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Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?

Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?

#1Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/15/16 at 2:15pm

Please forgive me if there is already a post on this but I did some searching and didn't find one. Wondering when the June 2017 & beyond tickets will go on sale- if anyone has any details or info it would be greatly appreciated! 


Thank you! 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#2Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/15/16 at 3:25pm

my guess is November but i don't think it's been announced

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Wee Thomas2 Profile Photo
Wee Thomas2
#3Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/16/16 at 11:13am

No one here knows and the people who know aren't talking

thirtythirtyninety Profile Photo
macnyc Profile Photo
#5Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/19/16 at 4:44pm

Did anyone try for tickets today? I was busy at work this morning and just saw this. Evidently, I'm slipping! I'm not finding anything else in the orchestra besides $849 premium seats, and rear mezzanine for $179. 

Was front mezz on sale too?

Updated On: 9/19/16 at 04:44 PM

Eliza2 Profile Photo
#6Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/19/16 at 4:58pm

macnyc said: "Did anyone try for tickets today? I was busy at work this morning and just saw this. Evidently, I'm slipping! I'm not finding anything else in the orchestra besides $849 premium seats, and rear mezzanine for $179. 

Was front mezz on sale too?

I picked one random date in July just to see what prices were. I saw a few front mezz - 2nd row - for $199.


macnyc Profile Photo
#7Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/19/16 at 5:31pm

Thanks, Eliza, for the info!

#8Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/19/16 at 5:32pm

I got 3 seats (not together) orchestra row E and F on the sides for $199 for a date in June. I think all of those went fast.

#9Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/19/16 at 6:22pm

Ole' Seller playing the smart game and unloading the $849 seats onto Platinum AMEX holders and thinking they got a deal. Very few non-premiums seats available other than weekdays.

Andy51 Profile Photo
#10Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/20/16 at 12:06am

macnyc said: "Did anyone try for tickets today? I was busy at work this morning and just saw this. Evidently, I'm slipping! I'm not finding anything else in the orchestra besides $849 premium seats, and rear mezzanine for $179. 

Was front mezz on sale too?

I got seats in row L Orchestra on the side (right next to the premium seats) for a weekday in June for $199.  I bought them about two hours after they went on sale, so I don't know the scope of what was available before that.  Does anyone know whether they typically hold back some of the $179 and $199 seats during the pre-sale (and, in this case, will release them on Sept. 26)?



Updated On: 9/20/16 at 12:06 AM

#11Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/20/16 at 12:09am

Yes they hold back seats.

macnyc Profile Photo
#12Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/20/16 at 3:53am

I think basically what will be left is rear orchestra. 


It sounds as if the regular-priced seats on the sides of the front and mid orchestra have already been sold. 

#13Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/20/16 at 8:36am

Thanks for all of the info! I ended up snagging 2 orchestra seats for a Thursday in February. Still have a bit of sticker shock but nothing near the $849 or $2,000 they are going for. I still might be shaking. It's fine. (!!!!!!) 

haterobics Profile Photo
#14Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 10:46am

So, how did people do with the public sale today?

I ended up buying two groups of tickets for the date I wanted to go:

RMEZZ C 101-103 ($179 each)

ORCH T 23-27 ($199 each)

I'm thinking T will be a better angle? Or does someone want to advocate for MEZZ being better?

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#15Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 10:54am

I'm so mad. I found orchestra tickets for June, but I need to save money for something really big. Ugh.

haterobics Profile Photo
#16Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 11:01am

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "I'm so mad. I found orchestra tickets for June, but I need to save money for something really big. Ugh."

Why did you torture yourself by looking?!? Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?

CassandraReads Profile Photo
#17Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 11:54am

I was able to grab two different sets of tickets for late May and early June, both in the orchestra for $199 each. Pretty psyched. They will be used as Christmas and birthday presents for family members who haven't seen the show yet. 

Updated On: 9/26/16 at 11:54 AM

macnyc Profile Photo
#18Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 12:16pm

I am still kicking myself for missing Amex pre-sale last week! Oh, well! I ended up today with good front mezzanine seats for a Friday in July (Row A, not too far over) and less-good front mezzanine for June, Row F on the side. But it's a nice time of year, around my daughter's birthday, and I'm hoping a permanent Laf/Jeff has been hired by then! Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?

#19Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 12:18pm

It seems like the bots won AGAIN! I'm not seeing much of anything left outside of absurd $849 seats and mid-premium seats at $449. Ironically, Seller benefits from the bots gobbling up the inventory and pushing supply down. It allows him to push through higher prices on the primary due to bots hoarding huge blocks of available tickets and jacking up prices....ugh frustrating. Rant over.

sarahb22 Profile Photo
#20Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 12:33pm

I couldn't find anything for $179, and I refuse to pay more than that to see a show.  Now that the OBC is about halfway gone (and by next summer I'm sure they'll all be gone), there's no rush to see the show. I'll wait and pay reasonable prices!

macnyc Profile Photo
#21Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 12:42pm

That's true, sarahb22. At some point the demand will die down.

Funny observation: I received an email from the Hamilton people telling me that tickets were on sale. The email arrived at 12:15 p.m. I'm wondering how many tickets were actually left by then!

haterobics Profile Photo
#22Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 12:50pm

There will be a glorious period when the demand has died down, but the scalpers bought advance tickets without knowing that yet...

If I'm buying a Hamilton ticket for August 2017, I'm buying it to see the show at this point. I'd be more surprised if there was any OBC left by then...

#23Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 1:35pm

All good points above. Obviously, it will be hard to see few if any members of the OBC. How long before Hamilton turns into Rent a la "stunt-casting" like Seller did for Rent? I just don't see demand for $849 a ticket being sustainable. Seller jumped the shark on the pricing for premium methinks.

haterobics Profile Photo
#24Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 1:40pm

It doesn't have to be sustainable. When they stop selling at that price, he will lower them... and it will still probably take time until they come down to a traditional price, and even longer until they need to have discounts. Many shows have premium pricing, and when they don't sell for that much, they convert to regular price. Not an issue.

#25Hamilton Tickets - On sale date?
Posted: 9/26/16 at 2:35pm

It took me almost half an hour but I got two orchestra seats for a weekday matinee in July. I did have to cave in and get the preferred seating ($250) instead of standard, but I was thrilled to get a pair of tickets and think the extra $ is worth it, since I will be taking my son and there's no way he's making it through without an intermission trip to the bathroom. Husband and I are seeing it for the first time in November and I can't wait.

I agree with posters who've said the premium ticket prices are high, but the regular tickets are pretty much on par with what tickets to a show at the Kennedy Center cost me here in DC. For comparison's sake, I'm paying $119 a seat for a matinee of Wicked with my daughter, so $179-199 for a Broadway theater doesn't strike me as outrageous.
