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Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!

Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!

PeteGonBway Profile Photo
#1Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:46pm

SOOOOOOOOO, I saw "Xanadu" last night, but becuase of the rain I decided to go back today after the matinee to get my poster signed. I got there around 4:15, knowing the show let out around 4:30ish, and all the ushers were outside frantically talking about someone in the house that was going to be "ejected". Then I hear the house manager say "Well, we should call the cops just in case he gets hostile." About 5 minutes later, 2 cops show up and stand outside the stage door (also where the on-stage audience leaves from) with the house manager and the head of security. Finally the show lets out, and a guy is escourted out of the stage door/on stage seats door by the head of security and gets handcuffed by the two cops. They take him away as he goes on about how "if he wants to pay to see a Broadway show, he should be able to" and that "the FBI is doing an investigation on corrrupt NYPD cops"... ANYWAY! It turns out he had been stalking Kerry Bulter, and it seems he had been there 8 times in the past 2 weeks or something. They said he also stalked Laura Bell Bundy for a while. (I guess he has something for blonde Broadway gals)

Was anyone at the show today?? Anyone know anymore info??

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#2re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:48pm


WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


BrianIdol Profile Photo
#2re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:50pm

whoa sounds like the makings of a movie....very LA Confidential.

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#3re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:50pm

Really? It sounds like it could be someone on these boards.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#4re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:51pm

that is insane. i hope kerry is OK.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#5re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:51pm

That is crazy!

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#6re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:51pm

Holy Crap!

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:52pm

Updated On: 5/6/09 at 07:52 PM

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#8re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:53pm


That sucks.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#9re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:55pm

If stalkers could cause stage seats to be done away with, Spring Awakening's would be long gone by now.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

osage08 Profile Photo
#10re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:56pm

If I only I had gone one day later, I would have been there! Either way, wow, poor Kerry.

"Perhaps, when we remember wars, we should take off our clothes and paint ourselves blue and go on all fours all day long and grunt like pigs." Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle

#11re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:57pm

i dont know any more info but i saw him get arrested too... pretty crazy!

Posted: 5/4/08 at 7:57pm

Updated On: 5/6/09 at 07:57 PM

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#13re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:05pm

If someone lunges at an actor from the onstage seats then it is a problem.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#15re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:08pm

If someone lunges at an actor from the onstage seats then it is a problem.

justabwaybaby Profile Photo
#16re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:12pm

Does anyone know what happened?

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#17re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:15pm

That's what we'd all like to know!

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#17re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:17pm

wow!!! i am in complete shock. i guess it was safer to put him away whats all happening with uma thurman. i heard it was happenning to lea michele too a awhile ago.
8 times(x)2 weeks= 16 times seeing th show. the guy must have money.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#18re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:20pm

Security issues is the reason why Madonna didn't replace Natasha Richardson in the recent revival of CABARET. Negotiations with Madonna were finalized but full security couldn't be guaranteed therefore Madonna chose to not take the job. Jennifer Jason Leigh ended-up getting the gig.

Brooke Shields has her own security team when she's working on Broadway. They've been with her since her GREASE! days all the way up until CHICAGO. I've been told that they are seated with the audience but in the aisle seats a few rows from the stage. There's never been a situation, fortunately.

blaxx Profile Photo
#19re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:21pm

It must not have been TOO bad if they actually waited until the end of the show to arrest him. Wonder what he was doing, though.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

justabwaybaby Profile Photo
#20re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:22pm

Eh, I think it was "he had been there 8 times in the past 2 weeks or something."
So he only saw it 8 times. About 4 times a week.

Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:23pm

Updated On: 5/6/09 at 08:23 PM

PeteGonBway Profile Photo
#22re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:24pm

After they took him away, Kerry (and everyone else) came out and signed and were very nice. The Helen Hayes security guard walked Kerry to the subway. She seemed a little nervous, but it was fine.

#23re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:24pm

That is so, so disturbing. But I'm sure it happens more often than people hear.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

PeteGonBway Profile Photo
#24re: Guy arrested at Xanadu stage door today!!
Posted: 5/4/08 at 8:25pm

He must have actually DONE something to either Kerry or Laura... you cant get arrested for just seeing a show a million times... so there must have been harassment or something involved...
