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DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers

DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers

wickedbway Profile Photo
#0DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 11:59am

Okay, I've seen DRS, and I absolutely loved it. Now although I haven't seen Spamalot, I own both cds. I can definitely say that owning both cds before I saw either show, I still loved DRS way more. I never got into the Spamalot cd. Anyways, what I'm wondering is - to all your bway obsessive people like myself - is DRS a more true broadway show? I get the feeling that Spamalot is just popular because of the comedy, celebrities and monty python fame. I know people who have seen it who rave about it, but they've also never seen DRS or in some cases any other show. I don't really know. I'm having a tough time deciding whether I even want to see Spamalot at all - because I could sure go for another round of DRS!

TheatreDiva612 Profile Photo
#1re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:08pm

I would never compare Spamalot to DRS, really on any level. They are two completely different types of shows.

And just listening to the Spamalot CD doesn't really do it justice... it's more visually comedic

#2re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:14pm

Does it matter? I can love Spamalot and love DRS (and I do love both for their own seperate reasons).

I think that "bway obsessive people" would be open to seeing any show. But do whatever you want, go and see DRS again, whatever.

TheatreDiva612 Profile Photo
#3re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:18pm

I'm not saying it matters- I too love both shows. I just don't think comparing the validity of them as "true Broadway shows" is fair since they're so differnt.

#4re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:38pm

Oh, I wasn't responding to you, Diva, I was agreeing. They don't need to be compared.

TheatreDiva612 Profile Photo
#5re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:41pm

ooo i see--- fantastic.... ok, continue haha....

Ladyofthe Lake Profile Photo
Ladyofthe Lake
#6re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:48pm

I would never compare Spamalot to DRS, really on any level. They are two completely different types of shows.

And just listening to the Spamalot CD doesn't really do it justice... it's more visually comedic

Agreed on both points, Diva. I've seen and enjoyed them both, but they're very different. As it happens, I also purchased both OCRs. Not only does the Spamalot recording suffer a bit for missing the visual comedy accompanying the songs, in some cases it suffers from a lack of dialogue to set them up (particularly egregious in the case of "His Name is Lancelot", IMO - missing out on Hank Azaria's harangue, and Chris Sieber's response, makes the song seem to come out of nowhere, instead of being the payoff of a very funny buildup). However, I still love it (probably more because I saw the show), and prefer it to the DRS recording - I'm not saying that to compare the two, but rather to point out that it takes more than hearing the songs to come to a conclusion about how enjoyable the show is (if I'd only heard the music to Spelling Bee, I probably wouldn't have wanted to see the show at all - and I still don't think the songs are the Bee's strongest point - but I found the show enjoyable nonetheless).

I'm also a bit uncomfortable with a possible implication of the subject line...that a "true Broadway lover" would inevitably prefer one to the other. That isn't fair to either show, both of which were strong in their own ways. Updated On: 12/25/05 at 12:48 PM

#7re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:49pm

I saw both and preferred Spamalot, but I enjoyed DRS as well. I think it depends on your sense of humor. Spamalot defintely is better seeing it live though, rather than just listening to the CD as there are a lot of visual jokes.

pab Profile Photo
#8re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:50pm

I also saw both and IMO DRS was better on EVERY level.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"
Updated On: 12/25/05 at 12:50 PM

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#9re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:59pm

I agree w/ Pab...actually for English class I ended up writing a 12-page essay on that re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers I really did enjoy Spamalot, but enjoyed DRS even more and feel it's of better quality. And DRS too I think can be better viewed live--Ruprecht doesn't sound nearly as funny as it is to see, and Great Big Stuff is so much better watching Norbert's antics around the stage.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

wickedbway Profile Photo
#10re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 1:13pm

I didn't mean to offend anybody by saying that "true broadway lovers" would prefer one over the other. I was just wondering if the feeling I got from Spamalot cd/reviews and such was true. All I'm saying is that I got an inkling of a feeling that Spamalot was loved by so many because of its name, but not the quality.

I honestly wasn't trying to say that anyone had to pick one over the other, or that one was a true show and one wasn't. I just don't personally know many people who love broadway shows as much as I do and have seen Spamalot to give me a valid review. Thats why I asked you guys.

Sorry if I offended anyone!!
Updated On: 12/25/05 at 01:13 PM

juice23 Profile Photo
#11re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 1:14pm

saw both- DRS wins in my book. I liked everything about it better!

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Copeman63 Profile Photo
#12re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 3:01pm

I saw both as well, and I enjoyed DRS more, but I enjoy the cast recordings equaly. But I wish they had the dogs yelp when the bellhop steps on it during "Here I Am".

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

Mamie Profile Photo
#13re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 3:06pm

I thought Spamalot was hysterically funny - one time. I'm delighted that I got to see it once but I really have no desire to see it again.

DRS is definitely a repeater. The story, incredible cast, costumes, scenery, dialogue, WONDERFUL songs, all seem to be as entertaining on repeat viewings as they are the first time you see it. I'm really looking forward to seeing it still again.

Both CD's are fun and serve to bring back wonderful memories from both shows.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

Smaxie Profile Photo
#14re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 3:30pm

>DRS was better on EVERY level.<

If one is going to compare everything, I think Spamalot is beautifully designed. Scoundrels has a lot going for it, but I can't say that I found it gorgeous to look at. It's a little chintzy looking, and everything seems dipped in blue.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

#15re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 3:49pm

I saw both and I have to say...they are two very different shows.

Its very true that Spamalot is more of a visual show - the cast recording does not do any of the humor justice.
DRS happens to be one of my favorites (although I wouldnt consider myself a harsh critic of it ...because I'll love anything that Norbert Leo Butz sings). Its very funny, and definately worth seeing more than once.
HOWEVER, if you haven't seen Spamalot...and you have the oppertunity, you should go. You will definately enjoy yourself and its one of those shows that you should see once.
But probably only once (itll help you appreciate the CD much more)

SirLiir Profile Photo
#16re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 4:22pm

You really should see both. Like everyone is saying, Spamalot is a show you need to experience at least once. DRS, however, definately calls for repeat viewings.

As for the DRS backdrops, everything is covered in diamonds to match the glitzy feel of the show. Spamalot is all over but very creative nevertheless.

#17re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 5:18pm

well, no matter what, sara makes spamalot worth it re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers

go sara

pab Profile Photo
#18re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 5:33pm

sara's gone, so now what?

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

#19re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 5:46pm

Lauren Kennedy's pretty hot. Especially in her Lady of the Lake outfit.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#20re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 8:56pm

I don't think either one is more Broadway than the other. They're both comedies based on movies and they're both musicals. Now, for myself, I don't like DRS very much. I think its alright but the music is something I don't enjoy and never listen to although I've seen the show several times (3...and I don't need to see it again.) Spamalot on the other hand I could see over and over (I've seen it 6 times) and it has nothing to do with the "celebrity" factor because I've seen it with and without every one of the celebrities who have been in it. For me, I just think its more enjoyable. However, both of them are light comedies which give people a good laugh and help them leave feeling good and happy so I think they're equal in that sense.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

nolatheatre Profile Photo
#21re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/25/05 at 11:44pm

I have seen both and yet i can still never compare them. Yes they are both comedies, but they have such diffrent humor and music. Can't Compare. They are both wonderful in diffrent ways.

#22re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/26/05 at 12:22am

Music and lyric wise... DRS is a much more inventive score.
It's written a lot better.

DRS requires much more attentive listening, which is the kind of musical theatre I prefer... (and the direction I think Broadway should he going...)

Spamalot is a visual show, and you just have to sit back and enjoy..


Personally, I think I have too much bloom.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#23re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/26/05 at 12:34am

DRS is a much more inventive score? Maybe lyrically but musically it kept me thinking of Full Monty the whole time. Obviously they're written by the same person but I found it annoying that I was continually thinking of how similar they sounded.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#24re: DRS vs. Spamalot - true bway lovers
Posted: 12/26/05 at 12:56am


He has a very clear musical style. I still think it is far superior to Spamalot's bland "it's a musical" songs.
It never rises above mediocre for me.

I do like Full Monty a considerable amount more than DRS, though I love both.

I just love Monty a little bit more.

Personally, I think I have too much bloom.
