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Hamilton Cancellation Line

#650Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 5:08pm

congrats.  show will be worth it.  based upon my experience last Saturday, it would not surprise me if a few more were made available for the matinee or evening performance - As the vets told me the house tickets (center orchestra rows g and H) are held to about 10-15 minutes before the show

but a bird in the hand (i,.e tickets) is better then the possibility of nothing  and with your investment you had to take them 

check back with those in line tonight and share how many got into to matinee today in total - folks near front will know


MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#651Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 6:17pm

YAY!  ThinkOfLaura!  I'm glad you did your homework and for your sitter earlier than 7pm. 


Wick3 Profile Photo
#652Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 6:35pm

@thinkoflaura, Congrats... though I was a bit confused with the times. Did the line sitter arrive at 5:15am and was first in line... or 5:15pm the day before?

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#653Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 6:38pm

thinkoflaura, excellent line story—and big congratulations! Please post what you think of the show later tonight! Hamilton Cancellation Line

#654Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 7:09pm

Wick3 said: "@thinkoflaura, Congrats... though I was a bit confused with the times. Did the line sitter arrive at 5:15am and was first in line... or 5:15pm the day before?


He said he paid for 10 hours, so I'm sure he meant the line sitter arrived at 5:15am and he checked on the line at 9:15am, sat in it for a while and the line sitter took over again at 12 noon until 6pm. 

Wednesdays are by far the best days to do the line. You don't have to get in line as early as the other days, and there are 2 shows, more chances to get in. Also - more cancellations.

On another note, my friend posted on FB that she won the lottery today but was 3 minutes late in buying the tix. So looks like that went to 2 people in the cancellation line today.

MISH2 Profile Photo
#655Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 7:30pm

PrincessJae said: 
On another note, my friend posted on FB that she won the lottery today but was 3 minutes late in buying the tix. So looks like that went to 2 people in the cancellation line today.

OMG that is a nightmare.  Yesterday I got busy at work and forgot to check my email before 5 p.m.  So after spending every afternoon hoping I had won, yesterday I was hoping I hadn't!  Luckily I hadn't.  My sympathy to your friend!


#656Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 7:38pm

PrincessJae said: "Wick3 said: "@thinkoflaura, Congrats... though I was a bit confused with the times. Did the line sitter arrive at 5:15am and was first in line... or 5:15pm the day before?

He said he paid for 10 hours, so I'm sure he meant the line sitter arrived at 5:15am and he checked on the line at 9:15am, sat in it for a while and the line sitter took over again at 12 noon until 6pm. 

The poster said they got tickets at 1:15 p.m. before the matinee, so I read it as the line sitter having arrived the evening before. From what I can tell, it seems the line sitter was there from 5:45 (well, 5:15) until 9:30 p.m.. Then the the poster and daughter took over from 9:30 until midnight, with the line sitter staying overnight from 12 until 6 am.


Updated On: 3/23/16 at 07:38 PM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#657Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 7:47pm

PrincessJae said: "On another note, my friend posted on FB that she won the lottery today but was 3 minutes late in buying the tix. So looks like that went to 2 people in the cancellation line today."

This is probably one of the most devastating things that could possibly happen.

Adam Reyes
#658Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/23/16 at 8:19pm

I went to the show on tuesday night using J & W linesitters.  They got there very early for me and i was 2nd on the line.  They waited from 6pm till 9am,. At 9am i came and swapped out with them. They gave me the chance to see the show.  They were very nice and friendly. i recommend using there services!

#659Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/24/16 at 1:50am

conojochan said: "congrats... a bird in the hand (i,.e tickets) is better then the possibility of nothing  and with your investment you had to take them 

check back with those in line tonight and share how many got into to matinee today in total - folks near front will know



I was crazy to worry about those seats -- they were amazing.  One balcony area on stage right was hard to see, but I didn't feel like I was missing out.  And I was thrilled that all the people from the late night Pizza Party made it into the show... but not many more after that.  So that means about 15 people total for both shows combined.


Wick3 said: "@thinkoflaura, Congrats... though I was a bit confused with the times. Did the line sitter arrive at 5:15am and was first in line... or 5:15pm the day before?



Sorry for the confusion... the line sitter arrived at 5:15pm on TUESDAY... he sat for about 4 hours, til 9:45pm... then we took over for a little over 2 hours from 9:45 to midnight... then he resumed sitting from midnight to 6am... and we took over again from 6am-1:15pm.  So 19 hours total -- he did 10 hours for us and we did 9 hours.  The DUDES were nice enough break up the sitting gel to suit our needs.


BroadwayConcierge said: "thinkoflaura, excellent line story—and big congratulations! Please post what you think of the show later tonight! Hamilton Cancellation Line



I've been obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack for the past 6 months and was even a little afraid that there would be no way the production would live up to the ideas in my head... but it was even better than I could have ever imagined.  I felt like I do when I'm getting a great massage -- like, halfway through I start getting sad that it's going eventually end.  The staging of some numbers (like SATISFIED and THE WORLD WAS WIDE ENOUGH totally blew me away.  We had understudies for "Angelica" and "George Washington" and they both did phenomenal jobs.  And of course, the rest of the casts' performances had me mesmerized.  


haterobics Profile Photo
#660Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/24/16 at 11:13pm

Sort of annoying with all these people coming later than me and getting to see the show before me, since I let them jump me in line if they aren't here for Sunday... but I will be first in line for Sunday! Javilton awaits! Dreams do come true!

#661Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/25/16 at 2:40pm

I, too, was in the cancellation line on Wednesday.... We all clapped when you got your tickets! I ended up getting tickets through stubhub because they were fairly cheap (by hamilton standards!) and would not have gotten tickets otherwise.

I'll add a couple things here...

1. I don't think the cancellation line is going to last as it is much longer. We were moved 3 times back and forth so that roads could be cleaned and cars could get into the small spot fenced in by the theater. There were two line holding companies there... one had a guy who basically tried to run the entire line and then cram in two more people at the end... then he decided to create a thursday line after people had already created one (of course, the line really should be whoever was left over from the wednesday line and still interested). . This guy was also tweeting bad things about the people in front of us in line the whole time - although i wasn't paying attention maybe they deserved it. The other line-holding company (Same Old Line Dudes) were awesome guys, friendly, talking to us the whole time.. even telling us secret places to charge our phones or take a pee. I stayed away from the politics developing in the line - strange stuff with people disappearing and reappearing - there were always people in line but somehow they seemed to get a lot more tickets than 1 spot should get.

2. I got there at 5:30 am... I was 16-17th in line. First show, 14 tickets were given out (including the 2 for the night show). I was up to 7th in line for the night show (not really any drop outs) which meant 13th ticket. I ended up getting a pair off stubhub for $400 each so I left the line - this occurred around 5:30pm, or else I would have been out of luck. Stubhub ticket center was 8 blocks or so away but it was easy enough to get there and back. I heard only 7 tickets went up (almost all to lineholders) for the second show but I wasn't there to confirm it. I do know the nice woman in front of me from LA did not get tickets. She had gotten there about 4am I believe she told me.

3. The cancellation line (according to veterans) has almost doubled in length the last couple weeks. It's a far cry from being almost a guarantee if you show up 5 hours early. The people in the line were really cool. I think we all had some sort of theater connection in someway so you got to hear some great tips on other shows and stories. Daveed came out between shows and was awesome, taking pictures with all of us.

4.For the matinee, the first pairs of tickets came two hours before the show or so... everything else was right at the start of the show. There was one obvious scalper selling fake tickets but I didn't even see any real tickets being sold or given. 

In summary - the line holding companies are taking this over... the whole "thursday line starts when we say" thing was lame... and they were holding multiple spots in multiple lines for multiple people at once. This is no longer a guarantee. I heard a ton of people complaining to people at the show and city as well so I think they will be forced to end this practice and do bracelets or something before too long.



#662Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/25/16 at 4:29pm

tx for sharing.  glad you got to see.


#663Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/25/16 at 6:14pm

I have to give major credit to Same Ole Line Dudes. Today's line was a mess due to people lining up earlier and earlier for Sat shows.

They texted me when they arrived and told me my odds were only so-so for getting in if I paid them to wait, and refunded me for all but an hour of their time.

They were super professional in answering my questions and especially in admitting when hiring them might not be my best bet.

Silver lining: a non-broker resale pair went on Ticketmaster an hour ago and I got tickets for tomorrow for what a line stander and cancellation tickets would have cost me.

Wick3 Profile Photo
#664Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/25/16 at 7:55pm

@ZackSabbath, Congrats on getting tix!

So it's been 3 months since I last stood in line for cancellation tix and so much has changed. I have 2 friends visiting me next week Mar 31-Apr 3. I have no plans to watch Hamilton again but they would love to watch it so.... which day would you recommend is best to wait for tix? Thu Mar 31? Fri Apr 1? Sat for the matinee/eve? I think the earliest one of us can make it to the theater would be 4am and we'd then take turns waiting every 5-6 hours (just need 2 tix.)

Anakela Profile Photo
#665Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/25/16 at 8:11pm

Wick3 said: "@ZackSabbath, Congrats on getting tix!

So it's been 3 months since I last stood in line for cancellation tix and so much has changed. I have 2 friends visiting me next week Mar 31-Apr 3. I have no plans to watch Hamilton again but they would love to watch it so.... which day would you recommend is best to wait for tix? Thu Mar 31? Fri Apr 1? Sat for the matinee/eve? I think the earliest one of us can make it to the theater would be 4am and we'd then take turns waiting every 5-6 hours (just need 2 tix.)


Depends on if y'all want to see Javi (April 2 both shows) or Rua (March 31, April 1) as Hamilton. I LOVED Javi, trying to figure out if I can cancellation line it for Rua or not...


#666Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/25/16 at 9:12pm

There is one premium ticket available directly from venue for tomorrow night.


#667Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/26/16 at 12:09am

ZackSabbath said: "I have to give major credit to Same Ole Line Dudes. Today's line was a mess due to people lining up earlier and earlier for Sat shows.

They texted me when they arrived and told me my odds were only so-so for getting in if I paid them to wait, and refunded me for all but an hour of their time.

They were super professional in answering my questions and especially in admitting when hiring them might not be my best bet.

Silver lining: a non-broker resale pair went on Ticketmaster an hour ago and I got tickets for tomorrow for what a line stander and cancellation tickets would have cost me.



I love this story.  The Same Ole Line Dudes are such a class act.  I know people suspect that they are benefiting from the lines starting earlier and earlier, but I get the impression that they also think it's out of control.  

#668Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/26/16 at 1:10am

I stopped taking reservations for the Hamilton line, it's too nuts now. Yes, it was profitable, but so not worth the aggravation. 

#669Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/26/16 at 3:52am

They definitely think it's out of control. This extra crazy might just be Spring Break though.


In a week or two it could go back down to night before lining up.


#670Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/26/16 at 4:04am

Most of my clients have seen it, the ones that haven't, I refer to SOLD. I am done with the Hamiltrash. It's almost SITP time will make my money there. It's more fun. 

Adam Reyes
#671Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/27/16 at 11:03am

I wanted to see the show again this week but Lin is on vacation? Does anyone know where i can find if this info is true and what show to what show is he not performing in? PLEASE HELP

Hellob Profile Photo
#672Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/27/16 at 11:19am

Adam Reyes said: "I wanted to see the show again this week but Lin is on vacation? Does anyone know where i can find if this info is true and what show to what show is he not performing in? PLEASE HELP



He's out through April 1st

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#673Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/27/16 at 12:08pm

He discussed in a Ham4Ham video. It's Javi most of the week with 2 performances by Jon Rua. Exact dates are posted in this thread or another Hamilton thread.

#674Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 3/27/16 at 12:35pm

Adam Reyes said: "I wanted to see the show again this week but Lin is on vacation? Does anyone know where i can find if this info is true and what show to what show is he not performing in? PLEASE HELP"

Miranda confirmed this in yesterday's digital HAM4HAM lottery with the #GroffWeek announcement.  (Groff will be doing the digital HAM4HAM videos while Miranda is on vacation this week.)

Upcoming Jon Rua (understudy) performances:
"Depends on if y'all want to see Javi (April 2 both shows) or Rua (March 31, April 1) as Hamilton. I LOVED Javi, trying to figure out if I can cancellation line it for Rua or not..."

Updated On: 3/27/16 at 12:35 PM
