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Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?- Page 2

Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?

#25Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 12:01am

Worrying if a Broadway show will be able to open should be the least problem.  If the issues associated with the restrictions we already have in place which have already created unemployment, reduction in work hours, food, water and household item shortages, and the inability  to get medications, continue THROUGH SEPTEMBER , we are screwed.  Add the chaos that will occur if airlines are no longer able to fly domestic as well as internationally then starts the quick demise to that industry.  I, like some others here, have lost thousands in the stock market since this has began.  Continuing  with an every day loss that would take me to September, there won't be anything left of at least my portfolio. The US economy as YankeeFan7 has already stated will be destroyed as well as the World's economy.  The world we envisioned living  in 2020, will go down the drain.  I am more worried that I have lost all my money and will not be able to survive going forward. I'm more worried if there is going to be food and water at the stores, based on what I have already seen in March.  I'm most worried that the government will not allow me to see my Mother who is in a nursing home with final stage Alzheimer's until September.  Someone who I have visited 5 days a week for over 11 years.  I'm just not that concerned which shows will reopen.

Updated On: 3/16/20 at 12:01 AM

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#26Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 12:04am

Fed Takes Emergency Steps as Virus Pushes Economy Toward Recession

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#27Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 12:11am

I guess movie theaters are going to be shut down as well as small theaters. I am not sure about gyms but seems to be coming shortly. I hope they do not close laundromats or I  will be cleaning my clothes with a rock.

Updated On: 3/16/20 at 12:11 AM

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#28Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 9:10am

When people ask how do we survive this? 

We survive this by doing our part. If you do not have to be out do not go out. If there are people in your immediate circle not taking this seriously bombard them with information. 

We have to take care of each other right now, be kind to the people that have to be out in the world right no, and know that by staying home and practicing social distancing you are literally saving lives.  

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#29Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 9:25am

"I'm most worried that the government will not allow me to see my Mother who is in a nursing home with final stage Alzheimer's until September.  Someone who I have visited 5 days a week for over 11 years.  I'm just not that concerned which shows will reopen."

I pray that you will be able to visit your Mom, good luck !!

BJR Profile Photo
#30Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 9:34am

Jordan Catalano said: "Reports are that this could last until September. Obviously I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think there’s any way that a majority of these shows will open or reopen, maybe at all if that happens.

Actors, stagehands, etc will have to take other jobs at some point - most people can’t sit and wait and hope their show reopens. So what will be interesting if the worst does happen, is if broadway reopens 5,6 months from now, what will it look like? There will probably be an abundance of very low budget plays being rushed on stage and possibly some revivals of musicals with touring casts and crews who need very little rehearsal time and can start ASAP.

I've thought about this, but as of now, what jobs will they take? The industry has frozen. Auditions aren't even happening.

Perhaps if it stretches into summer and they deem large events impossible but smaller ones manageable, then auditions could continue and possibly film and tv? But that still seems unlikely.

#31Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 9:56am

The impression that I got was that the Broadway League and the city officials decided to close down Broadway for a month and then reasses after a month to see what happens next. Not, that they will automatically reopen after such time had passed.

#32Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 10:31am

yankeefan7 said: "If this happens, you will just utterly destroy the US economy."

Who's the "you" you're referring to? Also, what do you expect them to do? NOT do this? Because to allow life to go on as normal at this point would be even more devastating. At least this way there's a chance in hell that things could go back to normal slowly but surely. 

And what's possible is that the outbreak might last until September, not that everything is shut down for that long (HEAVEN FORBID). South Korea is already getting back on it's feet, their peak is supposedly over, but their leaders actually took this seriously so....

And yes, our never sleeping city is now asleep. With the newest measure of bars, restaurants, etc. and school finally closed, this is gonna cripple is for a while. I repeat...THINK LONG TERM. These measure are to get through this sooner than later, with even a chance at starting up again with as little damage as possible. If our leaders actually took this seriously to begin with, we wouldn't be in this mess, or at least less of one. And we ALL need to start doing things as individuals also. Social distance. Leaving home as little as possible. Don't take your kids to the park. Don't go to the gym (sorry fellow gym goers, but we all know they are a top place to catch anything even in the best of times). I hate agreeing with these measures, but I don' 

Updated On: 3/16/20 at 10:31 AM

#33Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 10:38am

JennH said: "yankeefan7 said: "If this happens, you will just utterly destroy the US economy."

Who's the "you" you're referring to? Also, what do you expect them to do? NOT do this? Because to allow life to go on as normal at this point would be even more devastating. At least this way there's a chance in hell that things could go back to normal slowly but surely.

And what's possible is that the outbreak might last until September, not that everything is shut down for that long (HEAVEN FORBID).South Korea is already getting back on it's feet, their peak is supposedly over, but their leaders actually took this seriously so....

This is an important point. The difference between us and S. Korea? Trump is eventually going to use this to block the next election from happening so he can continue his "reign." We are already heading into a curfew, AKA Martial Law. Banning people from leaving their homes over an extended period of time will be debilitating. So, any extension of time where things are closed/shut down work in his favor. The realities of the disease are one thing. The realities of our government and their power play are another. Both real, both VERY scary, both shutting systems down to keep us immobilized. We all need to wake up and understand what these shutdowns actually mean for 2021.

Updated On: 3/16/20 at 10:38 AM

#34Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 10:44am

kennedy_rose said: "JennH said: "yankeefan7 said: "If this happens, you will just utterly destroy the US economy."

Who's the "you" you're referring to? Also, what do you expect them to do? NOT do this? Because to allow life to go on as normal at this point would be even more devastating. At least this way there's a chance in hell that things could go back to normal slowly but surely.

And what's possible is that the outbreak might last until September, not that everything is shut down for that long (HEAVEN FORBID).South Korea is already getting back on it's feet, their peak is supposedly over, but their leaders actually took this seriously so....

This is an important point. The difference between us and S. Korea? Trump is eventually going to use this to block the nextelection from happening so he can continue his "reign." We are already heading into a curfew, AKA Martial Law. Banning people from leaving their homes over an extended period of time will be debilitating. So, any extensionof time where things are closed/shut down work in his favor. The realities of the disease are one thing. The realities of our government and their power play are another. Both real, both VERY scary, both shutting systems down to keep us immobilized. We all need to wake up and understand what these shutdowns actually mean for 2021.

Believe I've thought this, and OMG I'm about to cry yet again...this one of many reasons why I tend to believe things aren't what they seem. This is the part that possibly upsets me the most, I just want this over with as fast as possible. 

Updated On: 3/16/20 at 10:44 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#35Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:05am

Cuomo just made it official.

Just give the world Love.

#36Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:07am

uncageg said: "Cuomo just made it official."

Made what official??

Follow us on Instagram: @bwaybffs!

Kad Profile Photo
#37Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:19am

First of all: Trump cannot postpone or cancel the election. The president has no legal ability to do so. 

States run their own elections, not the federal government.

Second: a curfew is not the same as martial law.

Third: Conjecture about what actions may possibly be taken is not helpful. You are contributing to anxiety and panic by doing that. Focus on how best to adhere to actions that have been taken, and prepare for the worst, but please do not spread more panic over this, particularly over things that may never come to pass.

Fourth: the biggest risk posed by this virus is to our overburdened health care system. Most of NY's ICU beds were already occupied before this virus hit. A massive influx of very sick people will increase deaths, even in groups that would be considered less susceptible. An illness that goes without sufficient medical care is more deadly- that is why we must prevent transmission as much as possible.

Your priority right now is not your Broadway tickets. Don't even put that on the back burner- throw it out the window entirely. 


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#38Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:33am

Islander_fan said: "The impression that I got was that the Broadway League and the city officials decided to close down Broadway for a month and then reasses after a month to see what happens next. Not, that they will automatically reopen after such time had passed."

Neither the mayor nor the Broadway League wanted to shut down performances,  despite the fact that an usher was infected (and rumors there were at least two more). The governor's restrictions on large gatherings are the reason performances have been halted (and there is no doubt in my mind that the meetings that were held were to convince the governor to exempt Broadway, though that is my opinion).

#39Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:34am

Kad said: "First of all: Trump cannot postpone or cancel the election. The president has no legal ability to do so.

States run their own elections, not the federal government.

Second: a curfew is not the same as martial law.

Third: Conjecture about what actions may possibly be taken is not helpful. You are contributing to anxiety and panic by doing that. Focus on how best to adhere to actions that have been taken, and prepare for the worst, but please do not spread more panic over this, particularly over things that may never come to pass.

Fourth: the biggest risk posed by this virus is to our overburdened health care system. Most of NY's ICU beds were already occupied before this virus hit. A massive influx of very sick people will increase deaths, even in groups that would be considered less susceptible. An illness that goes without sufficient medical care is more deadly- that is why we must prevent transmission as much as possible.

Your priority right now is not your Broadway tickets. Don't even put that on the back burner- throw it out the window entirely.

I agree with you about what will happen to the hospitals.

Trump won the He acts above the law. TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED.

If they are banning 50+ people from congregating, what will that do to voting for the election down the road? All public places where voting usually occurs, that will be affected if this continues.

Plan for LIFE down the road. NOT about if you are going to sit in the ORCH for some Broadway show.

Wake up.

If you are feeling panic or anxiety from my post, that's on you.



Updated On: 3/16/20 at 11:34 AM

#40Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:36am

Kad said: "First of all: Trump cannot postpone or cancel the election. The president has no legal ability to do so.

States run their own elections, not the federal government.

Second: a curfew is not the same as martial law.

Third: Conjecture about what actions may possibly be taken is not helpful. You are contributing to anxiety and panic by doing that. Focus on how best to adhere to actions that have been taken, and prepare for the worst, but please do not spread more panic over this, particularly over things that may never come to pass.

Fourth: the biggest risk posed by this virus is to our overburdened health care system. Most of NY's ICU beds were already occupied before this virus hit. A massive influx of very sick people will increase deaths, even in groups that would be considered less susceptible. An illness that goes without sufficient medical care is more deadly- that is why we must prevent transmission as much as possible.

Your priority right now is not your Broadway tickets. Don't even put that on the back burner- throw it out the window entirely.


You points are heard and understood. But I think the point Kennedy is trying to make is that political power plays are very real. 

#41Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:41am

people, people, people... The mass panic is on the masses. Don't listen to the media, listen to the CDC. Don't read hoax emails or listen to a friend's advice, listen to the CDC. Yes, the virus is an issue for the elderly or the immune compromised, not the entire country. In fact, the vast majority will get the virus but that vast majority will also have little to NO symptoms. If we treated this like the flu from the outset, we wouldn't be in this mess. Those of you shaming people concerned about Broadway, get off a Broadway message board then. Theater is my career and I miss it every day. 

#42Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:45am

Not sure how NYC would deal with it, but I can say in the Wash DC area most proprietors are taking the stand that they are willing to comply with 2-4 weeks in the spirit of public safety.  Beyond that, restaurants, bars and gathering places cannot financially go much beyond that and still remain in business.  If they talk about extending this, then there will be a revolt among business owners and they will start bucking it - and money more often than not ends up talking louder than anyone in the room.  At the end of the day, robbing people of their livelihoods and the potential to pay their rent and reliably put food on the table trumps pretty much anything. I have heard this a lot lately. 

Plus, as several friends who work in hospitals have admitted this virus has been around for months now and they are trying to close the barn doors after the horses have already bolted.  What they are doing might temporarily slow the spread, but it will not eradicate it and it will end up having to run its course for better or worse anyway.  I would imagine NYC would be impacted even worse by such closures and I cannot see many landlords being especially sympathetic for late payments - plus the tourist industry will pretty much collapse and send the economy into a depression.  I would say if this spreads beyond a month, you are going to start seeing businesses and patrons wearying of it very quickly whether or not the CDC is still screaming bloody murder.  It will then be on them to decide whether they are going to declare some kind of enforced curfew or (God forbid) martial law, and I have a hunch that will not go over well at all.

If these closures keep spreading out for months at a time it won't be about people being disappointed about missing their shows or meeting friends at the bar.  It will be about people worried about their paychecks and whether chancing getting a virus is worth it in order to eat and pay rent.

Updated On: 3/16/20 at 11:45 AM

#43Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:49am

jpriest said: "people, people, people... The mass panic is on the masses. Don't listen to the media, listen to the CDC. Don't read hoax emails or listen to a friend's advice, listen to the CDC. Yes, the virus is an issue for the elderly or the immune compromised, not the entire country. In fact, the vast majority will get the virus but that vast majority will also have little to NO symptoms. If we treated this like the flu from the outset, we wouldn't be in this mess. Those of you shaming people concerned about Broadway, get off a Broadway message board then. Theater is my career and I miss it every day."

Did I mention hoax emails? I am in line with the CDC and their warnings as well as Governor Cuomo. Who are both PLEADING with the Administration to act and take things seriously. If people are feeling shame, that's on them. Asking someone to wake up is not shaming them. 

Your career is not over, it will go on...this is a time to reset and WAKE UP.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#44Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:50am

"Who's the "you" you're referring to? Also, what do you expect them to do? NOT do this? Because to allow life to go on as normal at this point would be even more devastating. At least this way there's a chance in hell that things could go back to normal slowly but surely. 

And what's possible is that the outbreak might last until September, not that everything is shut down for that long (HEAVEN FORBID). South Korea is already getting back on it's feet, their peak is supposedly over, but their leaders actually took this seriously so...."

The "you" is the government. I did not fault anybody for taking this action, I just stated IMO a fact. If this country basically shuts down for 2 months it will have major impact on the economy. Did you not see the stock market today drop over 2,000 points. Just think of all the losses of money people who have IRA's and 401K's have had already and this can continue. Seriously, you don't think jobs will be lost and not coming back due to this shutdown. For example, how many restaurants and bars can hang in there just doing takeout orders. The country has to do what it needs to do to try and remain healthy but if we don't understand the economic reality of this action than we are all being foolish.

#45Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 11:52am

Christoph said: "Not sure how NYC would deal with it, but I can say in the Wash DC area most proprietors are taking the stand that they are willing to comply with 2-4 weeks in the spirit of public safety. Beyond that, restaurants, bars and gathering places cannot financially go much beyond that and still remain in business. If they talk about extending this, then there will be a revolt among business owners and they will start bucking it - and money more often than not ends up talking louder than anyone in the room. At the end of the day, robbing people of their livelihoods and the potential to pay their rent and reliably put food on the table trumps pretty much anything. I have heard this a lot lately.

Plus, as several friends who work in hospitals have admitted this virus has been around for months now and they are trying to close the barn doors after the horses have already bolted. What they are doing might temporarily slow the spread, but it will not eradicate it and it will end up having to run its course for better or worse anyway. I would imagine NYC would be impacted even worse by such closures and I cannot see many landlords being especially sympathetic for late payments - plus the tourist industry will pretty much collapse and send the economy into a depression. I would say if this spreads beyond a month, you are going to start seeing businesses and patrons wearying of it very quickly whether or not the CDC is still screaming bloody murder. It will then be on them to decide whether they are going to declare some kind of enforced curfew or martial law, and I have a hunch that will not go over well at all.

This. Although the CDC can't actually enforce anything, it's still up to gov't leaders to follow their advice or not. We all agree, It's gonna be a mess either way. It about the decision with the least amount of damage possible. 

#46Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 12:17pm

yankeefan7 said: ""I'm most worried that the government will not allow me to see my Mother who is in a nursing home with final stage Alzheimer's until September. Someone who I have visited 5 days a week for over 11 years. I'm just not that concerned which shows will reopen."

I pray that you will be able to visit your Mom, good luck !!

Yankeefan7, Thank you for the kind words.

#47Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 12:28pm

yankeefan7 said: ""Who's the "you" you're referring to? Also, what do you expect them to do? NOT do this? Because to allow life to go on as normal at this point would be even more devastating. At least this way there's a chance in hell that things could go back to normal slowly but surely.

And what's possible is that the outbreak might last until September, not that everything is shut down for that long (HEAVEN FORBID).South Korea is already getting back on it's feet, their peak is supposedly over,but their leaders actually took this seriously so...."

The "you" is the government. I did not fault anybody for taking this action, I just stated IMO a fact. If this country basically shuts down for 2 months it will have major impact on the economy. Did you not see the stock market today drop over 2,000 points. Just think of all the losses of money people who have IRA's and 401K's have had already and this can continue. Seriously, you don't think jobs will be lost and not coming back due to this shutdown. For example, how many restaurants and bars can hang in there just doing takeout orders. The country has to do what it needs to do to try and remain healthy but if we don't understand the economic reality of this action than we are all being foolish.

Everything you said has been acknowledged. I don't think any denied the economic reality. But again...if life were to continue as normal, the fallout would inarguably be even WORSE. THIS is why such drastic measures are being taken. It literally a "lesser of two evils" now. and sadly a complete shutdown is the lesser of two evils. And since this was gonna be affecting everyone financially, you might as well stay home. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#48Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 12:35pm

bwaybffs said: "uncageg said: "Cuomo just made it official."

Made what official??

The 50 or more recommendation. He announced it in a press conference this morning.


Just give the world Love.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#49Did the CDC just close Brooadway for 8 weeks?
Posted: 3/16/20 at 12:43pm

So I guess gyms close after today.....
