Chorus Member Joined: 4/24/08
I was at the 11/17 satmat too and interestingly, in reference to the posts above, Jasper was only seven votes behind Bazzard as the murderer choice.
Updated On: 11/18/12 at 09:00 AM
Leading Actor Joined: 5/20/11
11/18 Matinee:
Datchery: Helena
Murderer: Princess Puffer
Lovers: Rosa and Deputy
I really wanted Andy Karl to be the murderer, just because I thought he was terrific and I wanted to see his confession, but apparently I was pretty much alone.
PalJoey, I did too! I think because he's so heavily implicated in Act I, it's a little less "fun" to choose someone who was sort of expected? Maybe? I don't know. I'm seeing the show for the 2nd time in a few weeks, I'd love to see Andy as the murderer, though Jessie Mueller was absolutely hilarious when I saw it, and I had absolutely no complaints.
When I saw the show on Friday, the obnoxious audience member next to me clapped REALLY loudly for Andy Karl as Datchery, and when he was one of the only ones that did so, said "Well, *I* like him!"
His line about his eyebrows and Jessie Mueller's about her "geographically" ambiguous accent were the two funniest moments in the show.
Other than the cow.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/24/09
If the Roundabout ever does GYPSY, that cow will come in handy!
Stand-by Joined: 1/5/08
PalJoey, I agree, LOVE the "geographically ambiguous" moment. I wish their parts were big enough to justify being in contention (as a duo!?) for Featured Actor/Actress because to me, they are just a comedic tour de force and were one of my favorite portions of the show.
I hope when I see it again that I see Rosa as the murderer, I've heard her confession is hilarious and I'd love to hear the fabu Betsy Wolfe sing more.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
11/21 mat
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Helena
Lovers: Puffer and Neville
Re-reading this thread, may be interesting to some people that Jasper came in second place for the murderer, behind by about 20 or 30 votes I think. I know in my section he got the most votes, and was praying the rest of the audience would vote more interestingly. lol.
Updated On: 11/22/12 at 05:51 PM
Does anyone know who Datchery and the lovers were last night (11/20)?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Bazzard was Datchery, Helena and Deputy the lovers (I think).
Great show again tonight! Forgive me, I LOVE this show and production...
DATCHERY: Helena Landless
MURDERER: The Reverend Crisparkle
LOVERS: Puffer and Bazzard (tie between Durdles and Bazz, audience member selected Bazzard at the Chairman's urging)
Glad I was able to see someone else's confession besides Rosa's, although Betsy Wolfe is brilliant. Gregg Edelman was hilarious, and as expected had a glorious voice to boot.
The Balladeer
Stand-by Joined: 1/5/08
11/23 evening
MURDERER: Helena Landless
LOVERS: Puffer and Deputy
Swing Joined: 5/14/05
11/23 matinee
LOVERS: Helena/Durdles
Stand-by Joined: 1/5/08
I've seen this show quite a bit already and I have to say the audiences really make it or break it. The two more touristy audiences (post-Sandy, post-Thanksgiving) I've been a part of have voted for the crazier, funnier combinations: Helena and Neville as lovers, Helena as murderer, rather than what I feel is turning into the usual: Rosa as murderer, Helena as Datchery.
That's my theory, although I know there's no science to this by any means.
11/24 Matinee
Datchery- Bazzard
Murderer- Rosa Bud
Lovers- Helena/Deputy
Broadway Star Joined: 9/11/04
Datchery - Bazzard
Murderer - Helena
Lovers - Puffer and Deputy
11/25 Sunday Matinee
Datchery - Helena Landless
Murderer - Puffer
Lovers - Rosa Bud and Neville Landless
The cast was noticeably excited about the Rosa and Neville combination, and said this was the first time in the run that this pairing has happened and they'd been waiting for it! Betsy and Andy were cracking up - very fun to see!
If I remember correctly, the dialogue between Rosa and Neville was very heartfelt rather than funny in the 1989 Script. Did they keep this tone? What is the exchange like between the two?
While the language was certainly heartfelt, because Betsy and Andy had been hamming it up so much trying to get the votes (it was a "run-off" for each of them - the voting was so tight in the larger group), they were both a bit giddy and the entire cast was egging them on - their actions were definitely over the top (i.e. Betsy jumped into Andy's arms). As they were getting through their song there we a few moments when they both were visibly trying to keep it together and not completely bust out laughing.
Since they are one of the "natural" combinations that doesn't come up very often, they were both just so excited to actually play out this scene together!
I don't think whether an audience is primarily consisted of tourists or not really determines who gets voted for what. If that were the case, I would think Bazzard would get voted for everything all the time, as the author is constantly suggesting that the audience vote for him, as he is "longing to play a larger part". I think Helena might be a less obvious choice, and Rosa certainly is a less obvious choice for murderer. With that logic, Neville and Jasper should be voted as murderer every night.
I actually saw Drood last Wednesday night with what seemed like mostly tourists in the audience, and Crisparkle was voted murderer.
Meanwhile setting next to me were obvious fans of the show, and they were clamoring for Rosa to be the murderer, because that is their favorite confession.
Who really knows?
in the original production Bazzard was reportedly voted as Datchery something like 80 percent of the time, which of course takes him out of the running as murderer. What I consider the "classic" Drood ending (ie the most common) is Bazzard as Datchery, Helena or Rosa as Murderer and Puffer and Durdles or Deputy as the Lovers.
Neville still has never been the murderer?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
I saw Neville as the murderer at one of the very first previews.