Swing Joined: 5/18/09
The actors do go up in the mezzanine. Before the show, Alison Cimmet, Kyle Coffman, Eric Sciotto, Jim Walton, Spencer Plachy, and Nick Corley are upstairs. And during the voting, the front mezzanine is split down the middle between Eric Sciotto and Kyle Coffman. Having sat 6th row orchestra and several rows in the front mezz, they're really very equal. I don't really see this "playing to the orchestra" idea. They play to the whole theatre, if you on an in aisle in the orchestra, sure, there's a chance you'll be touched or spoken to by Stephanie or Andy, or someone. But in the mezzanine, the actors talk to everyone as well. Enjoy the show!
xoffender, is there someone specific you want to be nearby or do you just want to feel a part of the participatory action in general? I'm sure someone here probably has a good knowledge of the blocking to specify which actors enter from where and what seats are closest to them. I can't say I remember a lot of that specifically beyond seeing Will Chase and Stephanie J. Block spend a good deal of time within the first few rows of the right orchestra.
Understudy Joined: 2/14/05
I sat on the right aisle of the orchestra, and Will Chase was out and interacting with that part of the audience for quite a while before the show started the day I saw it. He was out way before any of the other actors that day, joking about how we were the people he was going to be spitting on at that performance. (And WOW, he wasn't kidding. He spits A LOT when he sings.)
How is interaction in the first few rows on the left aisle of the orchestra?
Yesterday I saw Stephanie literally sit down in an empty seat next to someone up there (first few rows on the left of orch) for a while before the show, lol...
Broadway Star Joined: 8/12/07
Kelly2, no one in particular. Just wanna feel like part of the action. I'm guessing sitting in the middle of the row instead of an aisle lessens my chance even more. How far is the mezzanine from the stage?
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Rosa Bud
Lovers: Princess Puffer and Deputy
So thrilled to finally see Betsy Wolfe's confession and hear her belt a little bit more. What a fabulous voice/talent. This show really is pure theatre magic, down to the very smallest details. An embarrassment of riches, indeed.
Oh and xoffender, to answer your question the view from the front of the mezzanine is great, though I couldn't tell you exactly which row it hangs over at the theatre. I would venture to say that no matter where you sit, you feel like a part of the action, but if you really want to interact with the actors before the show and the like, the aisles in the orchestra seem to be the place to be.
Also! Now I'm stalking this thread but I have a question: do they still give out the faux programs for the Music Hall show as they did during previews or has that been discontinued?
Awesome show tonight!!! The cast was on fire!
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Helena Landless
Lovers: Rosa Bud and Neville Landless
Finally got to see Helena as the murderess! So fantastic! Jessie Mueller has an amazing voice and a fantastic actress! The Lovers were hilarious, however, it was a tie between Neville and Durdles, but not really, as the audience really wanted Durdles, so the Chairman asked an audience member to vote. The audience member chose Neville, which prompted the audience to "boo" the audience member and Neville! Hilarious! It was a great night and audience!
12/07/12 matinee
Datchery: Helena
Murderer: Bazzard
Lovers: Princess Puffer and Deputy
Rosa Bud was a very close 2nd for the murderer according to the boards leaving the theatre; iirc, there were 2 votes difference.
Kelly, when I went last week, they did not give out the programs.
Little_sally, interesting. I wonder if it's worth mentioning the only time I received one of the faux programs was when I sat in the mezzanine, I didn't notice if they were distributed in the orchestra as well. Sad that they discontinued using them, if they have, they were cute.
Caught the matinee today last minute, finally saw Andy Karl's brilliant confession. Well worth the wait, he is hilarious and so completely committed. Excellent use of eyebrows and walking stick.
12/12/12 matinee:
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Neville Landless
Lovers: Puffer and Durdles
Oh, and caught a peek at the board from last night, Rosa was the murderer and Bazzard was Datchery.
Totally gonna keep this thread alive myself. According to twitter, last night's murderer was Rev. Crisparkle. What is his justification for the murder, does anyone know?
I'm so jealous you saw Andy Karl's confession.
PalJoey, this is his 2nd time in the past week or so, I believe, so maybe your chances of seeing it are improving. He was only about 20 votes behind Betsy Wolfe in the count I saw for Tuesday night's murderer.
EDIT: Here's a quote from Betsy in a recent interview regarding Andy's confession:
"If you were in the audience, who would you vote as the murderer?
Wolfe: The one that doesn't get chosen as much as I feel like it should is Andy Karl, who plays Neville. And maybe that's because I've seen his confession, and it's really actually quite funny. And I don't think people expect his confession to be funny because he's one of the more obvious villains of the piece, but his confession is quite enjoyable and quite funny. He rarely gets to do it. He has such great comedic timing. This cast is full of gems. You can't go wrong."
Thanks for keeping us posted! I am glad someone else is obsessed with this production as I am!
I too am jealous you got to see Neville's Confession.
The jist of Crisparkle's confession is that he murdered Drood because he saw him as a threat in wooing "Rosa's Mother" (Rosa). But as we all know, it's really Rosa and not her mother, so Drood wasn't a "threat" at all. It's a funny and well acted and sung confession by Gregg Edelman.
I confess to being completely obsessed, though I sadly probably will not be able to see it again for quite some time, so you'll have to keep this thread updated on my behalf!
The rest of Betsy's interview is pretty interesting as well, I didn't realize she was ending up as the killer almost 50% of the time.
Swing Joined: 3/13/10
Friday, December 14th
LOVERS: Puffer and Deputy #2
Deputy #1 -Nicholas Barasch- was in the show through the Cemetery scene. His understudy -Kyle Coffman- finished out the first act and was announced at Intermission to replace for the 2nd Act. Anybody have any idea what happened?
During the Lovers voting, Puffer won overwhelmingly. The cast overwhelmingly threw support to the Deputy understudy and it appeared to be complete genuine enthusiasm and excitement to watch the two give their song. Definitely fun for us too.
Updated On: 12/15/12 at 08:42 AM
12/12/12 evening:
Datchery: Helena Landless
Murderer: Rev. Crisparkle
Lovers: Puffer and Neville Landless
It was a great (and apparently unusual) combination. Helena seemed thrilled to be selected as Datchery. Crisparkle won by one vote - I'm a Gregg Edelman fan, so I like to think I put him over the top. Puffer and Neville made a dynamite combination as the lovers. Andy Karl was hilarious, and the even the cast seemed to have trouble containing their laughter.
Oh, I love Puffer and Neville as the lovers! Such a fun combination! I'd love to see Gregg Edelman's confession one day, to me he's such an unsung hero of this show. His comedic timing is flawless.
Swing Joined: 11/27/12
Saturday, December 15th (Evening)
LOVERS: Puffer and Crisparkle
I don't know if this usually happens, but it was almost a tie between Helena/Puffer and Crisparkle/Durdles (Robert Creighton's u/s was on) as the lovers. Both had to go through two rounds of applause and finally ended with one member of the audience choosing! Gregg and Chita were hysterical.
I thought that Puffer would've been the murderer, as my section and the section near me seemed to vote for her overwhelmingly (I voted for Andy Karl!). Rosa won by a landslide, however (over 200 votes). Interesting that Helena/Neville each got the same exact number of votes.
Tonight was my first time at the show. I enjoyed it immensely!
Updated On: 12/16/12 at 02:18 AM