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HAMILTON National Tour

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#175HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 12/31/18 at 6:40am

bisous3 said: "I hope the company managers really understand the importance of annunciation by the actors- if you're not familiar with the lyrics it can make it difficult to get everything they're saying if their diction is not perfect. It's not the first time I've noticed diction issues when the actors have been in the role a long time. The OBC was pretty tired by the time I'd seen them for the 2nd time and Okieriete Onaodowan was almost unintelligible half the time. A marked difference from the first time I'd seen him. Now I always suggest to anyone seeing the show to familiarize yourself with the soundtrack ahead of time if you haven't already, so you don't miss a word.”


This is the main reason I listened to the OBCR before going in the first time. This subject has also come up in another thread: whether to go in blind or not in regards to the songs when seeing the show for the first time.

I’ve probably listened to the OBCR over 100 times, and I’m constantly surprised that there are little bits and pieces I still pick up on that I hadn’t noticed before. I listened to it numerous times before seeing the show for the first time back in July, and there are indeed songs that have rapid-fire lyrics difficult to decipher depending on how well words are annunciated, the number of people singing in unison, or if the music is a bit overpowering. I even sat down with the lyrics and read them while listening to every song. I loved the fact that I knew most of the lyrics going in, and it made me appreciate the songs even more when seeing them sung first-hand.

I’m still listening to the OBCR in preparation for seeing the show this coming weekend.

Agree also about Joseph Morales as Hamilton. LOVED this guy. 

Updated On: 12/31/18 at 06:40 AM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#176HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 12/31/18 at 8:54am

Thanks, bisous3.  I was curious as how Marcus Choi was as George Washington as I haven't heard anything about his performance. I saw Ta'Rea Campbell as Delores in the Sister Act tour, and she was absolutely wonderful.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#177HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/1/19 at 10:32am

The Angelica Cast starts its near month-long run in Pittsburgh today! Very excited!!! Looking for any updates on someone who has seen this cast recently, maybe in Hartford or Boston, especially on Austin Scott and how he does as Hamilton.

5 days and counting! :)

#178HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/1/19 at 10:59am

dmwnc1959 said: "The Angelica Cast starts its near month-long run in Pittsburgh today! Very excited!!! Looking for any updates on someone who has seen this cast recently, maybe in Hartford or Boston, especially on Austin Scott and how he does as Hamilton.

5 days and counting! :)

I saw them 4 times in Hartford. Tremendous cast. Hannah Cruz is a standout. Austin Scott is terrific. I was so impressed. I have seen it many times in NYC as well, and I was extremely in love with this cast. Enjoy!


#179HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/1/19 at 4:32pm

I saw many understudies but Isa Briones as a standout for me (She is only 19, but completely dominated both Peggy/Maria AND Eliza!

A new male standby and Peggy/Maria understudy will be joining the tour this stop too!

#180HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/2/19 at 12:08am

So I saw the Philip tour tonight again in Ft. Lauderdale and I had to jump on here and say WOW. Wonza Johnson as Hamilton was outstanding. I was so impressed. Ensemble must have partied a little too hard last night though because they looked tired and their energy isn't what it should be. Both Marcus Choi and Kyle Scatliffe were stronger than they were Saturday night... I may have caught them on an off night. And though Elijah Malcomb performed both times I've seen it here in Ft. Lauderdale, he wasn't notable at all to me for the first performance but tonight he was a stand out. Interesting how every performance is unique however there shouldn't really be this degree of a lack of consistency. That said, I'd still sit there every single night if I could, I love this show that much. 

#181HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/2/19 at 11:20am

I was lucky enough to win the lottery for the Phillip tour in Ft. Lauderdale.  After so many times, in New York, the times I have been there, and now in Ft. Lauderdale, I did not think it was possible.  Had amazing seats in Row N Orch Right.  Production was amazing.  Standouts for me was Nik Walker and Shoba Naraya as Burr and Eliza.  Had understudies for both Hamilton and Washington, although I thought that Conroe Brooks was great as Washington.  

#184HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/5/19 at 6:43am

Nope, me neither. A friend of mine said she knew people who won twice in Charlotte, so don't give up!

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#185HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/5/19 at 6:58am

rebeccmam31 said: "Nope, me neither. A friend of mine said she knew people who won twice in Charlotte, so don't give up!"

I’m seeing the show tomorrow anyways as part of my season tickets package, but I had hoped to win the lottery while it’s up in Pittsburgh this month, or in Columbus next month. Really enjoy the show, but not at the going rate of $500+ a ticket. My friend wants to see it, but he’s not computer savvy on something as simple as the “Hamilton” app. So I’m entering so he can see it too in case I win. He’s a veteran like me, so I figured it would be a nice surprise for him if I get lucky. 

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#186HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 9:42am

Made it to Pittsburgh! They have most of the entire front of the Benedum Center done up in Hamilton. Now even more excited! Of course I listened to the OBCR on the way up, since its nearly a two hour drive including a refuel stop in preparing for the non-stop drive back this afternoon. Sitting at Crazy Mocha with a large coffee listening to the best 70s disco and having flashbacks. Ah, the music in our lives. :)

#187HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 10:27am

Have a great time.  My Hamilton is 26 days away.   Speaking of 70's disco music.  I just ordered (and arrives tomorrow) a black, long sleeve, sparkle disco shirt to wear to Cher on January 23. 

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#188HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 10:46am

We’re an hour and fifteen minutes before the main front doors open and theres already a line! This is crazy.

Wish I had bought a Hamilton t-shirt online to wear tot the show.

Updated On: 1/6/19 at 10:46 AM

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#189HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 11:54am

They opened the main front doors 15 minutes earlier than normal, which means 75 minutes before the show starts. The souvenir line is now the longest Ive ever seen at any show, any where.

#190HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 11:56am

dmwnc1959 said: "They opened the main front doors 15 minutes earlier than normal, which means 75 minutes before the show starts. The souvenir line is now the longest Ive ever seen at any show, any where."

Your excitement is so cute lol

Have you seen the show before or is it your first time?

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#191HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 12:18pm

Saw the show (Philip Cast) last July up in Cleveland, but I have this type of crazy excitement for every show. Its just something about the thrill of live theater, Broadway and National Tours alike. Bought over $100 worth of souvenirs, again, just like last year, but some different stuff. The place is packed, a sold out performance of 2800 seats.

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#192HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 12:23pm

The doors to the orchestra and balcony sections have opened, 40 minutes before curtain. The excitement in the air is incredible!

#193HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 1:15pm

Enjoy! I saw it four times in New York and I'm STILL just so excited to see it in two weeks. :)


#194HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 5:51pm

Austin Scott is leaving the Angelica Tour tonight. Any word on his replacement?

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#195HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 7:07pm

Confirm that he is leaving the tour tonight, as the program booklet says Edred Utomi will be taking over as of Jan. 8, 2019.

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#196HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 8:06pm

One word: SUPERB. Ab-so-lute-ly SUPERB. I enjoyed this sooooo much more the second time around, even though I’m sure Joseph Morales of the Philip Tour spoiled it for me. Loved him.

But this performance was in a slightly smaller theater than when I saw it last year at the State Theater in Cleveland (nearly 3200 seats there as compared to 2800 at the Benedum Center), and my seat was closer. That probably had quite a bit to do with it too.

The Angelica Cast was wonderful, and the powerhouse of the cast, for me at least, was Stephanie Umoh as Angelica Schuyler. She was simply impressive.

Next in order would be Bryson Bruce as Marquis de Lafayette / Thomas Jefferson; Josh Tower as Aaron Burr; Hannah Cruz as Eliza; Austin Scott as Alexander; and Paul Oakley Stovall as George Washington. And of course, Peter Matthew Smith, who played King George, was also amazing.

The audience reaction was so much more fresh and noticeable than when I saw “Hamilton” last year, with numerous rounds of thunderous applause, dead silence in the most emotional moments, and lots and lots of bursts of laughter and giggles at the countless sarcastic bits scattered all through the show.

My favorite song still has to be “Yorktown”, with some of the most impressive visuals and soaring vocals. It was so breathtaking it sent chills over my entire body.

I was also more emotionally involved this time, and caught myself tearing up several times, especially when Philip died, during “Burn”, “Hurricane”, and “It’s Quiet Uptown”.

But as superb as this show was, it wasn’t without issues.

I do wish Austin Scott (Alexander) and Hannah Cruz (Eliza) put a little more volume into their songs, especially in the first half of Act 1. There were times when, as we’ve discussed in another thread, diction, enunciation, delivery, timing, and articulation are all so very important. I’m glad that I have listened to the OBCR a hundred times, because there were moments when the orchestra was louder than the vocals and my brain filled in the lyrics I couldn’t hear or decipher them from the cast.

I did talk to several people in the souvenir line and the bathroom line at intermission, and on the way back to the parking garage: all were first timers to the show. They all said that they absolutely loved the show, but did have to lean-in and focus a lot on the lyrics, which one guy compared to Shakespeare.

I bought a crapload of souvenirs, some to replace ones I had bought in Cleveland and had given to the fantastic neighbor kids across the street. The neighbor’s budding 12-year old theater fan was also the recipient tonight of a “Hamilton” window card. She gasped with sheer joy when I surprised her with it. I had to buy these window cards because they were specific to the Benedum Center.

Overall, even with the issues mentioned, I had an absolutely glorious time. I left the theater still sniffling from the ending of “The World Was Wide Enough”, it was so magnificently done. Very emotional.

Can’t wait to see this again at some point in the very near future.

Here’s a link to some of the pictures I took:

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#197HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 8:34pm

rebeccmam31 said: "Enjoy! I saw it four times in New York and I'm STILL just so excited to see it in two weeks. :)”


Have a GREAT time!!! 

WhiJo Bloom
#198HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 8:47pm

So I was FINALLY in the room where it happens - saw the Philip cast in Ft Lauderdale on Friday night, the 4th, and I was absolutely blown away.

The cast works so well together and they are all truly athletes and artists of the highest caliber.

In reference to previous comments on this thread, I actually loved Marcus Choi as George Washington - I thought he brought a wonderful air of wisdom and respect and knowledge, and in my opinion he had some great personal takes on lyrics in several scenes, particularly his frustration when he highlights that hes working with a third of what congress promised, and little moments like that.

Joseph Morales as Hamilton has somewhat of a unique accent in comparison to LMM, so initially it took a little while getting used to when thinking about the cast album. But by the end of My Shot he had already put a lot of his own subtle spins on things and he won me over.

Other stand outs that I think deserve honorable mentions are Tarea Campbell as Angelica (those riffs in Satisfied were gorgeous) and Shoba Narayan as Eliza - one of my favorite interpretations of both Helpless and Burn.

If I had to nit-pick, Id agree with a previous poster who said Kyle Scatliffe was difficult to understand at times, especially as Lafayette with his French accent. Had I not known a lot of Lafayettes lyrics I wouldnt have understood much. And second, Id say that some of Nik Walkers choices as Aaron Burr made Burr come off a little more whinny and childlike rather than simply frustrated and trying to prove himself. Some of his takes on lines were obviously done for comedic effect, and overall it works but maybe it was just an interpretation that I had pictured differently.

In all it was an amazing experience, I could gush on and on about so many aspects, but Ill let the work live on and impress on its own. The Philip cast is a really special group of people, and maybe it was just everyones excitement on a sold-out Friday night audience, but it was well worth any admission price or time spent driving in traffic.

I hope I might be able to catch them again in Orlando once they start on the 22nd!

#199HAMILTON National Tour
Posted: 1/6/19 at 9:17pm

Caught the Pittsburgh show as well. Overall, typical Hamilton brilliance, however I agree, not without problems. Sound was a huge issue. The balance was definitely off, the pit overpowering actors at times, at other times, an actor (Hamilton!) barely projected enough for the mics to pick up his lines. I went with a very-first-timer who was baffled at the continuous references that looked down on Hamilton, considering how elegant and restrained Hamilton appeared. When I referenced "young, scrappy and hungry," my friend said that definitely didn't come across, that the story would've been much clearer had Hamilton not been so refined. I agreed--there wasn't any sense of urgency or danger within the character, portrayed with great control  And while very emotive, Eliza was pitchy, just under many of the notes. But overall, the ensemble and production were fantastic and a delightful way to spend a few hours. I'm anxious to hear from others if the incoming Hamilton changes the dynamic of the show. I'd see it again should I get the opportunity.
