Wicked is a bigger hit that Godspell ever was. Would any of you call it "universally loved?"
EDIT: By the way I love all the "rules" around here about when you can and can't comment about a show. Let me get this right:
1) It's okay to say anything about a show, whether you've seen it or not, whether you've even watched a YouTube clip or not, whether you've even listened to a song demo or not ... as long as you like it or LOVE it!
If you don't like it or love it:
2) You can't comment on a show in a negative way if you haven't seen it. Only in a positive way.
3) You can't comment on a show in a negative way, even if you have seen it, if you saw it in previews.
4) You can't comment on a show in a negative way, even if you have seen it, if you had bad seats or a bad stage-door experience.
5) You can't comment on a show in a negative way, even if you have seen it, if you didn't love the idea of seeing the show from the very beginning, including its story, cast, music, and show curtain.
The "rules" of BWW.
6) If you constantly defend a show like you have some stake in it, you probably do.
7) Whining and bitching about how everyone is bashing a show will
probably not change anyone's mind, or change the fact that a crap show is a crap show.
Wow, as an impartial observer (I live in Baltimore and know nothing about this production, which I'm seeing in two weeks), the last two posts have me scratching my head. You'd think the people criticizing the show are some kind of oppressed minority (you know, like Christians)! In reality, it seems like the majority of posts here are negative - and that is absolutely fine - but the few people who have defended the show are dismissed as shills. I can't blame them for being a bit defensive.
"wicked is a bigger hit than GODSPELL ever was..."
Not sure I agree, it's impossible to compare the two because things ($) have changed greatly, but in 1972 the show was still running in NYC and there were 6 touring companies, WICKED hasn't come close to that.
"Would any one of you call it 'universally loved'?"
I would, and so would the producer's wallets. The naysayers are definitely in the minority within the millions of people Worldwide, who have seen it.
Thanks, kdogg. If I'm defensive, it's because I was provoked or misrepresented, which has certainly been the case in this thread. I don't get defensive because I have some claim or stake, it's because my words and voice aren't as valued as the opinion as the majority. I mean, I leave this thread for a few days, say ONE thing that's not even about the quality of this production (I tried to innocently ponder how critics would review this show rather than forum posters, an appropriate thing to ponder and bring into discussion on a message board), and then I get trampled on again. If I'm not as eloquent or persuasive as people who do make entertaining but scathing reviews, I apologize. Otherwise, I don't see what my other crimes are. I mean, isn't my opinion, however different from the crowd, part of "word of mouth"? I didn't even bring up my opinion of the show in the last couple of days.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." There are so many blameless people here on BWW I guess.
Who knew Godspell of all shows would spawn such pettiness and hatred...
Updated On: 10/24/11 at 12:43 PM
Oh dear, Jimmycurry...
That's my point! Word of mouth IS generated on this board. Yet when I said it was mean to "publish" such a harsh review based on the first preview, I was taken to task and Mildred even made fun of my use of the word "publish" even though Musto picked up the haters and wrote about it. Is THAT published, Mildred?
Anyway, we agree. Not sure why you had such an issue with my comments. I think any review of a preview performance is unfair. That's it. Sure - you have a right to do it if you're the type of person that likes doing that kind of thing. And I have a right to comment on it!!
why is everyone so trigger happy when it comes to the word shill?
It always happens when any show deemed unworthy of Broadway is announced and begins previews. Any positive response is written off as a shill. I think it may have been a marketing tactic long ago, but I doubt there is much truth in it any more. Except for the occasional small production with little budget Off-Off-Broadway and they are FAR more obvious as they tend to start the thread on the subject. I highly doubt there is any evidence to suggest that shilling a message board translates to ticket sales. So either way, it's completely negligible. Unless BWW starts demanding proof of attendance for every positive response posted on a show either in previews or currently running, what is the point? To be the one to say, "Gotcha!"?
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/07
Excuse my naivete', but what is the big taboo with "previews" and discussing them, for better or worse? Maybe I am from the sticks or something, but they are opening the show to the public and charging $125 (!), then no one is supposed to be publicaly critical?
This is not a dress rehearsal for the Oxnard Community Players! If it's really really that much in progress, or that unpolished, then do some sorts of invited dress rehearsals, or charge $20 for a "workshop" produciton, or something, but $125 on Broadway = certain expectations. I can maybe see holding off a NYT review, but I think all is fair among us regular folks. Everyone is aware it's a "preview", but for that price, I am sorry, I expect something pretty f*cking polished.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
labwyfan if you are aware that this board is how word of mouth is generated, and you are aware that a preview performance exists partially to get the word of mouth going, then why are you offended over people talking about how they felt about the show. Is only positive word of moth acceptable to you? Is it only OK to say this show is great, and not OK to say the show is weak and misguided?
TKTS was 50% off for GODSPELL this past Saturday evening when I looked...
This production, though it has the same production team, is supposed to be completely different from the Papermill according to the production team.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I am also puzzled by all of the shill comments. I saw Godspell last night with my wife and daughter. We all enjoyed the show. I am a fan from way back which may be the reason I had fun at the show, but was suprised my daughter enjoyed it as well. I thought the performances were terrific and had forgotten how good some of the songs were. Standouts for me were Turn Back O Man and By My Side.
I had the unique perspective of sitting front row thanks to TDF so I was able to see a large part of the audience throughout the entire performance. What I saw was a lot of smiling and truly spontaneous hand clapping through many of the songs. Real laughter and a bit of reverance at the Jobs joke. Chuckling at all of the great imitations during the prodigal son story. Extra enthusiastic clapping for the notorious trampoline number and true tears in many eyes during the last supper scene. Maybe all of those random audience members didn't know they were shills.
Is this everyone's cup of tea? probably not. Was some of it corny in a bad way? Absolutely! Is Hunter Parish's performance a bit weak to carry the lead. I think so. Should people let the naysayers on this thread keep them away from the production? Your call. We liked it. Let the shill accusations begin!
Shill! Glad you enjoyed.
And thanks for the answer, SondheimFan.
Can anyone give me a recent running time? (And no, "too long" isn't an answer!)
I'm kinda wanting to see this show. If it's provoking this big of a response its got to be something. Wasn't it Sondheim who said "If I had to choose between my work provoking a negative response or no response at all I'd choose the first"? Or something along those lines.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Sunday night. Show started at 7:40 pm. Ended at 10 pm with a 15 minute intermission.
I think the box office/website states that the show runs 2 hours and 15 minutes.
I didn't want to read this thread before seeing the show but I saw the show on Saturday night and finally caught up.
Maybe they've tightened it up since the first preview but I really REALLY enjoyed it. I'm not gonna repeat everything Mr. Music said because I pretty much agree with it all. I left the theatre feeling moved and found the show to be pretty powerful. I went in knowing nothing about it and came out loving it.
Some people might think the Steve Jobs joke was in bad taste but I thought it was actually done tastefully and paid an homage to him. I also didn't think the modernness was forced. *shrugs*
And to go along with what Sciguy said, the audience absolutely loved it. So we can't totally base what word of mouth is based off of just here.
I have no idea why people hated it so much. For me, the beginning needs work, but around the end of Day By Day it came to life. After that, I thought mostly everything worked well. The cast is fantastic. I had a lot of fun.
Sort of reminds me of the revival of PIPPIN they did in LA at The Taper (which was a tad of a disaster...it was Vegas themed, they did the production with some Deaf Actors and had singing Actors has their voice...
With that being said, I've never seen the show and if I were in NYC right now, I'd run to get tickets before it opens
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
two questions...
1. for anyone who has seen the show in the past few days... is that woman still singing BY MY SIDE like she is ATTACKING jesus ?
2. when does tis DAMN show open? i feel like i saw it 90 years ago!
back then, i DID blog about it...
Chorus Member Joined: 7/11/05
It opens November 7th.
And speaking of shills. You are quite the shill for your own blog. Does this make it 6 or 7 times you have posted your blog link? Totally fine you didn't love the show, but it's obnoxious to continue to post your link. What's your agenda?
Updated On: 10/26/11 at 10:53 AM
Chorus Member Joined: 12/31/69
Kinda curious that someone with such a vehement dislike for the show would be concerned with opening night.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/31/69
Actually Krispy it was ten times.
and yes I should have better things to do with my extra time.
Just as shills have a right to promote the show for which they work, this young man has a right to promote the blog he maintains, and both parties have the right to be called out on doing so. I don't really see an argument here. Sorry folks.
No argument there. Seems like it is just calling him out.
However, could you define "young"?