The NY Post has a story today with more information and also reports that Norbert Leo Butz is rehearsing to step in, I guess on a temporary basis.
NY Post on Speed-the-Plow
I would definitely go back to see Norbert in this.
Norbert and Raul together will be all kinds of awesome.
"A publicist for Jeremy Piven has confirmed that the actor has left “Speed-the-Plow.” In an email message, she writes: “Jeremy has not been feeling well and though he’d like to continue his role in ‘Speed-the-Plow,’ his doctors have advised him that he should end his run immediately.” The publicist referred any questions regarding Mr. Piven’s condition to his doctor.
Jeremy Piven has left the Broadway revival of David Mamet’s comedy “Speed-the-Plow,” the Web site of Variety reported on Wednesday. Mr. Piven, who plays a Hollywood executive in the comedy, which also stars Raúl Esparza and Elisabeth Moss, had missed Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s performances of the show and will not return."
Jeremy Piven Leaves ‘Speed-the-Plow’
Heh, I was just flipping channels and Regis and Kelly are talking about it. Regis was just reading Mamet's statement.
he's lucky he made that whiny crybaby excuse to mamet over the phone.
"Jeremy Piven will abruptly end his run in Broadway’s “Speed-the-Plow,” after missing Tuesday evening’s performance and a Wednesday matinee.
Piven has informed the producers that he hasn’t been feeling well and that the condition is attributable to a high mercury count.
The show’s producers weren’t returning calls, but Daily Variety reached out to David Mamet, who wrote the showbiz satire and seemed skeptical of the reasons for Piven’s departure.
“I talked to Jeremy on the phone, and he told me that he discovered that he had a very high level of mercury,” Mamet said. “So my understanding is that he is leaving show business to pursue a career as a thermometer.”
Mamet indicated that the show will go on despite Piven’s exit.
“The good news is that some really great actors will be helping out and stepping in, which to me is a sign of great heroism and friendship,” said Mamet, who declined to name the replacements.
Piven, who opened alongside Elisabeth Moss and Raul Esparza in the successful revival of Mamet’s play on Oct. 23, had been expected to stay until late February.
A spokeswoman for the actor said he wanted to continue in the role but that doctors advised him he should end his run immediately.
The show is one of a handful of star-driven play revivals to log strong sales this fall, with “Plow” generally averaging more than $500,000 per week since opening to strong reviews.
Piven’s spokeswoman said the diagnosis came from a team of doctors headed by Dr. Carlon Colker, an internist and attending physician at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York and Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut, and also CEO and medical director of Peak Wellness.
Colker could not be reached for comment."
Mamet skeptical
I'd go back in a heartbeat to see Butz in the show! Sadly, my dance card is FULL.....I might just blow something else off to see it though!
Interesting comment about witnessess to seeing Piven frequenting bars and such. There's gonna be a lawsuit.
definitely going to see the show with Norbert in it.
I mean, I was thinking about seeing it with Piven, but Norbert pushed me over the edge.
Same here! I feel bad for Piven, but I'm SO excited about this news.
In the article, it does say that Butz will temporarily take over. But I guess he'll most likely stay until the end of the run, right?
omg, like i'm so totally feeling bad for priven too. like they almost never cast thermometers on broadway. he'll be sooo typecast. so i guess it's good that he's leaving show business.
I hope so. :)
Norbert's casting makes me feel better. He's an incredible actor. I'll bet he'll be brilliant alongside Raul.
Stand-by Joined: 9/2/08
Piven draws the crowds in but Raul wins them over by the end of the show. Butz is a great performer, but doesn't have the 'star power' of Piven so I can see the numbers really dropping. Sad, but true.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I would guess he'll start tomorrow, with a put-in tomorrow afternoon. Script yesterday, blocking today...
Featured Actor Joined: 10/23/07
So I assume nobody knows how long Butz will be in it? All the articles say he's a temporary replacement.
Yeah, I hope Butz's run is temporary. He may be a draw for the hardcore Broadway crowd but he isn't going to be a draw for the more casual crowd STP will need to sustain it through the complete run.
per playbill, William H Macy is going to take over for Butz who starts on December 23 with Lage filling in until then
Click me
Updated On: 12/18/08 at 11:17 AM
Oh yeah, there's going to be a lawsuit, and I doubt Jeremy Piven will ever work on Broadway again. And the scandal is going to get worse before its done with (by which I mean, lots more icky details will come out). I can't wait to see what sort of backpedaling spin Piven's agent and the Entourage producers will come up with to clean up the mess left by this "mercury poisoning" idiocy. I wonder if they'll even attempt the "he was mis-diagnosed" excuse?
Mamet said "actors" (plural) and he's far too careful with words to make a mistake in that way, so it seems quite possible there will be more than one replacement. Like, Norbert for a month and then someone else (a celeb name, perhaps?) for the second month. Now that they've got Norbert in place, they can breathe a little easier.
OK, now I have to go back twice and see it.
Piven's "doctor" speaks:
Where did he FIND this guy???
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
Oh, so Butz is only in it for a really short period? I guess I need to get a ticket this week to see him. Butz is one of my all time favorite actors. I'm still pissed I missed him in "Fifty Words."
Macy might be a TAD old for the role....but I think he will also be incredible!!!
So Norbert will be in starting the 23rd and go through January 11th, then William H Macy starts on January 13th and will play until the run closes on Feb 22nd.
I hope their ticket sales go through the roof!! Break a leg, guys!!
I agree, I think Macy is a tad old for the role, since Bobby and Charlie are supposed to be about the same age. But who cares! I think this will be thrilling beyond words to witness! BOTH!