Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
Yay! So exciting! But I didn't think it was a secret, if it's who I think you're talking about. Je ne sais pas. But if it's someone else, yay and congrats for them too!
Edit: Whoops, shhhhh. It *is* a secret. I am so uninformed- as I should be!
I'm marrying Christina Sivrich.
It had to come out sooner or later.
Well, congratulations to whoever it is.
Tina is on tonight!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
Congrats to her! I wish her much luck and fun as this may be the last time. Tina really is the greatest!
I really hope (for some peoples sake) that Laura will be on tomorrow!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
Man, I wanted to see Tina again! Bummer.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
*has a minor panic attack*
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
put the show on Phantom2 alert!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
Where are the cops? Phantom2 needs to be restrained!!
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/06
OMG YYYAAAYYY!!! I am gonna be there tonight!! Only thing that sucks tho.... when my friend got to rush today.... it was down the block. So we didn't get rush and she got like row L or something. BUT YAY ATLEAST SEEING TINA!!!!! :prances around like a mad woman:
christmas has come early!!!!
is amy in?
have fun tonight TristezzaBella!
I want to go!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
So I have 2 days to find someone to take me. Not gonna happen. I'm not too happy about this.
I had a Wedding Singer dream the other night. I went to the show and saw like a 5 minute version and then it was intermission so I went to look for all the broadwayworld people. Then my dad woke me up.
alright im back, and im not gonna coment on anything that happened on this thread while i was gone other than if u have a problem, please pm me about it.
and btw, i LOVE robyn, end of story.
and to all of you that i met this weekend (and there were a lot, haha), it was soo nice meeting all of you, and i hope to see you guys again sometime! :)
Welcome back.
Welcome back! How was the trip?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
So glad you're back, Stacey, and that you had an amazing time
And I couldnt be anymore jealous about you seeing and meeting Robyn!
haha, it was amazing! i havnt gotten around to writing anything about it yet, thatll come prob on thursday. but yea, it was just AMAZING! lol.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
and you're seeing the show AGAIN tomorrow?
golly, Envy is now my middle name, because i envy you greatly
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
Stacey, you just got back home from here and now you're coming back? That's wild. Enjoy yourself!
What! You're going back! Wow, I'm really jealous now!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
Welcome back Stacey. Can't wait to hear about it!
Amy was back tonight.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
nevermind..... Updated On: 12/20/06 at 01:59 AM