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Hedwig's future

dreaming Profile Photo
#175Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 12:38pm

Good one!

I have heard a couple of rumors.

Alix Profile Photo
#176Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 12:59pm

"Alix-he's gone on record saying he doesn't want to do it."

Look, I’m not saying it’s LIKELY (although I did see a recent interview with him that implied it’s not entirely off the table). A girl can dream, right? :)

#177Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 1:04pm

isnt there some equity rule against less then seven shows a week? (Unless its a concert or standup engagement)

dreaming Profile Photo
#178Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 1:18pm

I don't know. Maybe they'll put more performances up and get an alternate. However, I doubt they would go against Equity rules (guessing they checked all of this out beforehand).

haterobics Profile Photo
#179Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 1:24pm

"I don't know."

That sums up all of today's posts rather succinctly.

Whatshisname Profile Photo
#180Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 1:40pm

Billie Joe Armstrong

dreaming Profile Photo
#181Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 1:45pm

That would totally get me going. That's brilliant.

#182Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 2:03pm

"isnt there some equity rule against less then seven shows a week? (Unless its a concert or standup engagement)"

No, there is no rule that states a minimum number of performances that must take place each week. However, there is no reduction in the minimum salary for the cast if they do schedule less than eight. The only time they can pay less than the minimum salary is if the closing week is prorated because they choose to not play out the full week, and have provided at least two weeks closing notice to the cast.

Wick3 Profile Photo
#183Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/20/14 at 2:45pm

Maybe Andrew Rannells extended to November?

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#184Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 3:43am

wait what girl played hedwig?!?

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

#185Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 4:29am

^^^Ally Sheedy, who did not fare well. I don't think that her failure necessarily means that no woman can take on the role, though casting a woman wouldn't necessarily be a choice I would make. Amanda Palmer, maybe

"Cheyenne is a little too muscular for the role. (I think he looks too 'manly'-you really need someone who Luther could mistake for a girl.) "

I don't think anyone could ever mistake Michael Cerveris for a girl under ANY circumstances, and imo (and many others), he was very good, possibly even better than JCM. I think he would revisit the role if he had the time (he did a one night only version for his dresser a couple years back), but I don't see him selling many tickets. I'd go, and Jane2, probably - but who else?

Can't see Cheyenne as Hedwig for a lot of reasons.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#186Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 9:44am

I'd definitely go. And btw, the Ally Sheedy stint was SO abysmal that I don't believe any other woman will be cast as Hedwig unless no one cares if the show does well or not. It isn't worth the gamble.


Auggie27 Profile Photo
#187Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 9:53am

For the record, Cerveris was brilliant. Scary, freaky, and in the closing moments, unlike any other I've seen (no, I didn't see HPH). His odd appearance -- the make-up seemed even more mask-like -- contributed to the poignancy of the character's plight. But I've always found less obviously beautiful drag performers more compelling, too.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

haterobics Profile Photo
#188Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 9:53am

"I'd go, and Jane2, probably - but who else?"

On this board, probably a lot of people...

Jane2 Profile Photo
#189Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 10:32am

Given that JCM is the definitive Hedwig, I liked Michael the best. He wasn't the prettiest Hedwig, but that worked out fine, as he excelled in many ways.

JCM himself stated, when he asked Cerveris to take over the role, that Michael sang the role better than he himself did.

Also, Michael had a way of emoting, even over-emoting, that worked for me.

His ad-libs were the best. My favorite - "Is there a doctor in the house? These people don't seem to have pulses." (on a night with a non responsive audience).

His Wicked Little Town reprise was breathtaking. With his bald head, twisting and gyrating body and heartfelt histrionics, made him appear as an alien from another planet. It truly was a transformation. NO other one came near the effect of that one.

For me, Michael was the most believable Hedwig. He kept the accent throughout, and every emotion was felt pretty intensely.


#190Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 10:38am

Since I saw the Cerveris's Hedwig, I'll pretty much follow him anywhere.

Let's not forget he probably has Fun Home coming up.

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#191Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 10:58am

Couldn't agree more, FindingNamo. Michael Cerveris' Hedwig is one of the top ten performances I've ever seen live on stage; absolutely enthralling.
Am really looking forward to seeing Andrew Rannells but MC blew my mind.

dreaming Profile Photo
#192Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 12:12pm

Michael Cerveris was my first Hedwig (I did subsequently see JCM) but Michael was the role for me. Maybe it's because he was my first Hedwig, but I thought his voice, acting choices, everything, really were just perfect. I wish they had re-recorded it with him as I loved his delivery ("Wig in a Box" and "Wicked Little Town" are my favorite songs with him).

I wish he could do a stint, but for a variety of reasons, it's highly unlikely.

Billie Joe Armstrong would be AMAZING. That would totally blow my mind. I think he'd be perfect.

haterobics Profile Photo
#193Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 12:57pm

Hedwig's future

macnyc Profile Photo
#194Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 12:58pm

If Fun Home isn't scheduled to start until, what, March, wouldn't Cerveris in theory have time to do a two-month Hedwig stint? I know he has other things on his calendar, though. I would love to see him in the role.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#195Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 1:45pm

I wonder if he has the same energy. At the end of his "Angry Inch" number, he ran into the audience up the center aisle, and then turned, ran, and made a flying summersault leap back onto the stage. Something no one else did, and we all looked forward to it every night!

He was 39 then.


dreaming Profile Photo
#196Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 3:06pm

It would be fun to find out, Jane! I bet he could-he just seems to have boundless energy-in everything I've seen him in since Hedwig, he's been incredible.

gstrus2 Profile Photo
#197Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 3:15pm

I wonder when they will announce the new Hedwig. They announced Andrew on June 12, more than 2 months before he started on August 20. The new Hedwig will start October 15, so it is already less than 2 months. How long do they need to rehearse, a month or so maybe? Hopefully they announce soon, I'm very anxious to find out who the next one will be!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#198Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 3:42pm

dreaming, I tend to think that neither JCM nor M. Cerveris wants to do Hedwig again, but if they should.....well, I'll be pulling some strings!!!!


dreaming Profile Photo
#199Hedwig's future
Posted: 8/21/14 at 4:01pm

Jane-If it was Michael Cerveris, I'd be sold. That said, I don't think he's going to do it. JCM has said he doesn't want to return.
