So I’m obviously not the films intended audience, being a 30-something year old man, but I had a great old time.
The film is seriously clunky at times. The CGI pulls you right out of the story at certain moments and I suspect film technology just isn’t as good as the creators thought it was when envisioning this remake. There’s a few sequences where Ariel’s head is clearly not attached physically to her digital body or her hair moves as one solid block. The pacing of the film was bizarre as well, for a musical you’d expect a song before Part of Your World but we don’t get one. I was actually taken aback when she started singing because it was good 20 minutes into the film before we get a song so you actually forget it’s a musical!
That said, Halle is wonderful. She isn’t a skilled enough actor to act through the CGI, she was somewhat bland during the earlier emotional moments, but she does show some solid range during the more dramatic moments later on. I think she’ll be a terrific actor down the line but this was a solid start.
Melissa is fantastic and is clearly channeling drag. I would have liked to see her lean more into the camp as she gives a slightly more serious performance that what I’d have hoped for but she is fabulous none the less, and what a voice! I’d have liked her backstory to be explored more. Through her dialogue it sounded like they were setting up a scenario where Ursula was the eldest, and therefore heir, but was passed over for her practise of dark magic which would give context to her evil but she mentions in the third act that Triton is her elder brother so that theory went out the window. If you’re going to give her a history then go all the way.
Jonah as Eric was decent, they made him somewhat more interesting than the traditional Disney prince but not much. They give him a backstory that sounded very much like a breadcrumb for a potential sequel, should the movie do well.
Triton was okay. He merely just existed in the film. There was potential to make the role an emotional one but he seemed very disconnected and you never get the impression he liked Ariel, let alone loved her.
Honestly, I’d have cut Flounder, Scuttle, and probably Sebastian. Easiest money the three of them made. I’m with everyone in regards to Scuttle’s song, it’s the worst Disney song I’ve ever heard. My husband liked it though and the kids around me were giggling.
I loved the addition of the Queen and the reworked Carlotta character.
One of the more frustrating aspects of the movie is Ariel’s sisters. They’re all rulers of their own oceans which I think is a fantastic premise but it’s never explored and they’re relegated to fancy looking background actors. It’s very much like Princess Irulan in the 80’s version of DUNE, just a very expensive background actor.
I loved the land settings and found myself wanting to walk around the island, the market scene and lagoon were something straight out of a Disney park. Jodi Benson’s cameo is really cute and very much a wink to Ariel. It did make me miss a Paige O’Hara cameo in Beauty and the Beast.
Surprisingly, one of the major scene stealers is Vanessa. Even though she’s on screen for about three minutes she really makes the most of it! She’s very physical and animated. I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney reuse her for future products.
Overall, the movie is positive experience. It’s gorgeous to look at, at times, and is a perfect escape from a cruel world. The film had far more interesting ideas than it actually executes. The third act is the strongest part of the movie. Not perfect by a long shot but I’d say it’s the best princess remake bar Cinderella. Although Halle’s Ariel is FAR more interesting a heroine than Lily’s Cinderella.
FANtomFollies said: "ACL2006 said: "For anyone that's seen it, is Melissa McCarthy as bad as some people are saying she is as Ursula?"
I thought she was quite good. Her performance certainly takes cues from Pat Carroll in the original but still makes it something new. Definitely made me laugh out loud a few times. "
Her line to Ariel “look at those stupid little feet!” make me howl with laughter.
While watching this I realized one of the key reasons it doesn’t work as a stage show is because it relies so heavily on the perspective of looking up (into the world above) or down (into the sea, or the deeper sea).
anyway, this movie is fine. Better than BATB. The new songs are dreadful.
Plannietink08 said: "Her line to Ariel “look at those stupid little feet!” make me howl with laughter."
I really didn't like that line, it felt dumb and childish, and the timing was misplaced, she was in the middle of her devil's plan, sealing the deal, celebrating that her evil plan was working. This is not at all what Ursula would have been thinking of in that moment. It felt like a stupid current times joke. Misplaced.
Seb28 said: "Plannietink08 said: "Her line to Ariel “look at those stupid little feet!” make me howl with laughter."
I really didn't like that line, it felt dumb and childish, and the timing was misplaced, she was in the middle of her devil's plan, sealing the deal, celebrating that her evil plan was working. This is not at all what Ursula would have been thinking of in that moment. It felt like a stupid current times joke. Misplaced.
I agree it was dumb and childish, because it is a children’s movie. I do however disagree that the joke was misplaced. Ursula was revelling in the fact that she’d practically won already. She’d made it impossible for Ariel to win and I don’t even think she even expected Ariel to reach the surface, she certainly didn’t tell Ariel to swim and took great joy in seeing her squirm. It fitted the character and the scenario perfectly
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
Disney predicts it will be a massive $125 million 4-day opening.
HUGE. Bigger than Aladdin.
Contrary to many here, I actually quite adored this adaptation. I'm not a big fan of most of the new songs by Lin, which I find superfluous and lacking the charm or the emotional depth of the wistful longing that made Ashman's input so great. Eric's soliquy is probably too theatrical to a point that not hearing applause after the final note feels, well, weird. The new rap song is pretty much a hit or miss. Unfortunately, even Diggs and Awkwafina can't make it work for me. It is awkward and is unequivocaly out of place in terms of both tone and style. On the other hand, the story is now much more focused and steamlined, despite at at a 2:15-ish running time. It is now resoundingly an Ariel story, and deservedly so. Any doubts or reservations I had about Halle Bailey disappeared the moment Part of Your World began. Watching her performance in IMAX 3D gives me the chill similar to watching Katrina Lenk performing her revelatory rendition of Being Alive, and that alone is worth the admission price.
Plannietink08 said: "It fitted the character and the scenario perfectly"
I thought her portrayal was overall very mature and sinister, which I loved. There was a kind of subdued malice in her eyes, a sophisticated kind of evil. I was very glad that they didn't take the drag route or kid's theatre route too much. But this line didn't fit her portrayal in my opinion.
I do agree with everything else you mentioned in your review though, loved Vanessa too.
In general what I love about the classics is the maturity and in many ways they are not kid's movies at all.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/22
BETTY22 said: "Disney predicts it will be a massive $125 million 4-day opening.
HUGE. Bigger than Aladdin."
Oh, thank God. I was so worried that it would underperform and then Disney would have to stop making live-action templates.
Understudy Joined: 12/1/21
verywellthensigh said: "BETTY22 said: "Disney predicts it will be a massive $125 million 4-day opening.
HUGE. Bigger than Aladdin."
Oh, thank God. I was so worried that it would underperform and then Disney would have to stop making live-action templates."
It will have legs. I saw it Thursday and came back for more on Friday. Halle is magical. Can’t rave enough. The romance is so well executed I could see people returning to this.
The biggest issue was worldwide because of the Asian market that has been…I’ll say actively against the Ariel casting. The presale their was abysmal and much less than Aladdin, but hopefully TLM will come out on top.
Came out loving it. Only problem I had was Under the Sea which should be a Be Our Guest type of a hot crazy mess by the end. Everyone did an amazing job. Part of Your World reprise was worth the price of admission.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/6/16
Also liked it and didn't hate Eric's song as much as I expected. Seems to be a fairly close template for the batb adaptation. Most applauded at the end in my screening
Seb28 said: "Plannietink08 said: "It fitted the character and the scenario perfectly"
I thought her portrayal was overall very mature and sinister, which I loved. There was a kind of subdued malice in her eyes, a sophisticated kind of evil. I was very glad that they didn't take the drag route or kid's theatre route too much. But this line didn't fit her portrayal in my opinion.
I do agree with everything else you mentioned in your review though, loved Vanessa too.
In general what I love about the classics is the maturity and in many ways they are not kid's movies at all.
She definitely played it differently to how everyone expected which I applaud her for. She's a frustrating actor to watch because she's SO talented but churns out painfully unfunny comedy after painfully unfunny comedy despite proving herself a formidable actor time and time again. Ursula was something slap bang in the middle for Melissa, she could be funny but also dark, she gave the character had multiple layers. Lesser actors would have gone too much in one direction or the other. I would have liked to have been a touch more camp but overall I was happy with her.
Plannietink08 said: "She definitely played it differently to how everyone expected which I applaud her for. She's a frustrating actor to watch because she's SO talented but churns out painfully unfunny comedy after painfully unfunny comedy despite proving herself a formidable actor time and time again. Ursula was something slap bang in the middle for Melissa, she could be funny but also dark, she gave the character had multiple layers. Lesser actors would have gone too much in one direction or the other. I would have liked to have been a touch more camp but overall I was happy with her."
I have to say I didn't really know her before this film, only from photo's in the media, etc. But it sounds like she uses painfully unfunny comedy as her "shield" and at the same time that is what sabotages her. That would explain why that line rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe if I had known her I would have seen it differently/in perspective. But overall she had a good balance in this film indeed.
Caught this last night. It was fine, nothing more. It doesn't hold a candle to the original, despite some interesting story changes. The new songs were meh. Halle Bailey was the best part.
I'm surprised more people here aren't talking about how they cut half of Poor Unfortunate Souls. I thought that was a travesty and I'm surprised Alan Menken was okay with truncating one of his and Ashman's signature songs.
Really all this film accomplished was to make me want to go and rewatch the original again.
Yeah, that's basically what most people feel. Also, the original was 83 minutes which was perfect for the story. Asking kids to sit still for 2 hours and 15 minutes is unreasonable.
Hollywood, I beg you: Bring back the 90 minute movie occasionally.
It’s interesting that Lin is only credited as having written additional lyrics. Those new songs sound 100% him, no?
NOWaWarning said: "It’s interesting that Lin is only credited as having written additional lyrics. Those new songs sound 100% him, no?"
Correct. I feel this is an acknowledgement of Howard Ashman. The cover of the Aladdin soundtrack has "Lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice", with the next line saying "new lyrics by Pasek and Paul".
i think Disney is very keen on honouring Ashman
James885 said: "I'm surprised more people here aren't talking about how they cut half of Poor Unfortunate Souls. I thought that was a travesty and I'm surprised Alan Menken was okay with truncating one of his and Ashman's signature songs."
I noticed that too. It is like they chose to remove any moment from the film that doesn't give Ariel strong female power. Ariel is now the one who single handedly kills Ursula and saves the damsel in distress called Eric, literally screaming and hanging on a line to be saved (twice). Ariel is the one who refuses the kiss in "Kiss the girl" first. Ariel doesn't sign anything with Ursula, she is just turned into a human without proper consent, so we can't really blame her, Ursula also put a little extra something in the potion which makes Ariel know nothing about a kiss or the actual agreement. So that we as the audience could never think that Ariel actually wants a man and tries him to kiss her. Ariel is now the one who physically attacks Vanessa and fights with her to take back the necklace, etc. All these changes are unnecessary if you ask me and make the other characters look weird. And indeed, they have removed the whole following part:
You'll have your looks, your pretty face.
And don't underestimate the importance of body language, ha!
The men up there don't like a lot of blabber
They think a girl who gossips is a bore!
Yes on land it's much preferred for ladies not to say a word
And after all dear, what is idle prattle for?
Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation
True gentlemen avoid it when they can
But they dote and swoon and fawn
On a lady who's withdrawn
It's she who holds her tongue who get's a man"
Ps. On another note, what really bothered me is that they cut half of the orchestral opening song. They just deleted the climax. Unforgivable.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Yeah, the "Poor Unfortunate Souls" change was because they decided girls today are too stupid to understand they shouldn't be taking life lessons from the villain in a movie.
"We have some revisions in “Poor Unfortunate Souls” regarding lines that might make young girls somehow feel that they shouldn't speak out of turn, even though Ursula is clearly manipulating Ariel to give up her voice."
Sutton Ross said: "Bring back the 90 minute movie occasionally."
Amen to that. The Super Mario Bros. Movie was nothing more than a fun bit of fluff, but I truly admire its creators for knowing how not to overstay their welcome.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Relatedly, I enjoyed Vox's discussion of the changes, and why so many of them don't work:
"Ashman’s lyrics had a way of giving you an entire character’s backstory in a three-minute song, while not sacrificing cleverness or even a sense of daring. Those things are sorely missing in these new songs. “Wild Uncharted Waters” is essentially Eric doing a Les Mis impersonation. Ariel liveblogs her human experience in the musical monologue “For the First Time.” And “Scuttlebutt” — Awkwafina honking and screaming a Lin-Manuel Miranda rap — is aural terrorism.
The nicest thing I can say about the new songs on Little Mermaid is that the songs are songs — words set to music — and they are indeed new."
I don’t see what’s so wrong about omitting that one verse (no, they did not cut ‘half’ of the number). We already get the point. Ursula is pressuring her. As someone who’s a lifelong fan of the animated film, I had to go back and check the lyrics because it’s not a glaring omission.
Regardless of what the character motivation is (or if it’s obvious or not), women and girls are still being manipulated in real life and are told to be quiet, don’t tell anyone (wether it’s some sort of abuse or just things our society has yet to lift the stigma of), etc throughout their lives. It could be triggering, it could accidentally send the wrong message…it just seems like such an unimportant part of the film and song to be upset over its removal.
It’s so strange to me that people get upset or surprised when these adaptations are changed. If you want the animated movie, stick with the animated movie. This is its own entity, as was the Broadway musical. People talk about these being “lazy cash grabs” but a lot of time, money, and hard work goes into them so they can be reintroduced to another generation. Even the racism discussions among Asian markets has been defended with, “well that’s what they get for changing things! We grew up with white Ariel and that’s what we want”. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/04
Disney's new live-action ''The Little Mermaid'' was a big box-office hit over the weekend, grossing $163 million worldwide.
But it also elicited some racial backlash and review bombing because it stars an African-American actress as Ariel.
Stephanie Mills, who played Dorothy in ''The Wiz'' (1975), wrote an open letter of support to Bailey. Mills, a Drama Desk nominee for her musical, recalls: ''I got so much hate mail, I was told Judy Garland ‘is turning over in her grave.’ All because a little Black girl was playing a [role], that was once played by a white girl. ... They told me I would never make it on Broadway, they told me I couldn’t sing, they told me I was too dark.''
Mills added: ''It’s sad to see the same thing is happening to this beautiful, talented, smart and intelligent actress. Halle, God put you in this place and time….So let your light shine. Hold your head up high, walk in your peace, and celebrate the greatness that you are.''