Rumer Willis is recovering from a foot injury. Dylis is stepping into the role for while.
The talented and handsome Ryan Silverman has returned to the role of "Billy Flynn" in "Chicago" (as of August 31, 2015).
I'm in New York mid December and what do you think is the likelihood that they will get a name actor to replace Rumer Willis when she leaves? Looks like none of the main cast is listed past October/November. I'm looking for something to see on a Monday night as there aren't that many options, so I thought I'd see Chicago if there was someone I really wanted to see (I've already seen the show over 20 times and love it).
Dylis Croman as Roxie Hart (thru 9/13)
Rumer Willis as Roxie Hart (9/14 - 11/1)
Amra-Faye Wright as Velma Kelly (thru 11/22)
Ryan Silverman as Billy Flynn (thru 10/12)
Raymond Bokhour as Amos Hart (thru 9/20)
NaTasha Yvette Williams as Matron "Mama" Morton (thru 9/27) Rumer Willis postpones her Broadway debut in Chicago. Again. I guess she hasn't healed properly?
That article states that amy Spanger is starring in chicago when that is not true, because amy is in Matilda now.
Only by a week. It doesn't say why, but her tweet doesn't mention injury or healing. Odd.
I guess the producers can always ask Dylis Croman to stay on just a bit more.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
I wonder if she delayed to make an appearance on tonight's Dancing with the Stars premiere?
Well, that's just for one day. Is it possible that she needs the extra time to learn the songs and choreography? There's a good chance that she'll learn the modified version of the choreography that is usually utilized for non-professional theatre Roxies. (or as some would call it....Roxie lite).
Rumor won dancing with the stars. She doesn't need the lite dancing.
She was in the audience at dancing with the stars tonight.
Dylis Croman will continue on as Roxie until September 20th. Rumer Willis is scheduled to begin her run on Sept. 21st. A Buzzfeed member posted this. It is about all things "Chicago". Number 15 will make many a fan "swoon."
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
I was watching DWTS and noticed Rumer was there too. Interesting since she postponed her Chicago debut again, but yet, there she was in the audience. I realize sitting there watching and actually performing on an injury on Broadway are two totally different things, but, I still found it odd she was able to make it to their premiere.
I hope she joins soon!! Dying to see her in the role. I'm not really familiar with him. I did have a chance to see him in "The Visit."
He's overqualified for Billy Flynn. Deserves better than being one of the countless replacements, but this will be a cake gig for him.
I'm surprised there hasn't been any video released of Rumer Willis as Roxie. By the way, if you happen to see her in the show, please share your thoughts about her performance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Has anyone seen Rumer Willis yet?
Updated On: 9/29/15 at 04:11 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
I would love to go back for Jason Danieley because he is so overqualified but I've already seen this Chicago revival two more times than I ever thought I would (for Jennifer Nettles and Brandy) and I've no real desire to see Rumer Willis. I hope he's back with a new show soon. Or an album.
Here's Rumer's interpretation of "Me and My Baby" on the telly. Personally, I was underwhelmed and so many changes to the original choreography.
Wow, I've never seen those changes to the ending before. I'm sure JBradshaw could clarify if it's been used before.
Is she just poorly miked? she seems to be concentrating so much on the choreography that she barely sings and certainly has no presence in that clip.
Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Here's Rumer's interpretation of "Me and My Baby" on the telly. Personally, I was underwhelmed and so many changes to the original choreography.
yeah, the choreography for the end of that was terrible. I guess this is why I prefer d'Amboise or Croman as Roxie.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
Oh my goodness that clip made me so sad. Me and My Baby is my favorite number in the show and one of my favorite pieces of choreography of any show. I love seeing Charlotte or Bianca do it. Brandy did not do it justice either this summer but she was perfection compared to Rumer.
I suppose they added that bizarre flip during "facing the world optimistically" to make up for everything else that was taken away. And the ending.........well........perhaps it was because the stage wasn't wide enough to do the usual running and hopping across the stage? Perhaps Rumer can't do the high kick that Roxie is supposed to do?
And her voice came off as nervous and unsure. It seemed like she thought her microphone would make her louder than it actually did. And it seemed like she ran out of breath at the end of each line.
Also, I thought her tempo was kind of the singing and dancing.
ACL2006 said: "Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Here's Rumer's interpretation of "Me and My Baby" on the telly. Personally, I was underwhelmed and so many changes to the original choreography.
yeah, the choreography for the end of that was terrible. I guess this is why I prefer d'Amboise or Croman as Roxie.
What, wait? You prefer a well known Broadway professional like Charlotte to Rumer?? *shock*