This whole thread is making me cry now!
Damn you people!
I have a wonderful photo of the Settle family, and with Mama's permission, I'll post it in my fan photos.
This is what's it's like to work with the best people ever put on the planet. I'm going to go have a moment.....
Keala's mom, I sent you a PM as well regarding DC. Not sure if you received it.
"Keala Cookie"!!!!!!????
wow, I'm gonna run with THAT!!!!
you are very sweet and your daughter makes HAIRSPRAY a success everywhere she goes with thank YOU for, you know, like, giving birth to her and all, ya know?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
OK Mr wonderful I screwed up I thought it was Motor Mouth but you have my permission to release the pics.
Thank you hon.
This whole week has just been surreal! I cannot wait to see the picture(s). Keala Cookie...*giggle*
I'm trying to figure out how to post a photo.
If you know, please PM me.
I attempted to explain it...hope it helps!
Stand-by Joined: 3/5/05
I love this thread so I thought I would add:
I work for a theatre company in Tucson, AZ where Hairspray played for two weeks this past October. Me being a theatre nut I went and saw Hairspray four times. I took different people with me each time so I could justify it to myself. I had seen the show with the OBC back in early '03 and that it was a great show. But watching it the amazing (i don't use the word lightly) Keala Settle was a revelation in and of itself. Her spark, energy and beautiful vocals made me fall in love with the musical even more. Her smile on stage was infectious and I wish I'd had the sense to meet her backstage after a performance. I hope that New Yorkers get the chance to see her very soon in this show or any other. Good Luck!
Did we meet Spaz?
Thanks for the pic.!!! Very cool. Do you know why the other photos in your Fan Photos section don't show up?
Well loading that picture blew chunks. The photo posted three different times, so only the third one has a description. I have no idea how to put it in a post, I tried and kept getting the red X (YES, there are no spaces...)
but, enjoy.....
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
that link you were using is to the PAGE, not the photo itself, thats why it wasnt showing up. Updated On: 6/15/05 at 06:37 PM
Well, I tried the photo's actual link and it still didn't work...
I tried....
Photo info L-R: John Pinette (Edna, and if you ever get a chance to see him perform, please do, you'll love him), Laura Green (One of the BEST producers, EVER!), Keala (Tracy), Her lovely Parents (Big Hugs), and Charlo Crossley (MMMMable) who just fixed her hair in the dark, so don't give her no sh!t).
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
if you were using
https:// /photos /Seattle0152.jpg
then I guess the site just doesnt like you
Stand-by Joined: 3/5/05
I doubt it. I started right around that time and I was still learning everything. If you were in the cast, I didn't go backstage at all. I know we arranged for something in the Student Union but even that didn't help ticket sales. I feel our then marketing department didn't do enough.
Keala is my favourite Tracy
She brings so much heart to the role and you can't help but fall in love with her
Mr and Mrs Settle, you should be very proud of your daughter
~hair-hopper from Orlando
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/03
Hi Mrs. Settle (and family!)! How are you?
I had the pleasure of seeing Keala as Tracy when i went to visit my grandparents. From the moment she opened her mouth I knew that I was in for a treat. Boy was I correct! Her dancing, singing, and acting were absolutely flawless! The entire audience could tell that she was having a blast on stage. Keala is by far my favorite Tracy. There is no contest whatsoever. She was such a sweet, down to earth person as well. Fantastic job. I wish her much success, and your family all the best!
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
Kia Ora: a mothers heart has been touched today. I got the opportunity to see kealas understudy Katrina on stage when I was in Detroit and my heart weld with pride for her mom. Only in America can you live the dream to it's fullest.
in Hawaii were Keala was born they say Mahalo nui loa.(a great big thankyou) from Kealas mom & dad
So Mrs.Settle--and family--will you be sticking around the boards for a while, so as to hear about all of the joy your daughter is bringing to everyone as the tour moves from one city to another?
So I've seen Hairspray three times, once with OBC, once this past October, once this past January, and that show...I just randomnly cry at several points during it cause I love it and wanna be Tracy so damn bad, lol. It has a very special place in my heart, cause it means that maybe girls like Keala are showing the industry how much talent we have - us gals that don't look like their perfect ideal supermodel types - and that we can sell some tickets. Anyways, I digress...
so I've been kinda bitter about missing auditions everytime they have them for the tour, etc. and was all "I'm not gonna go see that tour" but...damn you all - I shake my fist at you! This board has talked up Keala too much for me to miss it.
So I'm gonna go while it's here in Cleveland, and I'm gonna take my mom cause she hasn't seen it yet and 1. people are always telling her "your daughter is perfect to be Tracy in Hairspray - has she ever auditioned?", and 2. she drove my sorry ass to the Greyhound station at 2am cause I heard about the last open call at 5:30 the day before it happened...yeah, she's pretty supportive. Anyways, I figured she should come see what all the fuss is about.
I'm really tempted to wait by the stage door to meet Keala and pick her brain but...dudes, I'm 26, still tryin' to save to move to NYC, just tore my ACL completely and having major knee surgery that's gonna take a year of PT til I'm back in the game...I feel all kinds of pathetic, lol. I don't really know what I'd say to her, y'know?
Anyways, the point of the last rambling was, if I DO get the nerve or find something worthwhile to say to her or ask her if I go wait for her at the stage door, I'll post all about it :) lol, and I'll be sure to tell her I read her mom's posts on, lol.
By the way, I think it's wonderful that you post the whanau. Your whole family sounds pretty fantastic, you should be proud - trust me, that's hard to find these days...
Darn right you should go see the show!!!! Keala is absolutely amazing, and once you see it you'll kick yourself for ever even contemplating whether or not to go!
I also think that you should go to the stage door. Hon, all I wanted was Keala's autograph, and look at what I got! She came outta the stage door yelling my me, you don't need to know what to say to her--she'll do the talking for you lol. I'm sure that she'd love to meet someone that wants to be Tracy so badly. Then she'll probably tell you you're crazy lol j/k. Go to the stage door!!!!!!! And get your ACL better, and get goign to those auditions lol
Swing Joined: 9/15/04
Actually dear this started off as a great big thank you to Dannah and the people who replied to her picture of Keala and herself. however somehow I posted it in the wrong place and before I new it the list of thankyous got longer and longer. So my dear as long as there is someone out there who Keala can inspire and I can say thank you to I will be here. Actually my daughter Kalani in England may help me reply as well because I'm sure she is able to talk your language much better than I. You have a lovely evening. Aroha mai, Kealas Mom,dad and whanau
Oh honey, for someone who just got on the site today, you are doing an absolutely FABULOUS job!! Kudos to you for taking the time to do so. Much love to you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/03
I plan on seeing your daughter in Cleveland this week or next. I have only heard wonderful things about your daughter and look foward to meeting her.