Is Shoshana tied to a show coming to Broadway (or premiering off-bway/out of town) this spring?
(Obviously there are many other reasons why she might be leaving, which aren't our business)
Not sure, but Kecia is likely doing Goddess and will also leave the Kitchen in the coming months.
Jordan Catalano said: "Oh, I’d love to see Orfeh replace Shoshana."
I had her in my mind the entire time I was watching the show back in April!
She'd get me back to show in a heartbeat!
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Is Shoshana tied to a show coming to Broadway (or premiering off-bway/out of town) this spring?
(Obviously there are many other reasons why she might be leaving, which aren't our business)"
Not that I'm aware of. However, has Shoshana ever stayed in a show for more than a year?
I saw the show at the public and won lotto for tomorrow. Are there any expected cast vacations?
Cast absences are noted on Telecharge, and Maleah Joi Moon is out tomorrow night.
Chris Lee will depart the musical on October 20.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
EDSOSLO858 said: "Chris Lee will depart the musical on October 20."
Between The Public and Broadway, I've seen HK 6 times -- and Chris Lee has been out on 5 of those times. I thought he had left awhile ago.
ACL2006 said: "has Shoshana ever stayed in a show for more than a year?"
Weird question but of course she has: She did a consecutive year as Elphaba, plus some months as the Standby before that, and later did a stint on the tour. IBDB and PlaybillVauilt are failing me on her HAIRSPRAY dates.
Aside from that, her only other Broadway credits are MR. SATURDAY NIGHT (which was never planned to run a year but closed even earlier than that) and WAITRESS (which, in classic Weissler fashion, cycled through new Jennas about every 3-6 months).
Phillip Johnson Richardson is the new Knuck, beginning October 22.
Donna Vivino will temporarily replace Bean from December 3-11. Her replacement will be announced later.
Isn't it kind of strange her last performance is on a Wednesday?
Call_me_jorge said: "Isn't it kind of strange her last performance is on a Wednesday?"
I assume that's the earliest possible performance they can get in the replacement and they want her in ASAP. I believe the announcement said that Donna is leaving the production after this. So, it's also possible that that's the last possible day she can stay through as well.
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "ACL2006 said: "has Shoshana ever stayed in a show for more than a year?"
Weird question but of course she has: She did a consecutive year asElphaba, plus some months as the Standby before that,and later did a stint on the tour.IBDB and PlaybillVauilt are failing me on herHAIRSPRAY dates.
Aside from that, her only other Broadway credits are MR. SATURDAY NIGHT (which was never planned to run a year but closed even earlier than that) and WAITRESS (which, in classic Weissler fashion, cycled through new Jennas about every 3-6 months)."
Also, she basically has been with this production for over a year. Their transfer was TIGHT. They closed at the Public on Jan. 14 and started previews on Broadway Mar. 28. Even if there was a shortened rehearsal period because most of the show and people were the same, there still couldn't have been more than 6 weeks between finishing at the Public and starting responsibilities for Broadway.
So Vivino gets a one week sendoff. Very bizarre. Donna's last day is December 11.
Jessica Vosk takes over as Jersey, beginning December 12.
Jessica Vosk will be succeeding Shoshana Bean and Donna Vivino as Jersey. There’s no mention of a replacement for the Jersey Standby position, so I am curious who will step in to that position.
Seems like this role will be strictly for former Elphabas.
The rumor mill online is that Keys and creative team felt like Vivino was too “new” to take the role full time (which, like, WHAT?).
Donna is PISSED and that’s what is causing her departure from the company.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/30/22
Slap in the face for Vivino. Totally feel for her on this.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
quizking101 said: "The rumor mill online is that Keys and creative team felt like Vivino was too “new” to take the role full time (which, like, WHAT?).
Donna is PISSED and that’s what is causing her departure from the company."
I guess she's pulling a "Karen Olivo" and burning every bridge behind her!
Oh well -- she HAD a nice career.
TaffyDavenport said: "Jessica Vosk takes over as Jersey, beginning December 12."
WHATEVA WHATEVA! Welcome back to Broadway, Jessica!
Donna better blow that roof off of the Shubert in her final week.
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/22
quizking101 said: "The rumor mill online is that Keys and creative team felt like Vivino was too “new” to take the role full time (which, like, WHAT?).
Donna is PISSED and that’s what is causing her departure from the company."
The comments are something else. The creatives think Donna made her Broadway debut with HK? When can I break it to Alicia that I saw her as young Cosette in Les MIs?
A national tour will launch next fall in Cleveland, and play over 30 cities in the first year of what will be a multiyear tour.