Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/15
I'm worried this isn't very good since it did not premiere at any notable film festivals and is going straight to VOD.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/15
Updated On: 1/27/17 at 08:32 PM
theatregoer3 said: "I'm worried this isn't very good since it did not premiere at any notable film festivals and is going straight to VOD."
It looks like Vertical Pictures is partnering on the distribution, and they produced "Other People" which is a fantastic film... maybe that's a good sign? But yeah, the fact it didn't get into any film festivals is not great..
I'm going to see this either way just for the cool cameos..
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/15
kinda annoyed that Gideon Glick doesn't have a cameo.
Wasn't The Last Five Years released this way too? It doesn't have to mean a lack of quality.
Do you know for sure he doesn't have a cameo? And if so, do you know for sure it wasn't his choice?
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/15
dramamama611 said: "Wasn't The Last Five Years released this way too? It doesn't have to mean a lack of quality.
Do you know for sure he doesn't have a cameo? And if so, do you know for sure it wasn't his choice?
TL5Y had a screening at the Toronto International Film Festival and was released in selected cinemas along with VOD.
I worked on this movie. I'm biased, but regardless I think every theater fan has to see it. I've been counting down the days to release since filming and I can't wait for it to be my favorite movie of all time.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/15
dianamorales said: "I worked on this movie. I'm biased, but regardless I think every theater fan has to see it. I've been counting down the days to release since filming and I can't wait for it to be my favorite movie of all time.
I'm excited for it too! were you an extra or crew?
The trailer just dropped...
Looks great! Love the song at the end.
This trailer confirms my original comment. This looks like "Hamlet 2" with more guest stars and a tone that's somehow more confusing (I didn't think that was possible, but alas).
Bumping this thread to see what folks who saw it think of it.
I saw the premiere tonight and I had seen it when it was running in roundabouts off-off-broadway space. It's completely different from the stage adaptation but equally great and I thought even funnier, especially because of Sarah Steele's musical performances. She got a huge applause after each one. Also, don't leave after the credits as there's more of them. Lin Manuel and Darren Criss appear in an educational video they watch for the club, but I can't think of any other random cameos. Kristin Chenoweth is not in it, she just sings the song over the credits.
Updated On: 4/3/17 at 12:11 AM
broadwayguy91 said: "kinda annoyed that Gideon Glick doesn't have a cameo."
IMDB disagrees with your assessment.
Mixed reviews are trickling in.
I enjoyed this play on stage but it sounds like the film has chopped out the child predator plot. Thus we get a sexless and heavily censored adaptation of a play about teen sexuality and censorship.
This play never struck me as a great candidate for a film treatment, but I am shocked that they would jettison that plot.
MrsSallyAdams said: "Mixed reviews are trickling in.
I enjoyed this play on stage but it sounds like the film has chopped out the child predator plot. Thus we get a sexless and heavily censored adaptation of a play about teen sexuality and censorship."
As part of this, Solomon does not struggle with his sexuality in the film, which is a pretty major arc of the play. This surprised me considering Karam wrote the screenplay. Disappointing that a movie celebrating individuality and "freeing your voice" can't have two gay characters.
Sexual shame and frustration are key to Solomon's arc on stage. I'm upset to hear that the film changed this. Especially since the other major plot point is the unjust censorship of a stage production in the school.