he was probably touching himself...
I feel bad for all these actresses nowadays. They need better security.
That's scary...Uma Thurman scary...wow...
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/20/05
Considering all the multiple times some of us has seen the show (9 for me), it must being something beyond just doing repeat performances. My guess would be that he crossed the line between being a well-intentioned fan and something more sinister. They wouldn't have arrested him without some provocation. Just be glad that Kerry's doing okay and that the cast of Xanadu continues to be as gracious to the well-wishers as they are.
I do hope it doesn't mean that stage seating will be discontinued. I can't do it myself because of a heatlh condition, but it adds to the show to see the guys/gals up there having such a good time.
Stand-by Joined: 12/13/07
This is really scary. I'm just so glad everyone's okay and Kerry was escorted. I'm seeing the show again Saturday and hope everything will be great, I'm sure it will. Love that Kerry still stayed to sign, what a trooper. Good thing that monster is arrested.
He obviously disrupted the performance in some way, whether by saying something to the cast, or by touching Kerry, or one of the other performers.
As someone said before, it's not a crime to see a show over and over.
I echo everyone's sentiments in that it's good to see they arrested the guy, and that Kerry is ok.
Craig, can you get the story for us?
That's freaky.... Glad to hear that everyone's okay. I wonder if they will start screening or giving strict warnings about inappropriate conduct to their onstage audience before the performance now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/21/06
Wait! What, Brody?! I've never heard Madonna was in negotiations for CABARET !!
Or have I just fallen for a classic Brody-pull-of-the-leg?
Thank God Kerry is all right. Wow, this is just disturbing, that's what it is.
Still looking for that Madonna info, but so far I was able to locate an article when CABARET resumed performances (after some damage to the Henry Miller Theatre/Kit Kat Klub) with Natasha Richardson's replacement: Jennifer Jason Leigh:
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/6/05
Wow. I was going to walk by the SD today too. So weird.
"The Helen Hayes security guard walked Kerry to the subway. She seemed a little nervous",
I would expect her to be mighty nervous after an incident like that. I would be if it were me. And I'd spring for a taxi.
Stalking Cheyenne Jackson would be much more realistic and understandable.
Thats really scary
I just don't understand some people...
I've joked that my friends and I have "stalked" Cheyenne but he knows that we are TOTALLY kidding (if I can get more than 2 sentences out before the butterflies in my tummy start in)... Why would someone follow any actor to their home or send weird letters to them like that Uma stalker guy.
You can stagedoor all you want and yes see the show multiple times but geez... why be all creepy?
I think most of us know when to draw the line... apparently this guy not so much.
If Kerry reads this, I hope she knows we all got her back!
dramarama, you hit a nail on the head...Uma got national press. This didn't. Stalking is stalking. But it is Broadway and they, the media, don't pay attention. When it comes down to it, Kerry and Uma are human beings that are being stalked. Unfortunately, Uma is a Hollywood star and that's what the media cares about.
Hope Kerry is doing well.
I don't follow popular culture, so I'm not familiar with this Uma Thurman thing you guys are referring to, but why would someone WANT national press covering the fact that they're being stalked?
Kerry's lucky -- heck, every Broadway performer is lucky that they don't have to deal with popular media splattering their business across the front page of tabloids.
Broadway has its fair share of stalkers, don't we? What is it about theater actors that attract the lunatics?
There is nothing wrong with seeing the same show more then one time and even stage dooring each time you go. But, if you go a lot then people at the theatre are going to get suspicious. There is a limit to what makes sense in terms of seeing a show many times and stage dooring to what seems like crossing the line.
I was involved in a very bad misunderstanding along these same lines. I don't mind talking about it but I will discuss it via PM if anyone wants to here it without naming any names or places.
The point that I am trying to make is that I know that in terms of seeing a show many times there is a point where seeing a show many times is okay and so is getting autographs after each time you go. And there is a point where either by you just being there or by your actions it makes the houses staff or sometimes the actors uncomfortable that your there so many times. It is clear that from what I understand by reading this thread that the guy that was stalking Kerry was clearly in the wrong and clearly did something wrong. But, it is a fine fine line.
re: adamgreer
There's easier access to them than there is to Hollywood actors.
All you have to do is go to the stage door, and there they are, in person.
You don't get that kind of access with TV and movie actors.
I haven't read the book in a while, but I recall reading several scary stalker stories in MAKING IT ON BROADWAY.
Where did Sueleen's post go?
I think anyone that's caused a "misunderstanding" was way too close in the first place.
you cant get arrested for just seeing a show a million times...
Though it might make winning lotto a bit easier if there were a legal limit.