Swing Joined: 9/15/04
Kia Ora (Hello) Winokar_fan & Friends:
Please excuse my ignorance as to how to go about this but I've never done this before but I felt I needed to thank you and all your friends for the wonderful words of love and support that you have expressed for my daughter Keala. I have not seen Marrisa perform but I have seen Carly and I am sure each one have had their own challenges. I applaud them for their courage and tenacity as I know from watching Keala thats what it takes to go on night after night to make every night an opening night. To have the oppportunity to work with a wonderful talented cast and crew and be able to bring so much joy fun and laughter into the lives of others has been a life long dream for Keala. Her reward comes not so much from fame and fortune but it is the little things that mean alot. Keala called me the night she met you and said, "mom, you'll never guess what happened to me tonight?" she than proceeded to give me a blow by blow account of your visit with her and I got to hear the rest of the story the next day as she was buying your stationary for the letter. Thank you so much,those are the little things that make it really worth while for her to do what she does. Some times it gets very lonely living out of a suitcase traveling from town to town but I can honestly say Kealas time with you and your friends will be a highlight in her career. Kealas dad & I will be in DC to spend some time with her and I would love to meet the person who is in DC who would like to meet Keala. To the sweetheart in the picture with my baby Keala I say in my native Maori Language from New Zealand. Aroha Mai E hoa Mai (My Love to you my Friend) KEALAS MUM & DAD SUSANNE & DAVE SETTLE & The Whanau (The Family)
Truly a wonderful family.
It was a pleasure to meet them in person.
Love me some Settles!
Here the proof as to why Keala seems to be such a wonderful person -- a great family showing her how to BE a wonderful person!!!!!
Congrats Mom and Dad for raising a beautiful person!
I,too, had the pleasure of seeing your daughter on the tour. She was fantastic!
This truly is fantastic. How many parents would take the time to thank the fans of their children? T'is the first time that I have experienced it! Mr. and Mrs. Settle, your daughter is amazing. I got an e-mail from her last night, and it just made my day. The fact that she would take the time outta her obviously hectic schedule to continue to talk to me just blows my mind! The whole experience made me appreciate actors and actresses that much more, and made me realize that dreams do come true. Keala is the sweetest person that I have ever met--such a kind heart and she's so genuine!! How lucky she is to have a family like she does to surround her. I hope to get to Chicago when the tour is there, because I would love to see Keala again. No, no, strike that...I WILL be in Chicago!! Perhaps if I am lucky I will some day be able to meet you also. Keala was right when she told me that life is very precious and how amazing it can be. It has been such an unbelievably amazing experience that I will never ever forget. Your daughter is amazing, and it is evident that she has an amazing family also.
Love forever and today,
woo! I can't wait to see Keala when it comes to Chicago .
It's going back to Chicago? We spent almost two months there at the start of the tour...during the dead of winter...
f'ing cold!
I'm excited to see Hairspray when it rolls into Chicago. :) Now that Woman in White has been cancelled, its the highlight of the season....since everything else (except Little Women and that Dr. Doolittle thing) seems to have been here a billion times already. Hairspray will at least be a semi-new-ish experience, for me in Chicago.
Can't wait to see Keala. I've heard SUCH wonderful things.
Chicago is a very cold city in the winter time.
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
Thank you so much Sueleengay; I'm not very good at this but I wish I could meet you in person and say thank you personally. Performing has been Kealas life ever since she stepped up to the pulpit when she was about 2 years old and started singing "He's still workin on me" performing has been her life. But "Hairspray" is her love. In the words of my native language Maori (Whale Rider) from New Zealand I leave you with Aroha mai (My Love) Sue & Dave Settle
And I can say from exerience that "the whanau" gives GREAT hugs!
I've secretly traded my own mother in for her......
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
This new generation & communication vehicle is really something else. Not knowing who you are talking to. Thank you for your kind and gracious words I must know you? I have become very attached to Quin and his cast of characters on tour and feel very privaledged to have the opportunity to visit with them periodically. They really are a professional family from the sound, lights, wardrobe, cast and management to the web of unseen agents directors and producers who work together to bring us all the magic of "Hairspray on Tour" Your positive encouragement is what keeps them fresh and alive.
Aroha mai from all Kealas whanau (Family)
Mrs. Settle, I sent you a private message on this site. I hope you recieved it. It's very important!!
I loved her in Hairspray, she can dance!
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
And I love you Diva You and Dannah are the only people I know I'm talking to. I hope I'm doing this right.
Aroha mai, your second mom who loves you
You are doing it right!
Keep it up sweetie!
You are doing a great job! So, have you got any embarrassing stories to share?! Haha, j/k.
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
Thank you Dear, I did recieve your reply, I hope you got my reply. I read it to Kealas dad when he came home for lunch and he cried. He's a real softy. I also read it to Kealas Aunty Yvonne in Seattle and her Aunty Lorraine in New Zealand and we all cried.
Aroha mai, Mom Settle
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
Aw, should I feel bad? That means I've made 4 members of the (amazing!!!) Settle family cry! It's all true, so true. Mom Settle...I like that--who can't use another mom?
Kia Ora!
I haven't seen your daughter perform (I'm Australian living in Poland), but congratulations to her! It certainly makes me happy when I see ANZAC's succeeding in life.
I've also lived in New Zealand, and have many cousins with Maori heritage. You have a beauiful culture, one that has often given me much pleasure, and many friends. Stay proud!
Oh gosh, can't believe I forgot to mention, in response to TheatreDiva90016's post...the great hugs must run in the family. My friend that was with me at the stage door of Keala's last performance in WI said "Dannah!! That was like the neverending hug from heaven!!" I was so sad that Keala was leaving, and we hugged for what seemed like forever lol. *Corny!*
what a fabulous thread to discover!!!!
Keala is the most inappropriately named girl...cause getting her means you DID NOT have to "settle"!!!!
Mom Settle, thanks for bringing us the greatest girl, both on and off stage
and thanks for literally bringing to life my quote from TIME OUT NEW YORK's "How To Fix Broadway" issue where I said:
"Here's hoping the folks writing on theatre message boards realize the producers may not be reading them, but the mother of the person they are writing about is"
who knew 2 weeks later you would prove my point so sweetly!!
xoxox Mahalo!!
Marc Shaiman
Very nicely said Marc!! That is really true...about the mothers of the people they're talking about being on the boards. Creepy....*cringe* Lol
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
Aroha Mai Mr Shaiman: While we have never met I feel that we have known you since before time. I am a firm believer that some people are destined to meet, such is the situation between you, Craig and Keala. How honored and privileged do I feel to have the oppurtunity to say thank you. Words cannot express our gratitude for all that you and your partner have done and continue to do for our baby. She'll most probably kill me for this but to everyone she is Keala to us she will always be our happy, funny, stuborn, loving "Keala Cookie" No one knows what is around the corner or where our roads may take us but for this one moment in time Thank you very much seems so inadaquate but I'm sure there are many mothers who are praying that there is a Marc or Craig out there for their children who are going through similar situations as they too endevour to reach for the stars. May Our Father in Heaven continue to bless and guide you and yours as you continue in your Mahi Aroha (Labor of Love)
Aorohanui, Sue & Dave Settle & the whanau
Updated On: 6/15/05 at 05:20 PM