Eliza2 said: "that really is a bizarre change that makes no sense, because the whole point is that she's returning below to Hades.
Makes me wonder if there was a malfunction with the elevator tonight."
It definitely was not a malfunction with the elevator, because it was elevated and rotating with the Fates on it as they watched her. So an intentional, but nonsensical, choice.
teatime2 said: "treblemakerz said: "Saw the show for a second time tonight, after previously going to first preview.
Andre has grown on me a lot; I think he may have just had a rough show on Friday, because something about his performance tonight clicked much better with me.
I spent some more time watching the Fates tonight, and credit needs to be given where credit is due: they are truly fantastic. They almost never leave the stage and they are always watching, leering, smirking; it's a truly haunting performance.
My sentiment stands that if Amber Gray does not win the Tony, it's a tragedy.
The show was just as remarkable and magical as it was the first time (even more so, because I was seated in the third row of the orchestra this time...and also seated directly across the aisle from Jessica Lange. Which was fun.)
They made one big change to the ending that I think was not a good choice at all.
Instead of Eurydice sinking into the ground on the stage elevator when Orpheus looks behind as she did on Friday (and from what I've heard, up until tonight), she just...walks away? Just walks off into the wings?
It was a poor choice and no one I spoke to could fathom why it was changed.
But that's my only complaint."
She went downduring the matinee today"
That's what I heard. I'm not sure why they made such a last minute alteration, but I cringed at it. At least when she sunk into the ground, it was like she was being dragged away from Orpheus; when she walked away tonight, it looked almost as if she chose to leave. It didn't work at all. Which I really hope they realize and fix, because it's the only moment in the entire show that made me go "huh?"
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/15
Edited to remove spoilers:
It did seems like a mistake
Hoping they get this fixed. I noticed a couple of other tech mishaps tonight with Andres mic cutting off while he was speaking towards the end and some weird lighting things that felt like they needed to be smoothed out.
Overall this show is beautiful. Wait for Me is just an incredible and the lighting WOW! I hope they continue to tighten this show up through tour the preview period.
I don’t get why Wait for Me wasn’t the Act 1 closing. The audience went insane at the end and it felt like the logical place to close the act. Why we Build the Wall would also serve as a great Acting 2 opener too.
God, thank you! I've been saying for ages that Wait For Me should be the act one closer. I do understand their dilemma, though; while Why We Build The Wall would be a great act two opener, Our Lady of the Underground also works perfectly where it is and moving it/cutting it doesn't seem like an option. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/31/69
teatime2 said: "treblemakerz said: "Saw the show for a second time tonight, after previously going to first preview.
Andre has grown on me a lot; I think he may have just had a rough show on Friday, because something about his performance tonight clicked much better with me.
I spent some more time watching the Fates tonight, and credit needs to be given where credit is due: they are truly fantastic. They almost never leave the stage and they are always watching, leering, smirking; it's a truly haunting performance.
My sentiment stands that if Amber Gray does not win the Tony, it's a tragedy.
The show was just as remarkable and magical as it was the first time (even more so, because I was seated in the third row of the orchestra this time...and also seated directly across the aisle from Jessica Lange. Which was fun.)
They made one big change to the ending that I think was not a good choice at all.
Instead of Eurydice sinking into the ground on the stage elevator when Orpheus looks behind as she did on Friday (and from what I've heard, up until tonight), she just...walks away? Just walks off into the wings?
It was a poor choice and no one I spoke to could fathom why it was changed.
But that's my only complaint."
She went downduring the matinee today"
Then it was for sure a malfunctioning elevator. They would not have been able to rehearse an automation change on a two show day, and no stage manager in their right mind would allow a change like that without rehearsal.
bakerswife372 said: "teatime2 said: "treblemakerz said: "Saw the show for a second time tonight, after previously going to first preview.
Andre has grown on me a lot; I think he may have just had a rough show on Friday, because something about his performance tonight clicked much better with me.
I spent some more time watching the Fates tonight, and credit needs to be given where credit is due: they are truly fantastic. They almost never leave the stage and they are always watching, leering, smirking; it's a truly haunting performance.
My sentiment stands that if Amber Gray does not win the Tony, it's a tragedy.
The show was just as remarkable and magical as it was the first time (even more so, because I was seated in the third row of the orchestra this time...and also seated directly across the aisle from Jessica Lange. Which was fun.)
They made one big change to the ending that I think was not a good choice at all.
Instead of Eurydice sinking into the ground on the stage elevator when Orpheus looks behind as she did on Friday (and from what I've heard, up until tonight), she just...walks away? Just walks off into the wings?
It was a poor choice and no one I spoke to could fathom why it was changed.
But that's my only complaint."
She went downduring the matinee today"
Then it was for sure a malfunctioningelevator. They would not have been able to rehearse an automation change on a two show day, and no stage manager in their right mind would allow a change like that without rehearsal."
Speaking as a stage manager, I absolutely agree. I'm just thrown for a loop because it didn't SEEM like a malfunction, and the Fates were standing in the spot Eurydice had been on Friday when she went down. So ¯\_()_/¯ I guess we'll know for sure what they're doing tomorrow.
Good to know its a malfunction as that was the only thing i would have changed after seeing the show. Her decending would make it perfect.
Anyway. Saw the show tonight. Went in blind. Had not listened to or watched anything before. Its a freaking beautiful, brilliant show. Every member of the cast is leaving it all out on that stage. The direction ...sweet jesus i bow down to Rachel Chavkin. Absolutely beautiful. The staging and the performances tears were rolling down during wait for me. That whole number is gorgeous.
By the time we got to Epic 3 i was full on violent sobbing and i dont know why. It was just beautiful.
They should just engrave the tony for set and lighting now. Amber needs to find a place in her apt for her tony because it is a done deal.
What i found remarkable was the show was filled with things i usually hate...band on stage...actors playing instruments...but usually i find them to be gimmicks to cover bad directing. Not here. Every single detail has a purpose and is integral. Just stunning.
Amd as another poster mentioned Timothy Hughes again is such a stand out whenever he is on stage. Love that hes the Hades standby and would love to see him in the role someday.
Anyone on the fence about this...get off it. Go...like run now because its worth it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
Are y’all kidding me with the spoilers in here?
If I had not seen the show and came into this thread right now I’d be pretty damned pissed off at you ruining the whole end of the show.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/16
Impossible2 said: "Are y’all kidding me with the spoilers in here?
If I had not seen the show and came into this thread right now I’d be pretty damned pissed off at you ruining the whole end of the show."
Probably people should be using spoiler tags, but still:
This is faithful to the Greek Tragedy, which even my teenager knows. Educated people already know how it ends, it's the path that's interesting.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
^ there was no need for a spoiler tag on this one...
Also, it’s not just about the path, but how they stage it, and that discussion of how they stage it should be in spoiler tags... just like how the ending of the London version was under the spoiler tag... I agree with Impossible2, if I hadn’t seen the show it would have been very frustrating...
Personally I wouldn’t think this show needs spoilers either. Like 1776 (we know the Declaration gets signed), it’s seeing how these creators have chosen to take us on the journey that’s the interesting aspect. Not only is the myth pretty standard reading, but Gluck and Offenbach’s centuries-old adaptations are still pretty popular today.
Edit: I agree that the staging of the ending could/should be a spoiler.
I went in blind last night with what I thought were high expectations but was completely blown away. A truly remarkable and beautiful production, among if not the best, production I’ve ever seen.
Amber Gray was the highlight for me but there no weak links. the chorus too was so powerful, especially Timothy Hughes. It makes me wish there were a Tony for best ensemble actor.
Swing Joined: 4/26/17
My apologies for the lack of spoiler tags. I often access BWW from my phone while at work (or on the subway home, as was the case last night), so it didn't occur to me to try and add a "toggle for spoilers."
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
WhizzerMarvin said: "Personally I wouldn’t think this show needs spoilers either. Like 1776 (we know the Declaration gets signed), it’s seeing how these creators have chosen to take us on the journey that’s the interesting aspect. Not only is the myth pretty standard reading, but Gluck and Offenbach’s centuries-old adaptations are still pretty popular today.
Edit: I agree that the staging of the ending could/should be a spoiler."
I'm nearly 50 and had never heard of this story before x
Stand-by Joined: 8/9/17
Saw this yesterday afternoon. Went in blind -- didn't know the story, the characters, the songs. And I absolutely loved it! I can't get over how great the score for this musical is! It's such a welcome change from the lackluster musicals I've been to the past year or so.
I loved Andre's character and I thought he was the best one there. From this thread, a lot of people love Amber. And while I enjoyed her performance, I thought it was too over the top and she can tone it down a little. Eva's voice is so beautiful, but acting-wise, there was really nothing for her to do. I gasped the first time I heard Patrick's low voice. Although the more I heard it, it became somewhat annoying especially when he's singing using that low voice. I actually enjoyed him singing in his "normal" voice.
I'm shocked that someone isn't familiar with the myth of Eurydice and Orpheus- it's a piece of world heritage at this point, like other ancient Greek myths, plays, and poems.
I understand being upset about spoilers, but isn't this required reading in high school? along with Othello? I went into the show blind to the music, but I was well aware of the story (and ending) just because I had to read it back in my jr year of high school.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
You guys do realize that people from different nationalities frequent these boards often right?! Different countries have different required reading, therefore not everyone will have the same “base”... given the fact that there was a discussion on how to pronounce the name of the show, is it really that shocking that some might not know the story?!
LxGstv said: "You guys do realize that people from different nationalities frequent these boards often right?! Different countries have different required reading, therefore not everyone will have the same “base”... given the fact that there was a discussion on how to pronounce the name of the show, is it really that shocking that some might not know the story?!"
True! but the actual Greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice has no mention of "Hadestown" so I don't think those points necessarily back each other.
Edit: By no means do I want to sound insensitive and assume that everyone has read the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Just kinda surprised, i guess.
And no, neither Orpheus and Eurydice nor Othello are required reading in all schools. While I know our students do SOME Greek Mythology - couldn't say if this is part. (In fact, our school is freaking out because the book they love on Mythology is now out of print, and they can't find a good replacement.) MOST (probably close to 99% percent) of high schoolers read Romeo & Juliet - but for many that's it for Shakespeare. I only read Othello in school because I TOOK a Shakespeare class in HS.
dramamama611 said: "And no, neither Orpheus and Eurydice nor Othello are required reading in all schools. While I know our students do SOME Greek Mythology - couldn't say if this is part. (In fact, our school is freaking out because the book they love on Mythology is now out of print, and they can't find a good replacement.) MOST (probably close to 99% percent) of high schoolers read Romeo & Juliet - but for many that's it for Shakespeare. I only read Othello in school because I TOOK a Shakespeare class in HS.
Yeah, I remember our school being required to read all of those in a regular English class. I went to dinner with a friend before the show and was trying to explain the plot quickly and he said "..so....it's the Orpheus story?".
I doubt the ending will be changed especially since it's already went through so many revisions throughout the years. But it would be a nice change. A scream, lighting change, something more dramatic as she descends downward. She kind of just stands there - maybe that was meant to be more emotional?
Also, can we give the trombonist aTony just because? I loved how Amber called out all of the musicians on stage during Act 2, and he got the loudest round of applause. Sooo good.
I mean, I would assume most people would at least have familiarity with Greek myths through cultural osmosis. Orpheus and Eurydice is a story that gets told and re-told in western cultures- and there are countless other similar stories in other cultures, as well.
I would have thought the same thing too, Kad. I assumed people knew Orpheus just like I assume people know Medusa turns people to stone, Midas has a golden touch and Medea murders her children. Greek/Roman mythology is the basis for so many stories in Western culture, from the opera house to Xena Warrior Princess (and I know that show is syndicated around the world! Ha).
But maybe these things aren’t as widespread as I thought.
moira8 said: "Saw this yesterday afternoon. Went in blind -- didn't know the story, the characters, the songs. And I absolutely loved it! I can't get over how great the score for this musical is! It's such a welcome change from the lackluster musicals I've been to the past year or so.
I loved Andre's character and I thought he was the best one there. From this thread, a lot of people love Amber. And while I enjoyed her performance, I thought it was too over the top and she can tone it down a little. Eva's voice is so beautiful, but acting-wise, there was really nothing for her to do. I gasped the first time I heard Patrick's low voice. Although the more I heard it, it became somewhat annoying especially when he's singing using that low voice. I actually enjoyed him singing in his "normal" voice."
I truly think the over-the-topness is what makes Amber's performance work so well. Persephone is a drunk, loud, extravagant mess of a woman because she is masking how broken and miserable she is. Because this is so pronounced, it makes the contrast we see between this and the softer, sadder Persephone later in Act 2 hit a little harder. At least for me.