
SweetQ, I prefer Kevin too. But I am heavily biased.
Matthew didn't do the sing-songy voice, Froggy
are you all going like every day before it closes? I wanna see it one more time before it closes... maybe the 28th or 29th.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
carymetorent, what makes you bias?
I also prefer Tina over Laura- I think I've said before...
*ducks from Laura lovers*
haha, its ok, everyone has their own opinions. i dont like tinas take on the part at all, just not for me. the way she plays it is just too crazy. im very glad i saw her, and now i can have a valid opinion, but i wouldnt care to see her again, but thats me. a lot of people love her and im glad a lot of you guys got to see her yesterday. shes just not my style. and laura sounded really good last night too, not her best (i mean she has apparently been sick), but she was still really good! and kern, just, i LOVE the way he plays the father and the bum. too funny for words. alright, thats all i got for now, haha, more tomorrow.
I prefer Tina period.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
Phantom2, Do you prefer Tina over every single person in the world?