Not an overheard conversation but I found this to be ...amusing. While picking up my tux for this year's Tony Awards, the lady in the store that was helping me congratulated me on my nomination. I was wearing my Color Purple T-Shirt. I almost thanked her just for the heck of it!
<<<<(And yes, that is me in my tux just before going to the Awards last month.)
When the tour of Rent came through the people in front of us could not figure out what guy with the squeegee was doing during the “honest living, honest living” part.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/04
I love this thread!
people behind me at Sweeney: "Do you understand what's going on?"
a little later: "I like RENT"
teh usher while my friend and I and I are explaining the show: "He rapes her"
Leading Actor Joined: 12/31/69
somethingwicked- thats hysterical how the women spoke right to the conductor. Oh god, I would have cracked up laughing.
During ALL SHOOK UP, a week before it closed. At Intermission
Man Next To Me- This show is good
Wife- Where's Elvis? Its good, but where's Elvis. I mean its his music.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
Clumsy, you should have told her that dear Elvis has departed this earth and see what kind of reaction that would have got.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
HaHa. I would have loved to but I felt the shock might kill her.
Funny though, When Cheyenne does the "I've been with alot of women." and points to a women and goes "Alot" he did it to the women who said the Elvis thing and she got all exicted. Mysteriously, her husband and her disappeared before the 2nd act. I think he killed her out of a jealous rage.
I was ROW AA. It was awesome.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
The set for that was awesome!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
While at the Pantages Theatre today picking up a Joseph ticket:
(While waiting in line, as we were making small talk.)
Woman Behind Me: So what show are you going to see [when you get your tickets]?
Me: Everything. Joseph, Little Women, and Rent.
Woman: Really? Is that so?
Me: Hah, yep.
Woman: How is Joseph?
Me: I don't know, I haven't seen it yet. That's why I'm buying tickets.
Woman: What about Little Women?
Me: What about it? I haven't seen that either.
Woman: Yeah, but it was on Broadway.
Me: Yeah.
Woman: So...?
Me: Um...
And then my phone rang. I was just... intrigued. Hah. And so uncomfortable.
Sweeney Todd this afternoon-
While exiting the theatre, a girl said (regarding Tobias) "They should have adopted him." (They meaning Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett.) Perhaps they didn't notice that Mrs. Lovett's affection for Tobias was completely fake and the Todd and Mrs. Lovett refered to killing him once or twice.
I actually had a hard time following Sweeney Todd. I thought she loved Tobias until she locked him in the basement.
At my local theater I was doing a production of "Cabaret" and in the News paper review of our show it talked about how our director chose take out songs from the movie and replace them with others that the director wrote, like "Don't Tell Mama" and "Why Should I Wake Up".
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
I adore this thread with all my heart and soul.
I heard this one outside the St. James Theatre. There was an elderly couple whom I think were looking for the entrance to the theatre. They were looking at where everyone else was going in and the woman said, "Is this it?" Um... Where do you think all the people are going in order to enter the theatre?
Not sure if that qualifies, but I had to post to support this wonderful thread. Long live the thread!
Oh, and sorry to make another post, but I don't like that ugly "updated on" thing at the bottom of an updated post, and I think by this post I am a Broadway Legend (!!!) but anyway:
This was at the last preview of FESTEN. A lot of people were obviously there to see Ali Macgraw. When Julianna Marguiles entered and was doing her first scene, a lady behind me said, "Is that Ali MacGraw?"
Also, at the beginning of that same performance, there was a sound of running water. A lady behind me was like, "That's not good if we can hear water," or something like that.
Then, at the end, as we were exiting the theatre, a man said to his wife, "Well, Ali MacGraw was a total waste."
*Sigh* Some people.
my supervisor just asked me if i was crying because all she can hear is these little quick gasps of air because i am HYSTERICAL over here and now i have tears running down my face.
god - this thread will keep me sane at work today!
I laughed heartily for a good ten minutes at Kent's post with the quote about Cats. Hysterical. This thread rocks.
At Sweeney Yesterday:
Woman #1: Do you think they're actually playing the instruments? I'm pretty sure there's an underground orchestra.
Woman #2: Yeah. That sounds about right.
This thread is making me laugh so much. I don't have any funny anecdotes, but everyone else keep them coming. This is very amusing.
This thread is sooooo fun Thanks everyone... and how in the world can anyone think the SWEENEY cast isn't playing the instruments?! *sigh*
Swing Joined: 7/6/04
Ok I have to weigh in on this one. This thread justs keeps making me laugh. So here's mine. On the night that Broadway lowered the lights for Jerry Orbach I heard a tourist say
"Why is Broadway lowering it's lights for the guy on Law and Order?"
I nearly choked on the soda was drinking.
Oh! I remembered one!
At Wicked intermission, a girl talking to her boyfriend:
"I like this show, but it reminds me a lot of The Wizard of Oz."
I almost lost it.
This thread is so funny keep the stories coming!
I'm using some of these anecdotes in my AIM away messages!