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Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol

Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#0Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 9:16am

Hey ~ I saw American Idol last night and they announced Constantine Maroulis of Rent tour (I believe he played Roger), as one of the 24 finalist!

Roddick19 Profile Photo
#1re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 9:24am

He's my FAVORITE on American Idol. Was he Roger on the tour???

No Day But Today

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#2re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 9:37am

I heard it on this message board...somewhere. If you google image his name you'll find pics of him in Rent. Updated On: 2/17/05 at 09:37 AM

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#3re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 9:39am

...although from what I heard on the board, was not that impressive on the stage ???? Did anyone see him in the show?

LouieLovesTheater Profile Photo
#4re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 9:41am

Saw him a few times as Roger -- not that impressed. Does he have a good rock voice...oh yeah but he had the tendency to modulate EVERY SINGLE NOTE so that it ended up bearing little resemblance to the score Jonathan Larson wrote. I'm all for vocal stylings in RENT (i.e. Simone, Jeremy Kushnier, and Karmine Alers) but it got tiresome after awhile. Also...his acting was a bit on the weak side...just my opinion.

#5re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 9:44am

Loved Constantine's take on Roger. It was very different, unlike any I've seen. Not many really enjoyed it, but I did a lot, and loved his voice.

It's exciting to see him on AI!

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#6re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 10:25am

Well he doesnt "look" like a Roger, by comparison with other ROGERS I have seen. Constantine seems more scrawny (and he looks like he might smell cigarette smoke). ...but, like the character Roger, he is the real deal. He has his own band (which aren't that thrilled he auditioned for American Idol) that look a little hard core. The band was kinda bad mouthing the show.

#7re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 10:30am

I saw him as Roger, too...also not impressed.

If he makes it, I have his autograph!

CCM '10!

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#8re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 1:28pm

Well, I don't know him, but the name definetely sounds Greek, so he has my support ! :)

Take care

got-a-light Profile Photo
#9re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 1:30pm

I hate to say this... because he seems like a sweet guy, but he was aweful as roger. grossly miscast!

#10re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 1:40pm

He's definitely Greek! He even answered the question of why he should be the next American Idol with "I'm a nice Greek boy!". Which is kind of ironic, since it's not GREEK Idol, but alas!

erikrokks Profile Photo
#11re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 1:47pm

Wow...Constantine was TERRIBLE as Roger. True in a different setting he might be a good singer, but as Roger, he completely disappointed me. I spent the entire show thinking in my head "Why was he cast as Roger?".

Luckily the next time I saw it, I had the pleasure of seeing Jeremy Kushnier (sp?). He rocked it out!

"You act like you're cleaner than the Board of Heath, but you're just a fame ho just like me. You know it...and you LOVE it!" -Paradice to Brooklyn

boatsintheghetto Profile Photo
#12re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 2:04pm

When was he roger?, i thought you couldng be on AI when youve done professional stuff before...oh well, i guess not.

#13re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 2:19pm

He was on the non-equity tour, 2003-2004. And it doesn't count against his chances on AI because it was non-equity.

#14re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 2:41pm

I saw him as Roger on tour twice. He was very "interesting." He was my least favorite on the tour. He also tried to get my best friend to go to his hotel room with her. Kinda creepy. Lets see how far he gets on AI!!!! I also have a recording of him singins Roger.

#15re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 3:56pm

I saw him as Roger on the tour also. He was fine. Nothing too exciting- I wasn't that impressed. But I'm all for him on AI.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#16re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:00pm

Constantine happens to be my first Roger. I saw him about a year ago on tour- and was not impressed with his Roger. I felt that his "Glory" was only decent, and had very little chemistry with the other actors.

"During this performance, please feel free to let your cell phones and pagers ring willy-nilly. However, do remember that there are heavily-armed knights on stage and you might well be dragged up and impaled." (Pre-curtain announcement at the new Broadway musical Monty Python's Spamalot)

#17re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:01pm

ok, speaking of rent and american idol... that guy named anthony something, with blonde hair and glasses... doesn't he look like anthony rapp? their faces are the same shape, and the same name... weird...

TheBoyfromChi Profile Photo
#18re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:17pm

I saw him on tour and he is definitely the worst Roger I have seen. He kept fixing his hair and had no chemistry with Mimi or Mark. Through his actions I didn't believe he was in love with anyone but himself. His singing was okay, nothing horrible.

"I hope you're all happy, keeping Alan off the team. Couldn't you, for once, open your minds and hearts and hear something that he couldn't see? I, for one, am glad that Alan is blind, so he can't see what, I am so sad to say, you can't hear." -Jerri Blank
Updated On: 2/18/05 at 04:17 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#19re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:22pm

I think hes cute. I hope he gets far on Idol.

zippyjen Profile Photo
#20re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:28pm

I have only seen him on ai but i am cheering for him. I happen to like that they have some rockers on the show this year. It also helps that he was associated with rent! That sounds like i am kind of shallow and stupid but whatever. I like him.

"At the opening night party, they had clowns on stilts, jugglers, a chocolate fountain, popcorn, hot dogs. [My son] looked at me like I had been holding back. Like, 'This is what you do?' I had to tell him, 'No, no, darling. Opening nights don't usually look like this.' It's usually a dark bar with a bottle of vodka." ?Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Jan Maxwell plus i proudly share the title of the shortest member over the age of 10 with wickedrentq!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#21re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:30pm

They seem to be keeping it "hush hush" that he was in Rent.

zippyjen Profile Photo
#22re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:32pm

yeah i noticed that. I was thinking maybe that they don't want someone with a fan base already. Hmm don't know though.

"At the opening night party, they had clowns on stilts, jugglers, a chocolate fountain, popcorn, hot dogs. [My son] looked at me like I had been holding back. Like, 'This is what you do?' I had to tell him, 'No, no, darling. Opening nights don't usually look like this.' It's usually a dark bar with a bottle of vodka." ?Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Jan Maxwell plus i proudly share the title of the shortest member over the age of 10 with wickedrentq!

#23re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:35pm

Ok, I saw the tour in Atl the day after he left, and I was talking to some of the cast after the show and they were saying they were all very nervous about the show because this Constantine dude had left the tour very suddenly. Did something happen to him? It was just very odd and unprofessional that in the middle of a stop, he would pick up and leave.Anyone know what happened?

"Commit a little mortal sin, its good for the soul"

#24re: Constantine Maroulis of Rent -Top 24 American Idol
Posted: 2/17/05 at 4:39pm

"Through his actions I didn't believe he was in love with anyone but himself."

I did a production of Jesus Christ Superstar with him a few years ago and that couldn't have been more accurate then -- so this comment made me laugh hard. LOL...
