I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
I didn't expect it to be anything short of amazing
That was my fear going in, though. With all the raves from Ravinia, coupled with my own adoration of both this show and LuPone, I was afraid that I had expectations that were far to high to ever be met.
They were. And were surpassed. Updated On: 7/9/07 at 11:15 PM
Im curious, did anyone who went notice any merchandise?
I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.
Even though I'm crazy busy for the next two months, I might have to make a side trip from other travels to see this performance. It sounds wonderful. I'm glad everyone seems to be thoroughly enjoying Patti's turn in Gypsy.
Yes. They have the posters you see around town. they also have red and grey t-shirts with the same logo on them and some of patti's cds and the gypsy revival cd. Updated On: 7/9/07 at 11:27 PM
Views are bad if someone tall sits in front of you, then decideds to sit up straight. That happened to me tonight and I moved down to the side. There were a LOT of empty seats. Where I sat in the second row I had a perfect birdseye view of the dressing room scene at the top of Act Two! That's when Laura really starts to shine and when Boyd has his big break down, WOW...I could FEEL the energy.
Same when the overture started..you could feel the energy in the audience.
Patti flubbed a line in the first scene..but from then on...PeRFECT. I kinda like that...being a performer it's nice to see even the paid professionals flub a line or two. I love that about live performing. Makes it real.
"Everything's Coming Up Roses" was perfection. Loved the staging. Loved the Patti. I'm going to the box office tomorrow to buy another ticket to see it again.
I'm in love with this production. I really am. I want to go back right now.
Ok - I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned this but *spoiler* - what happened to the scene right before "Mr. Goldstone" - the one where Rose screams "Rape!" - I was slightly confused when things launched right into some "Mr. Goldstone" action without that scene and it took me most of Act I to figure out what had confused me. Am I crazy?
Now what would you say if today I started over?
Without a thing but this taped together four leaf clover
And I'll pretend like everything is already alright
And I'll run toward the sun till the castle's out of sight
I just got back as well. I loved the 2003 production as well but I also love this one. I don't think you can really compare Bernadette to Patti, their performances are just...different. Neither is really "better" in my mind.
(formerly bronte604)
"You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back."
"Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."
I saw the first preview performance this evening as well.
-Patti is giving the performance of her career on that stage. I've never seen any performer be so undeniably perfect in every scene. She was funny, heart breaking, and a battle ax when she needed to be. And I never once thought that she needed to pull back. I loved Bernadette in the 2003 revival, but LuPone mopped the City Center stage with her curly red mop this evening. And luckily, will continue to do so for the rest of this month. She scared the sh*t out of me during "Everything's Coming Up Roses" and "Rose's Turn." I'm praying for a recording.
-Laura left me completely surprised. What was this wonderful performer doing in a show like The Wedding Singer? Her Louise was fantastic, and her transition was marvelous. And as others have mentioned, her dressing room scene with Patti made me a pee a little. Who knew anyone could realistically tell LuPone to bug off and be so convincing while doing it. Moral of the story: she's terrific in every scene. A wonderful counterpart to Patti. Watch her face during the train scene right before "Everything's Coming Up Roses."
The production as a whole seems to have been extremely well cast. Not a noticeable weak link that this patron could see. And Arthur Laurents' direction kept the moving nicely. The whole evening seemed to fly by within an hour.
Well, I was sitting with kleenex on my lap in case of a nosebleed way up in the gallery so I wouldn't trust what I think I saw. Perhaps it was the lighting, but I assumed it was a wig because her hair looked like different color from where I sat.